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JAMESTOWN ACCOMMODATIONS IN DEMAND. Norfolk, Aa., March 9. Flooded with applications from racing owners all over America, Canada and Mexico, all of them eager to enter their, stables for the meeting which opens at the Jamestown Jockey Club track April 5, Manager Bob Levy is trying to figure how lie can accommodate even a majority of them. "I am certain that at least one-third ot the owners who want to race at Jamestown will not be able to fiud accommodations for their horses," says .Air. Levy. "I am trying to have more stalls built, at the track, but even with these I cannot liegin to accommodate-all who desire to come. The meeting next month promises to be . the greatest this section has ever known. AVhile the meeting last November, was a distinct success, the CQmingmeet-; ing will eclipse it in every way, Thpusaiius of owners and horse lovers from all sections of the countrv will be here. There will be no racing .nnjr where in the United States, Canadaor vMpxIcodur1 ing the local meeting frpm April 5 tp 211. That fact alone is sufficient to draw the devotees of the horse from all over the country. The hotels are making extensive preparations to take care of the great influx of visitors expected. "The racing will receive the endorsement of all Jeadiug business organizations and with an unusual amount of enthusiasm displayed by local horse lovers, the meeting has every assurance of being a big success for all concerned." Manager Levy is arranging for special feature davs during the meeting. There will he several ladies days and a charity day. A big portion of the receipts taken in on one day during the meeting will be, donated to some charitable institution or organization. There are at present fifty or more horses at the track, and from now on shipments will be arriving every day.- In addition to the large number of applications previously received. Manager Levy yes-terdav received the following from Jacksonville: T. Burns, 4 horses; AV. P. Austin, 10; N. K. Deal, 5; S. Louis, and J. Burttschcll, 10:" E. F. Cooney, 4; C. F. Clark, 2; C. 11. Davids, 4; N. B. Davis, 5; M. Doolov. 4; James Fitzsiiiimous, 11; P. J. Fox. 3; J. Miller. 2; ,T. Carson, 4: J. A. Bonnet, i: T. Hatfield, 8; J. AA. Healey, 3; .V. Hogan, 2; II. J. Kennedy. 2: AAilliam Martin. 4; James McLaughlin. 11; A. Molinelli, 7: E. F. Miller, 2; C. Mack. 3; J. E. Nash. 3; II. Pennv. 7; E. Peters, : II. Richards, 4; I Regan. 7: F. -T- Miller, 2: AV. Shields. 7; A. Simons. 17; W. C. Saunders, -1: AV. 0. Scully. !; J. R. Thomnson, 4; E. Trotter. 5; AVilliain AValker, li; F. 1. AAeir. 10; I. M. AValker, 5; A. G. AVeston, S; and AA. G. AVilson, 4.