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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. C. II.. Kenosha. Wis. Certainly. The second bet is to be paid. K. It. S.. Toronto, Out. S. Davis riding per coinage is .1!::. K. K.. Chicago. The bet lost. The entry should have been backed. J. K.. Cincinnati. O. There is no relation between the two cases quoted. W. C. Nashville. Teiin. Tiie parlay stood as a single bet on Oypsy King. A. H.. Toronto. Out. The straight bet on Zeus lost, the place liet was a draw. C. B.. Chicago. Dunceaways straight price in equivalent booking odds should have read US to 100. O. K.. Cincinnati. O. If the time at the i»osl and the time s|Miit in the running were to be counted, the wager was in time, otherwise not. Ceo. S.. Kansas City. Mo. F.Ina Bey is registered in Yol. 0. page 022 of the Stud Book and hev produce is duly eligible when also registered. C. P., Toronto. Out. V Wagers on Busy May 7 were draws. 2i Straight bets on Chilton Squaw lost, place bets were draws, there Ix-iug no separate place price against her. W. C. Iitcairn. Pa. The parlay lost through Dareington. One making a parlay wagers that a number ot horses will run to certain named places. If i. in- fails, the bet loses. A limit of the price that will be paid has no bearing on the matter.