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GOOD PUESES IN KENTUCKY ALL TRACKS WILL OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO ATTRACT HORSEMEN. Liberal Sprinkling of ,000 Overnight Handicaps to Be Feature of Latonia Cards Louisville Purses to Be Larger Than Heretofore. Lexington, Ky., February 25. The spring season of racing in Kentucky as per the allotmont of dates completed at the meeting of the Kentucky State Racing Commission here last Tuesday, will embrace sixty-live days, beginning at Lexington April 29 and ending at Latonia July 15. and there is a manifest disposition on the part of the managers of the tracks here, at Ixiuisvillc and at Latonia to make the racing as attractive as possible to the horsemen and the public: to eliminate those elements and conditions heretofore causing complaint and to do those things only which make for the general uplift of the sport. Taking the stake offerings for the three meetings as a whole, there has been some complaint on the part of horsemen that the track managers haTc not been over liberal, but they have answered this criticism with announcements of intention, particularly at Louisville and Latonia. of giving larger purses and more ,000 handicaps than in former years. Lexington has already closed seven stakes for its meeting of eleven days, and among them is the Breeders Futurity, for two-year-olds, with an estimated value of ,000, making it the richest stake or the year in this state. The directors of the Kentucky Association are to meet the coming week to decide upon the amount to be given in purses and overnight handicaps. Secretary Garrett Wilson said today that there would be no purse of less value than $.300, and that a number of races with 00 and 00 added will be given. It is intended, he says, that the total distribution to horsemen during the eleven days here shall be approximately 3,- 000. That is-considerably more than Lexington has afTorded iu a great manv rears. Jn addition to the Kentucky Derby. ,000, and the Kentucky Oaks, ,500, closed a year ago, ten stakes, having an aggregate guaranteed value of hB1,000 are to be closed next Wednesday for the meeting of twenty-three days at Louisville. When he was here last Tuesday, President Charles F. Grainger of the Xew Louisville Jockey Club said K that the purse and overnight handicap offerings at Churchill Downs would be larger than heretofore, and that the average and aggregate distribution for the meeting would be greater than in former years. The Latonia Jockey Club will close eight stakes next Wednesday for its meeting of thirty-one days, and they will have an aggregate guaranteed value of 0,000. including the latonia Derby of ,000. ieperal Manager John Hachmeistcr has made tic statement that Latonia will be particularly strong on overnight handicaps of the ,000 variety, and that, like Lexington and Louisville, the aggregate distribution to horsemen will be increased. There arc now eighty-eight eligibles for the thirty-seventh running of the Kentucky Derby, the date for which is Saturday, May 13. but there is a payment of 0 due next Wednesday, when it is to 10 expected a number will drop out. The names of the eligibles are Buford Hall, Hobby Boyer, Bell Jlorsc, Beach Sand. Dartworth. Bobs. Talioe. St. Helicr. Deadwood. Single File, Outlan. Cannon Shot. St. Aloysius, Doyles Common, Hickling. Shooting Spray. Silver Brush, Colston. Iloyal Eagle. Fred Herbert, Americaneer. Jack Denman, Aaviator, Meridian. Bodega, Wachula, Alinera. Jabot. Colonel llogan, Ilickey, Idlcweiss. Syrian Temple. Mr. Dock, Bannock Ban, La U Mexican. H. R. Brandt, Exemplar, Enyoc. Itamazan, West Wind. The Koyal Irince. Labold, Bob Bryan, Tay Pay. Star ORyau, Dublin Minstrel, Premier, Storlin, Common Sense, Senator Hubble. Joe Hig. G L. Doyle. George Witt, Xorthciit, Lottery -Man. Pharaoh. Du Bois. Captain Oarmody. Wilfred Gerdes, Sam Lewis, Billy Struvc, lluldctnan. Governor Gray, Fez, Sir Dawn. Pit a-Fatr Huang Ho, Hold Oak, Clysmic Water. Marlborough. The Whip, Jack Riegcr. Blllikcn. My Fellow. .Mud Sill. Frog. Artesian. Leopold. Swish. Big Claim, Lackrosc. Bound the World, Cousin Martha. Detect. 1. esh ami three unnamed belonging to J. B. Respess the Dick Welles Poseur colt, the Dick Welles-Tit for Tat colt and the Intrusive Charm colt. A payment of 3 is also due next AVednesday for the thirty-seventh running of the Kentucky Oaks, to which the following sixty-eight are eligible: Lo-weeu. Aldivia. Tiny Mite. Bettie Sue, Ella Bryson, Plicbe G.. Miss Creenwood. Alonsita, Sea Spray, Belle Fonda. Hazel Heath. Rose, McGeo. Ellanetto, Daycrest. Dewberry. Waukita, Minnie Wendle, Allodial. Lady Ormicant, Lydia Lee, Mjosen. Lady Packard, Princess Callaway, Miudinctte. Alnera, Oranio, Ocawana. Stick Pin. Ayamc, Shamceii. Embellish, Evia. Excelio. Gladys Earl, Helen Scott, Tippy, Fannie Kcmble. Prairie Belle. Golden Agnes. lima. Rue, Agnes May. Edna Collins, Syzygy. Wishing Kipg, Clara W.. Mascal, Anna Casse, Eleanor Strib-ling. Lucille Alien. New Idea, Double Maiden. Princess Industry. Monascott, Emma Stuart. Nell AVilder, Roberta T., Bound the World, Aragonese, Burbur, Asbury. Cousin .Martha. Prima Donna. Fiorioua. the Dick Welles Barbara M. filly, the Dick AVelles Flora Louise filly and the Orlando Lake Breeze lilly. Two stables were transferred from the Kentucky .Association course to Louisville tins week. Raleigh Colston took his eight, including the Derby , candidates Colston and Silver Brush, and the Oaks candidate. Princess Callaway, to Churchill Downs, and French Brooks took the Woodford Clay string of fifteen, including the good mare, Ocean Bound, and the Derby candidate. Outlan, to Douglas Park. There are only three Kentucky Derby candidates now quartered at the local track Martin Doyles St. Aloysius. in the stable of .Tack Baker. Labold, in J. C. Milams string, and Hoang Ho, belonging to George Voorheis. Jack Keene returned from San Francisco Thursday and will take up a big string of two-year-olds smd three-year-olds within the next few days. These horses have been running out all winter at Johnson X. Camdens Hartland Stud Farm in Woodford County. The horses that Mr. Keene had at Oakland will, for the greater part, be raced on the inter-mountain circuit during the summer under the management of his hrother. Hamilton Keene. Jerry Taylor has just taken up Wooldaga. Mesmeric and three two-year-olds. lie will have three or four more to come in next week. John B. McLaughlin, pool auctioneer for the Kentucky tracks, returned this week from Jacksonville. Ho had a profitable and enjoyable fortnight at Mon-crief Park: says the sport was of a higher order than he expected fo see and he was much impressed a with the systematic manner in which the plant is conducted. Charley Patterson has twelve head in his harn at the local track and they are all in excellent shape for their training. He began galloping them this wee.k. George B. Ott has booked Big Goose to Cesarion. It was this mating that produced the good filly. Golden Egg. Meddlesome She goes to the court of St. Savin this vear. The latest foal at the St. James Stud Is a brown colt by Yorkshire Lad Epple. There are two foals at G. D. Wilsons Iroquois Sliid a brown colt by Marta Santa Artation and a black colt by Stalwart Piseco,