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WORK-OUTS OF HORSES IN KENTUCKY. Lexington, Ky.. September 19. — Recent work outs of horses in training here were as follows: Ada O. Walker, tlve-eii;!, t lis : 241. M|, U |, 1:0»$. Aaa, one mile: 24, 302. 8H, 1:181, 1:44. Alice, half mile: 5]j . Aspirin, three -quart era: 243. 51 3. 1:18. Alice Rami, one mile: 25. 4fif. I:b8ft, 1:291. 1:48, Asbury, live-eighths: 25 = . 511, 1:0U. Adder e mile 25i, Bli, 1:18, 1 :40. Ada Meade, t hrec iiuariers : lia. 2-"., ."..".J, Is*. 1:01L 1:15. Backet Brigade, three-quarters: 241, 40i, l:i«|. Chapultepec, seven eighths: 1:35. canlering. Carew. one mile: 1:45. cantering. Carlton ;.. one mile: 20. 51|, 1:18, 1:10. Civita. half mile: 24ji. 40?.. County Clerk, one mile: f:58f, cantering. Clay Be, one mile: 24j . 491. 1:18, 1:4.1-. Crex, three-quarters : 21. 191. 1:18. Befauaey, three-quarters: 2 ;. 5::. I:18|. Discontent, tive-eigliths : 24f, 48, 1:02. Danger Mark, three qaartf IS 2:;?.. 4!. l:o2J, l:18|. Easing near end. Daaaeaae, tbme-qnartera: 25?,. 51, 1:17;. Descomncts. t liree-ipiart ers: 1:1!. Frosty Lancaster, are-eight ba: 234, I8f, 1 :01|. French King, live -eight lis: 24. 49?.. 1 :th»g. Glorio. one mile: 20. El|, 1 :17j, 1:401 Oohag Some, live-eighths: 24. 4!1. l: 2i. Jreen Seal, live eighths: 1:o5?. Huck. thaae-aaartats: 24j, 50*. 1:19s. Easing to a canter. Daaa, tares oaac tcaa: 1:20. cantering. John Furlong, one mile: 248, 49f, 1:16, 1:43. All out. John Grirtin II.. five-eighths: 1:08, cantering. Joe .Morris, three-ipiarters: 1:20, cantering. King Solomon, half mile: 48$. Kings Daughter, three quarters: 1:281, cantering. Lawrence I. Daley, one mile: 25». 58$, 1:18, 1:14. Gaad work. Marlboro, five-eighths: 1 :l»7». Meadow grass, three quarters: SS, 4!*. 1 :17|. Mopbaudle. five eighths: 1:05. latum*, three-qnartera; 2B|, 50:. 1:17|. Mrs. Sewell, three quarters: 24?. 884, 1:108 Merrick, live-eighths: 24;. 4S. l-88f. Milton P... one mile: 23?.. 4Sii, 1:15;. 1:2!;, I:43. Extra goi«l wink. Monty Fox. live eighths: 24. 49;. 1:03;. Mr. Jolightly, three-quarters: 25;. 51, 1:184]. Miss Sain. live-eighths: 1*08$, Miss Dulin, three-quarters: 23?. 352. 4S3. 1:02*. 1:1«S. Mamie Algol, one mile: 28$, 52;. 1:18|, 1:48. Nancy Ray, three-quarters: 1:22. Ijuly Ormicant, thr quarters: 24*. 51|, 1:17£. Pirate Diana, one mile: 25?. 51«, 1:19;. 1:47 Plan Ryan, five-eighths: 24$, 50. ] ;»2?. Boy Flaunt, five-eighths: 25, 5o. l:03f. Round tbe World, five-eighths: 11*. 24. 88|, $•§, 1:02. cantering. Roberta T.. live-ei-hths: 258, 51. 1:04. Star Venus, three-quarters: 24;. 4! v. 1 :03. 1-17. Sister Betsy, live-eighths: 21?. 50. 1:03;. Silver Rrush. live-eighths: 1:12. cantering. Shooting Spray, live-eighths: 23A. 35?, 4S?. 1 :02J. Sohvik. three-quarters: 24i, 4!. 1:02. 1:15. Samaria, one aaUe and an eighth: 24*, 904, 1:151. 1:43$, 1:578-Starover, llun ijnillaaa 1:24. Sneezer, half mile: 248, B8$. Titter, live-eighths: 24*, 50. 1:03?. Ttppy, half mile: 24;, 49. Tortuous, one mile, 1:47. Tom Rigbee, half mile: 538. Tim Pippin, live-eighths: 23;. 354 , 49? 1-02* Westbury. half mile: 25?. 51J. Waetwinder, five eighths: 1:058. Winnin" Widow, half mile: 24?, 49?.