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BRILLIANT MEETING IS ASSURED. Louisville Racing of This Fall Certain to Set New-Standard for the Future. Louisville. Kv.. September *,— Maj. .1. M. Woraack, the Oral treasurer of the Louisville Jockey Club, while in a temlahsccnl mood a day or two ago. related some interesting earl J history of Louisville racing. The prospects for a brIUkftBl fall race meeting, opening October 1 and eon I inning for nineteen racing Oars, led up to the conversation. As Major Womack told it. the Louisville Jockey Club was formed by a number of prominent Citizens oi Ixrtlis-eille. ami he was [ts lirsi treasuxer and manager. Alter Ihe club had been formed, the ground leased and the track bnUt, tiie association was tied up for some time through lack of funds. Finally a prominent member of tlte club. Major Thomas, now dead. ; nl then one of Louisvilles leading business men. used bis inflnence for tee association to barrow 15,000 to erect a Krandatand. Tbe loan ncgo-Eiateil through B. D. Veech, who is stiil alive at an advanced aKe in this county, and work was soon begun on Die Structure. It bad been the intention of Ihe builders to locate the grandstand Where it is at present, but upon rati sulfation with the street rail road company ii was ascertained that it might be years before ihe Hacks coald bo laid through Ihe lagoons which were then on tile north side of the course, and so the first stand was erected on the site where the idd riubhoUSC is now located. Tbe track was then about ready for its opening meeting, anil Ihe directors mel to elect a president of Ihe club. Thai position was tendered to the Hon. Charles IV Jacob, then maypr of this city, ami he was Importuned to accept the place. From the beginning to the end be refused, ami finally compromised With the club by permitting his name to be placed in tbe directorate. Tbe directors then left it with Major VVomsek to select a president, and he tendered the position to ti e late Richard Ten Broeck, famous for the campaign be made in England with Auierican-ured horses, he be big the pioneer in racing American noises abroad. Major Ten Broeck. residing al what is knovvn as Hairy bourne Farm, did not sir his way eear to take up tin- duties of such a posilion. as be bad announced some lime previously his withdrawal from the turf, and had about concluded to sell ail of bis horses, having met with the misfortune of losing the successful young sire. Phaeton. Then, loo. be was beginning io he advanced in years, and Laving been an active man all Of his life, felt Hint he iiad earned a rest. Al this juncture Major Womack learned that Col. M. Lewis Clark, a nephew of John Churchill, would accept the position, ami so ihe place was tendered to bin and he became the Srsl president of the club. Mr. Churchill owned the ground on which the track was located and iie club eased it from him. with the privilege of purchasing i! at the end of tell years at .S7C0 an acre. In the course of linn-, with its changes and vicissitudes, Mr. Churchill acquired a controlling Interest in ihe stock, and it remained virtually his property until his death. At thai lice Mr. Churchill was then a bachelor and Colonel Clark, his nephew, was his nearest of kill and heir, hut in late life Mr. Churchill married and left a so i. w ho inherited the estate. II was in settlement of thai estate that the present New Louisville Jockey Club was formed to purchase tbe plant, which it did at an Outlay of 00,000. The present club then erected the new stand and made the other Improvements as tbev stand today. In recalling the autumn races of early years a! Churchill l»o,viis. Major Wotuack related much of .merest ha! is little known to patrons of the racing of today. Major Womack says that for the Brat ten or twelve years in the history of Churchill Downs as a race track the fall iced imrs held as much pres-lige as tin- spring sessions of the sport. One reason for thai was that the card in the autumn had quite a number of races over a considerable distance of ground. Irian Which Colonel Winn has taken his cue of putting on several races this fall at fairly long distances, even up to two miles. The Autumn Stakes, which will be decided this fall, is a revival of a race called the Maiden Slakes in the early history of the club. Major V.omaek won this with