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1 1 . 1 : 1 1 I QUESTION OF CONSTITUTIONALITY RAISED. Albany. X. Y.. April 30.— There is much dissatisfaction ovr the Agnew betting bills that are scheduled for consideration in the Senate Tuesdav. and they are certain to meet with forceful abjections. Much discussion -will OCCUr over them when they com.- to a 1mal vote, the opinion of some of the In-st bsal minds ln-ing that Ihey would In- declared 1111 stituiional by the high courts, and Would Utterly Mil to accomplish what is desired by the few that favor them. A lawyer of high standing in speaking liixm these bills said that a law tlrat would make it ■ crime 1. is the provisions of one of these proposed measures , WOUld do to publish an item of news which stale.l that the betting upon a football game or a rowing race between Yale and Harvard or anv other col- leges was 2 to 1 would never be sustained by the courts Of New York state. He also added that the legislature which enacted such measures would 1k open to ridicule, for it would surely deprive the poo- : pie of their just rights and personal liberty in dv-liinee of the constitution of the countrv. • Ex-Lieutenant Governor Lewis s. hauler said h could not make himself believe tliat a law which would have t he effect of making if I crime for friends to make wagers was right, and he would heartily oppose any smh legislation. "Personal friends are justly and legally entitled to such privileges, * said he. There are indications that the bills mav 1h amended, as the spirit or opposition lo them has reached Bach a iKdiit that the people regard them as too drastic. They fear that their rights mav be endangered by the enactment of these measures.