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RAGE TRACK FOR TIA JUANA COL. MATT WINN CREDITED WITH PLANS FOR. SUCH A PROJECT. No Intention of Abandoning Juarez Track, According: to Advices From San Francisco, Where Well-Known Manager Talks of His Plans. The San Francisco Chronicle of Saturday last published what purports to lie a declaration of intention on the part of Col. Matt J. Winn manager of the .Juarez. Empire City and Louisville race tracks, to establish another track for winter racing in Mexico, just across the international boundary at Sa-n Diego, Cal. The Chronicle says: "M. J. Winn, general manager of the Juarez race meeting, and his assistant, Harry Brcivogel, arrived in this city yesterday with lirst-bund Information relative to the projiosed race track project at 1ia J nana. Colonel SVinn gave out the first otlicial word to date that he has several wealthy and Influential turfmen interested in a plan to make Tia Juana the mecca for the horsemen of the west, .lust at present, while conditions arc so unsettled in Mexico, nothing definite can bo done in launching the project, but when peace is assured across the border line an effort will be made to secure a concession from the Mexican government, which will give Colonel Winn and his friends a foundation to work on. "Colonel Winn declares that ho Is satisfied that Tia Juana can be made one of the biggest racing points in the west, and lie further says that he will have unlimited money at his command to carry through the enterprise. Such wealthy horsemen as James Butler. 1rlce McKinney of Cleveland and other well-known men are said to have been attracted by the advantage which Tia Juana holds forth. It is located just across the border line from San Diego, and is more favorably located than Juarez. Colonel Winn has had reports on sites that would be desirable, and all that is necessary for the plan to - go through is to have the present trouble in Mexico adjusted. Colonel Winn will hold a conference with Clarence P. Waterhouse while be Is in the city. Mr. Waterhouse is interested in launching such a racing plant at Tia Juana iinjjuis lueik. planned, and it is saidho is ready to invest Tii the enterprise. Mr. Waterhouse, who is a loyal horseman, has extensive mining interests in Mexico. "Tia Juana will hardly be established for some time, however, as a deal of work -would be required to build tho-piant and first of all the turf magnates will have to wait until affairs quiet down in Mexico. Colonel Winn declared that the racing plant at Juarez would not be abandoned, even witli the establishment of Tia Juana. He said that despite the many setbacks which Juarez suffered this year, no money was lost in conducting the meeting. In discussing the Tia Juana proposition with friends yesterday, he said: It is our purpose to get the highest type of sportsmen interested in making Tia Juana a great racing center. It is a great place and has the natural advantages, such as climate and location, to make it favorable for racing the year round. Of course, nothing can bo done" until the trouble in Mexico is settled. Then, we will ee about getting the concession and will start laying our plans. "