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California breeders act MOVEMENT FOR STATE RACING COMMISSION TAKING DEFINITE SHAPE. Bill Patterned Along Lines of Kentucky Law Drafted and Ready for Presentation in Legislature Gossip from Coast. San Francisco, Cal., January 9. At a recent meeting of the lending breeders of thoroughbred horses in California, plans were laid for making a vigorous campaign at Sacramento for the passage of a bill by which it will be sought to create a state racing commission in California to control the sport in the state. It was decided at this meeting to open headquarters immediately in Sacramento and to thor- oughly organize the movement in favor of the creation of tin.- racing commission. Among who will be most active Six this campaign, it is said, is Charles T. Boots of Milpitas, who formerly raced an extensive string of horses on coast tracks under the turf name of the Ehnwood Stock Farm. Advocates of this bill have not given out any details of their plans and are going about their business without any nourish of trumpets, but from an inside source comes the information that the bill is "drawn in complete form and is in the hands of the legislator who has been chosen to present it and press it for passage In the house. It is said that the bill is almost a complete and exact copy of the Kentucky law under which the racing commission of that state was created, even to delegating the power to the commission of adopting the pari-mutuel system. Us advocates have been quietly waging a campaign among legislators who are believed to be inclined to favor the bill and a formidable working nucleus has licen organized as the starter. Karl Liunoll has announced his intention of retiring from the turf after twenty-live years of active racing. He has a string of sixteen at Oakland, which he will dispose of as soon as possible at private sale, but if ho does not meet witli success he will put the entire lot up at public auction. He lias Blafck Mate. Itig Stick and other horses. Air. I.innell will also dispose of his contract on Guy Garner, the leading jockev of 1!10. He lias the boy under contract to. May 1012. Mr, I.innell is planning co gr- Into the hotel business when he sells out his racing string. He got bis start at the old Bay District track by conducting an eating house, and experienced a great deal of success catering to liorse-nien at other tracks throughout the country. Owing to heavy vain during the early morning hours, the track at Oakland today was sloppy. Showers continued during the afternoon. The public had a good line on the mud runners, and most of the winners were well supported. The Applause Handicap, the feature race, proved easy for Thistle lielle. She went to the front at once and. never headed, won from Fountain Square and Arasee. Feather Duster, favorite for the mile race, dwelt when, the barrier went up and lost all chance, Brax-ton won from Star Actor and Ayame. Captain Bur-nett. starting for the first time in the colors of J. T. .Strite, Droved an easy winner of the lifth race. Jteatrieo Souie made a great run in the first race and got up i" time to beat St. Heller and Heretic. Starter Richard Dwyer sent the fields away. He suspended jockey Scovilie for throe days for misbehavior at the post in the second race. E. I.. .Tones bid up Early Tide from 1911.sh00 to .,000 and became his owner. .T. Kelly has sold Brighton to J. L. Koven and O. Durker has disposed of Rose-Vale to the Rosevale Stable. Saltigrade was bought from J. X. Camden by M. Dixon. T. AY. Flynn. owner of Lotta Creed. Uubia Granda and other useful racers, is a recent arrival from Chicago. Itaruey Schreibor Is expected to join the ranks of the layers this week. He telegraphed from St. Louis that he would start for the coast today. .T. W. Long has purchased Waner from W. S. Rogers.