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HUNGARYS AID TO BREEDING. Pudapest, Hungary, July L — lite Hungarian Ministry lor Agriculture have published the dfeftuitlve distribution of the government stallions for the current stud season. Tlie Hungarian gov era BSC ul owns four studs. The best known, at Kisber, produces English thoroughbreds ami ha If bi eils. Sixteeii stallions are located at Kisber. fifteen thoroughbreds and one hall-bred, but two of the thoroughbreds are based to private breeders, viz.. Prismas 11. la sou of Doncaster and Kilcock an imported son of Bfiwarifh. They represent a lot of most fashionable blood, partly imported, partly bred in Hungary, those imported being Beam Vista, Sib ve Gsjffou, Adam the French bred son of Flying Fox. Rocket ter, BuUUI i . Royal Lancer. History ami Admiral Rlecze, while tlie rest are of Hungarian breed. The government stud at Raholna pradarea only horses id oriental descent, thoroughbred Arabians and half-breds. In tile official distribution seven thoroughbred Arabian stallions are given and six ball-bred Arabians, but some days ago the stud suffered a great loss by the death of oliajah, the senior id the seven thoroughbred Arabian sires. Imported O Rajah son of OTtajan, out of Meneghie aras bred thirty years ago in Arabia by the tribe Tell-el-Kelah, and bought in lfcs." for tit*- Hungarian gen eminent by Mr. de Luczenbacher and the then Cantata Fadlallali el Hedad. Faillallaii is a born Arabian who came here in the sixties, -when Colonel Biudf iman bought a numerous transport of pure bred Arabian horses in Arabia for the goverhsaeut. The transport was taken aboard a steamer, but immediately before the departure a little fctlow called Fuillallah swam to the ship on which his horse was embarked. lie was laken on board and was pleased to be able to remain with his pet. This incident was related to King Francis Joseph, when inspecting the horses, and he decided to educate the boy in a military school. Later Fadlallali entered the army and he now holds the rank of colonel and is commander of the Stud Raholna. the home of his loved Arabian horses. Oliajah bccane-one of the best stallions Babflbts lias had for years, and during the twenty live years of his stud life he sired many colts able to perpetuate his valuable blood. Ninety-six of his sons are government coiuitry stallions iu Hungary, not counting those exported to Austria. Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and even Japan, while his numerous daughters are a tower of strength; to horse breeding iii Hungary. The third stud of the government, the largest of all. Is at Mesahegyes, with seven thoroughbred stal lions and four half-breds. Besides these there is a Gidran stallion of oriental origin crossed witli English blood aud five Nonius stallions, whose ancestor was a stallion Imported ninety years ago from Nor mainly. The fourth stud Of the government is to rated at Fogaras, with nine stallions of Lialaaaa blood. The LipizsauS are a cross of Spanish. Italian and Arabian horses originally bred at Lipizza. a stud on the Adriatic shores of Austria. Beaides these studs the Hungarian government OSTBS four large stallion depots at Szekesfehervar. Nagy-koros, Debreczen and Sepsi St. Gyorgy. Tin- Inmates of these depots ate only stallions, there being S.H thoroughbred stallions. 1.552 half-bred sires, .".7 thoroughbred Arabians. 306 hair bred Arabians. -,7 Nonius stallions. 283 Gidran horses. 71 Lipizzau stallions and 114 cold-bred ones. When the stud season arrives all the stallions of the depots are sent to slit breeding stations, at Hie service of farmers and other country | pie, at a fee varying from half a dollar up to the maximum of five dollars. Counting all the stallions at the sluds and tlie depots. Hie Hungarian government owns a stallion stock composed of 28] Rhgllsfa thoroughbreds. L558 half-breds, ;:: pure-bred and 112 Half-bred Arabians. 57« of Nonius descent, 204 Gidr.-ms, lsu Upfahtans and 114 cold bred ones, the number amounting in all to 3,267 govern men t stallions.