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LOUISVILLE MEETING TO BE GREATEST EVER. Predictions of Management to Be Completely Fulfilled — List of Stable Assignments. Louisa Ule, Kv.. September 17. — The total number of horses entered in the tea stake events for the Churchili Downs fall meeting is 245. Secretary Lyman H. Davis announced today that iu the Batter of class the nominal ions far surpass those of pro i mi s years insofar as fall racing is concerned. Thus ■ ■very claim that Kentucky is to have the greatest racing known in many years has been fulfilled. Toe coming meeting i- expected to eclipse iu brilliancy all that have passed before. Practically all of the sensational horses of the American turf have bei n entered, headed by the star racers in tie- table of Samuel C. Hildreth, the leading winner of 1910. lie has reserved eighteen stalls at Churchill Dowas. .Mr. HUdreth led all others in the number of nominations in the handicaps and stakes, tending in tit 1 v . For the St. Leger he named Restigoucbe, Firestone. Sits Herbert. Uamp- ton Cou.i ami Woodcraft. All of these and others of the Hildreth band are named in the other events to which tiny are eligihle. Mr. BIMretha Novelty is named to start in the South Louisville Handicap and the Autumn Stakes. Novelty, in these events, will clash with Governor Gray, the beat tsre-year-old in the west. Col. M. .1. Winn is enthusiastic over the outlook for spectacular aporl and be anticipates the greatest crowds a race track in the middle west has enjoyed since the gales closed at Washington Park in Chicago. Lyman 11. Davia, secretary and handleapper of the New Louisville Jockey Cluh. has completed his assignment of stalls at Charchlll Downs. The horses already here, and those to come, make a total at this track alone of 739 head. This, with fully -4" M I ipaartered at and to come to Dougl a s Iark. will make between 1,100 and 1.300 tboroaghbrvda for the fall meeting, which opens .Saturday. October 1, at the Downs. A full list of ■ tables at the Dow as is as follows: Shed Row No. 1 — I, Hatfield. 9; W. W. Harden. 2: w. T. Anderson, 8; .1. T. Weaver, 4; George Trubel. 4: .lames lass. 1. Shed Row No. 2 L. Kelly. 4: .1. W. Rodgers, 2; Lee Christy, 6; Dlllard Kill. 7. Shed Row No :i -E. T. Morris. 3: Ilickev Pros., .1: 1. .1. Jones. 2: ll. McMillan. 2: J. M. Bond, 4: Mode Nieoll, 4: R. Gllmore, 1; 0. II. Marlman. 2; K. Brown, 1: Scott Williams. 2. Shed Rowe No. 4 — It. II. Clark. 2: .T. C. Calm. 8; J. Cook. I; 0. 1*. Brazier. 2: I . llanimond, 3; K. Varwig. 3; M. Barton, 2: 1". B. Stevens, 2; F. Start ta, 6: A. Wilson, 4: c. K. Patterson, 7. i Shed Row No. r, W. V. Casey. 4: A. It. Sbnde. ft; W. II. Steele. 3; t. llak. 2: Kimhall Patterson, 2. Stable A — J. M. Odom. 12: J. Rod gap. 11; Mose Goldblatt. •:: Martin Foley. 5; T. Barns. 2: J. c. pert iss. s; lames S. Kverman. 7: "Tex" Forman, 2; A. L. Klrny. :.: .1. W. Young. 3. Stable It — J. I!, Bespess, 14: Pat Dunne. 7: II. R. Brandt, B; D. c. Cottle. :!: F. .1. Pons, :i; Barney Bchreiber, 14: Charles Hughes. 1. Stable C— R. N. Smith, i; W. Wallace, 4; W. S. House, i: J. B. Lewmaa, 4. Stable D — George J. Long. IS. Stable K — W. S. Hopkins, 11: W. F. Schulte. 7. Stable F— W. P. Ac L. E. Fine, 0; C. C. Van Meter. 7. Stable G — C. It. Reid, :.; Lon Jones, 5: Peter Wlaanaer, 10. Stable II E. Corrigan. 10: T. C. McDowell. 0. Stable |_Pat KeeneU. 5; J. W. May, 11. Stable J — W. Shields. K; T. Ahadie, ft. Stable k— F. It. Bradley. IS; W. M. Allen. 5. Stable L— M. J. Cromwell, 4; .1. C. iallaher, 3; F. D. Weir, In. Stable M— W. Gorst and G. II. Holle, 8; II. L. Shaw. K Stable N — S. C. Hildreth. IS. Stable 0 — W. ». Joplin. S; i. R. Bryson. 5; James Gritlin. I: I. II. Nichols, 4. Stable P — Lon Johnson, 3; W. Grater, 2; J. Baker, 11. Stable Q— W. J. Young. IS; J. S. Ward, ft; J. T. Ireland, S; Woodford Clay, S: Amos Tnrney, 8; S. K. Hughes. ::: g. W. J. Blssell, ft. Stable K— F.ugene Lulz. 5: James Lally, 5; W. L. Lewis. 8. Stable S— James P.lute. 11: Max Ilirscb. ft: Hugh MeCarren, 16; J. It. Wainwright. 14; J. Walters. 7: D. Vititoe. 3; M. P. Mattingly, 3. Stable T — Y. II. Fixer. 14: Henderson and Began, is: J. P. Ross. 1i : W. G. Yanke, 0; J. C. Milam, t; A. J. Gorcv, 2. Stable X — E. If. Phillips, ft. At this time there are but three unengaged stalls at the Downs.