a coll railed VaUlter. Ihe lirst St. I.egcr. according to Major Womack. was about as great a r o e as any Derby ever run here. He bases this idea on the fact that two great horses ran one iWO in thai race King Alfonso finished lirst and Ten ft meek second. The former was for years at ihe head of tiie stud of Hie famous Woodhurn farm id A. J. Alexander, and there sired the mighty Fox hall, the tits; horse to will great honors for James R. Keene in fact, be made a record thai no American-bred or English-bred horse has duplicated, he winning ihe Grand Piia de Parte, tbe Cesare-wltch and the Cambridgeshire Handicap in England. IK then sired Fonau, winner of the Kentucky Derby in 1888; Jpe Cotton, wfficb won that event in 18X5 and many other famous stake winners. Ten Broeck, of canrae, a! one time held nearly half a dozen American rec rds, and in tbe stud sired many noted racers, among which were the great ltrake Carter, which lowered his own sires record al three miles, and thai wonderful horned burse. Reman. from every standpoint there is only one conclusion to Ii-- reached, and I ha I is thai the eoming fall meet ing al Churchill Downs will far overshadow all of its brilliant predecessors of the autumn season of Ihe year. Turfmen will gather in the paddock and on the ipiarter afretch Ibis fall who could never have been expected at the Downs had not the race tracks in Now York been forced to suspend for at least a pari of the season. The illtlons prevailing here bad II feel of re awakening interest among a class of people in tin- west ami south who have of lite years grown a little lukewarm in their patronage Of the l iief. From Oklahoma. Nevada, far away Texas and as far north as Winnipeg will come peprefeutative citizens to enjoy tbe fall meeting at the Downs. Colonel Wiuu has so arranged things thai the eastern horsemen, driven from their accustomed baantS, may race for as nearly as much money as ill Ihe fall al Sheepstiead Hay and Giavesend. Of the tin slake:, to be run here none carries less than a ,500 valuation, and four of them are ,000 events, lie- overoishl purses mid handicaps will be liberal in proportion, and on any occasion will permit tbe eardiag of a special race an extraordinary amount will be I g up if Ihe attraction will warrant il. Manager Winn would not hesilale I,, give ,000 or 0,000 for a single race if the sport thai race would furnish Justified such an outlay. Tbe coming meeting means a great deal to Ken-lucky and its turf and breeding interests. The New Louisville Jockey Club has done more tbaa any other agent to put racing on its present high plane in this slate, and i has also exerted an Influence over the policy of otiier racing associations within the con tines of Kentucky. W hile rtecrctary Lymaa II. Davis will not lie able o announce anything like a complete list of the entries for the ten slakes which closed on Wednesday ! for several days yet, it may be of iuleresl to note that R. It. Bradleys recent purchase, the,500 Helmet is among the entries for the St. Leger Han Olcpp. Mr. Bradley Is bringing Helmet here wltb fiOVe-Not, for which he paid . 7,0 !i al Ihe Keene sale. Among the two year-. dds that Woodford Clay arlU bring here with Ocean Bond and his other horses is his mil Kentucky Derby candidate. Single File, and the half sister to Nimbus. Abmatta, a Kentucky oaks eligil le for next season. Mr. Clay has hall great suceess with Allies, Flying Ship, Outcome ami •intent racing brilliantly lor him before eian Bouitd, He also had the brilliant Dunning Water in Ilis stable when that great marc was a Iwo vear-Oill. Trainer W. II. Finer has added two promising two year-olds to his string iii a batf-brotber to Bd Alveyg noted gelding, iiiik d.:. and a sisier to Jeff Bernsteiu, a bay filly by Orlando Lake Breexr, by Lcoaatua. These youagstera have been running out all summer and are in line condition now to go in training. The half brother lo Fiakota is a lav col! by ihe dead stallion. Captain Stgabee, sire of Cottontown. Martin Doyle and other good performers. Trainer Fixer aoM Ins ten tWO-yen r-oidri to care for. Ill.