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SENATE PASSES AGNEW BILL. Albany. N. V.. May 19. — The Senate todav passed J the Agnew bill prohibiting the publication of betting odds and the Perkins bill relative to keeping betting and gaming establishments. The bills are two of a i series of four designed to prohibit bookmakini:. Their adoption fr lowed a sharp debate of an hour. . The vote was twenty-eight to fourteen. An attempt - by Senator Wagner t interpolate a clause ■ aimed at Wall street to prevent the publication of f slock quotations was defeated, twenty-seven to fifteen. - Both bills now go to the Assemblv for con currence. The reason for the Perkins bill being ; returned is lieeanse. although it had passed the ■ Assembly, it had been amended in .he Senate. The ■ bills will go to the Rules Committee on reaching : the Assembly, and another effort will be. made to have them amended.