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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. I Coiiuiiiiiicatioiis without names and addresses I will not be noticed nor answered. No answers will I In- sent by mail and none by wire unless reply pre- I I puvuieiit is made at time of wiring query. It. R . Toronto, tint. Orover Hughes. T-ish. St. I .uis. Mo. When did the race take place? J. D. M.. 1/onisville. Kv. The corrVction has al ready been made a ml published. K. II.. Cincinnati. O. If the two ls.rses in the same race should run a- good as the places named the parlay would win. Johnny M.. Chicago. It won on Whin at 1 to 2. the other two not counting because one was •"out" to show and the other seratchod. C. C. II.. Chicago. If one backs an entry he backs whatever the owner may start. If the horse hail won you Would have Iieen entitled to payment. Shoryan. Toronto. Out. ill Martyrdom is by St. Blaise D»untles and foaled in this country. 2| No. C! Slaughter, a good one Half a Crown and oth. Is.