- three veat -obis. Boca Uraade ami Eye w hite, are [he only horses oilier than I w 0 -year-olds in tlx string d twelve bead that this horseman has in charge at Churchill Downs. decretal* Davte had gown1 thing of interest to say yesterday res neeting he oi: talked about Installation of a totalizator as an addition to the pari-mutnel niachlucs in operation at the meetings at Churchill Downs. Bald he: "Whenever an inventor i- able to perfect such a device ii will be Installed in tiie betting ring of the New Louisville Jockey C1ab." According to Seerel iry Davis., such a device as a totalizator has been tried; in fact, several of them have been tested, but to date the result desired lias not been abtateed. lu Fiance, in which republic thi parl-matoel system of Itettlag was originated, aaj number of attempts have been made to perfect ■ erand totalizator, and a similar effort has been made in Australia and tbe Argentine Republic. Hamilton Applegate, treasurer of the New Louisville Jockey club, went to Parte to observe the operation of the parl-mutael method* at Leocchampa, Aateull, t ha i tilly. Mais ::s I.atlit te am! other race courses around the great French elty. While in Parte Mr. Apple-gate Pad a long talk wilb tin- inventor of the pari UiUtuei lulling system, who is still alive. The concrete results of his investigation is tlie plan in vogie- at Charcbill Downs. Secretary w. K. Bid well, of the Kentucky state Baciug Commission, pas none to Lexington, where the otli. e of die commission is located. He is anticipating man.. appUcatfnaa fir trainers and jockeys license* in tie- neat tew days from caste ra horsemen and riders who will invade the Kentucky race circuits this fall. Racing Secretary Shelley of Lexington has several such applications already tiled with him. and Secretary Bhlwell, after look lot theie ov r. will issue the licenses of the applicants who are In g I turf standing. This UOWCr has been Invested bl aim by the chairman of the coiuuiissiou, but the i uiiiiiilasbaii i n may later revoke the license if they so destroy , Louisville. Ky., September o- Delayed mails from Canada a il the east today brought thirty-six additional entries for the fall stakes at Churchill Downs. This makes a total of 810 entries to the ten events. These entries came trom Saratoga and Canada chiefly, The nominators embraced W. W. Darden, Iai Dunne, p. ]l. Million. Tommy Durns. Weber and Ward. Clint De Witt. F. C. Budd, F. A. Iorsythe. fates!. y Woodford, E. I roller and Kalcigh Coislon. Ihe additional entries were two for the St. Leger, five for the Frank Fefar, six for Ihe Iroquois, two for the Falls City, three lor the South L6uteyil]c Handicap, one for the Shawnee am! two for Ihe Cherokee Selling Slakes, nine for the Autumn Stakes ami six for Qolden Rod Stakes. The entries in tbe various events now total as follows: St. Leger Handicap, 50: Frank Fehr Handicap. 64; Irmpiois Handicap, tilt; Falls City Handicap, 511: Sooth Louisville Handicap. 63: Shawnee Selling Stakes. 57: Cherokee Selling Stakes, 50; Autumn .Stakes. 0: Golden Rod Selling Stakes, 77; Maple Selling Slakes. 50. Among the horses in the delayed list are Princess Callaway, Gold Oak. Danceaway, Byebrigbt, Dr. Hoteberg, Dclf, Ferrand Cedlten, Bruce Rfee ami The Peer, while nearly every two-year-old of prominence in America is engaged in the juvenile events, the Autumn and JohleO Rod Slakes. Tommy Burns nominated Glucose in the stakes and in sending the entry tiled an application for :i trala-ers license with W. F. Didwcil. secretary of the Kentucky State Racing Commission. Durns has retired from the saddle, lie is a brother of Gay Burns, who will ride a* tbe Downs this fall. Henderson and ltogan arrived from Saratoga wilh twelve racers. They have -I. II. B I. Snap and the two rear-olds. Led Klaw, Rd Morgan. Colonel Hogaa, Dr. Bodlne. Albert Wolf. Star Blase and Lavender Lad. James GriflU shipped west with Henderson .V Hogaa. He has Czar ami tbe t wo year-obls, Fairy Stpry, Li! He Ralab, Receiver and Epsom. It is though! the Kentncky Stale Racing Commission will meet September 14. The thirty-days time limit on the proposed new rules Introduced at the last session of ihe cnuii.asshci in Lexington expires September 1.:. The most important provides thai a reeognized veterinarian shall hold ihe position .! paddock judge on the three Kentucky tracks this fall at a daily salary of 0. If this is passed it will cause the retirement oi Dr. Keogb at La too is and Die veteran John Walsh at Churchill Downs. Walsh is the oldest emnlovee on tlie payroll of the New Louisville Jockey Club.