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MAY FURNISH A TEST CASE. New fork. Sopieinber ::. it is probable thai tlie new "oral" bookntakiaat law and the ao-called own-tea* and directors IfatbOitjr law will be put to the tot and brought before tbe courts shortly. Tbe test auu come as a result of some alleged violation of the laws al the Richmond County Pair, which will !«• bell an Btatea Island next week. Tbe official* of the fair have notified the Sheriff and ilislict attorney thai they will expect them to detect and arrest any person violating the new laws. By such notification and by the posting of placards on tin groaada waraiag aatroaa of the peaaltj of Sack violations of the law. the erliials sav Ihe;. raaaol be led.l under ll w ners au I directors liability statute if such a law is violated.