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AMATEUR RACING IN THE EAST. Xew York, April 12. One branch of racing that will lie carried on witli old-time vigor this season is the amateur and hunt meetings. At no time have these sporting affairs been harassed as has the racing over the larger tracks, and all through the winter preparations were leing made for the season of sport that is shortly to begin. Already thirteen different applicants have lieent granted racing dates by the Xational Steeplechase and Hunt Association, and at many of these meetings programs of a pretentious nature will be offered. The opening of the amateur season will be at Cellarhurst, L. L, where the Rockaway Hunting Club is to have a day of racing Saturday. April 20. Hie Meadow Brook Steeplechase Association will conduct, its one-day meeting at Belmont Park Terminal. Saturday, May 0. The selection of this course by the Meadow Brook Association will undoubtedly make Its meeting a much more popular one. for the reason that the course is much more accessible than that at Hempstead, and at the same time it is so thoroughly modern in its appointments that the patrons of the sport will lie better satisfied. The Watchnng Hunt Club of Plainfleld, X. J., will race May 1.1. The Virginia Racing and Horse Show is scheduled for two days of sport. Saturday. May 20, and iron-day. May 22, at Richmond. The Rose Tree Fox Hunting CJnb of Pennsylvania will follow with two days, May 25 and 27. One of the most important of the hunt meetings is that of the Maryland United Hunts Racing Association. Tills will Ie hed at the Pimlieo course of the Maryland Jockey Club on. Tuesday, May .JO; Thursday, June 1. and Saturday. June 3. Tills is a meeting which each season, attracts the best horses and amateurs that race, and it has grown to lie an important part of the circuit. . Of the tracks in close proximity to Xew York, tho Belmont Park Terminal is the best appointed and most popular, and its early meeting is Thursday, June S, and Saturday, June 10. On those dates the United Hunts Racing Association will have two days of racing, with seven races- each day. Already the program lias leen announced for liolli days, and it will include two of the tremendously popular races for officers of the regular army. The Country Club at Brooklino. another of tho high-class amateur meetings, lias chosen the dates of Saturday, June, 17. Wednesday. June 21, and Saturday, June 2.1. This is followed by the second meeting or the .Maryland United Hunts. Thursday. August ill. Saturday, September 2, and Mondav, September 4. Capt. E. B. Cassatt, one of the most enthusiastic of sportsmen, both for fiat and cross-countrv racing, will entertain at his delightful Cliesterbrook Farm, Berwyn. Pa., with a one-dav meeting. Saturday. September 2!!. The White Marsh Valley Hunt of Pennsylvania has made "arrangements for racing Saturday. September ,iO. and Tuesday, October .!. Joseph E. Wldener, who Is racing a strong string of steeplechasers in France, has chosen Saturday, October 7, for his meeting at Elkins Park. Pa., and it will lc ah invitation affair. Thursday. October 12, and Saturday. October 14. are the dates that have been chosen by the Rose Tree Fox Hunting Association for its second meeting. Such a list of meetings assures plenty of sport for the amateurs, and it is certain that there will be several additions to the list of meetings before racing actually begins. Frank J. Bryan, "secretary of the Hunts Committee, has been busily occupied ail winter making arrangements for the season of amateur sport.