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GREATEST MONEY MEETING OF THE TURF. The recent Ascot meeting presents a record of money distributed among winners to make an America* owners mouth water. No other meeting in England, nor anywhere else, approaches Ascot in this feature. Every race run there is a stake race, and to be able to win an Ascot Tace at once stamps a horse as something much aliove the ordinary. Below is a table of each days racing in the ord* r the rac-S were run and the value of each to the winning horse. Inspection will serve to show why Ascot is rightly called Royal Ascot: First Day — Tuesday, June 13. Race and Winner. Age. Value. Trial Stakes. Hornets Beauty 3 ,000 The Gold Vase. Martingale II 3 4.700 Oeveatry Stakes, Lady Amerieus 2 9.70O Ascot st:tkes. Willonyx 4 8.025 Prime of Wales Stakes. Stedfast 3 0.77o Fifty-seventh Triennial Stakes, Charle- mont 4 4.050 Fiftv-fourth Ascot Biennial Stakes. Cataract .1 2 S.175 Total 7,3S5 Second Day — Wednesday, June 14. Visitors Handicap. Carbineer 5 $ 2.275 Fifty-third Ascot Biennial Stakes. Bau- nockburn 3 7.0f 0 Royal Hunt Cup. Moscato 5 10,000 Ascot Derby. Kins William 3 7.025 Coronation Stakes. Knockfoorna 3 13,750 Fern Hill. Hornets Beauty 3 3.100 Fifty-ninth Triennial Stakes. Sweeper II.. 2 4.475 Total S.2t 5 Third Day — Thursday, June 15. Rous Memorial Stakes, The Story 5 S H.500 All-Aged Stakes. Golden Rod 5 2,500 Ascot Cold Cup. Willonvx 4 17.050 St. Jame- Palace Stakes. Stedfast 3 8.500 New Stakes. I,oiuond 2 0.375 Forty-eighth New Biennial Stakes. Sunder 4 5,300 Fortv-niuth New Biennial Stakes. Runny - mede 3 5.125 Total 4,350 Fourth Day — Friday. June 16. Fifty-eighth Triennial Stakes. Alice 3 $ 4.120 Hardwicke Stakes. Swvnford 4 12,380 Wokingham stakes. MeJeacer 3 4.300 Ascot Highweight Stakes. Hamberton. . . . ■. J.OOo Windsor Castle Stakes. Charmian 2 4.05O Alexandra Plate. Royal Realm 0 «.S50 Kings Stand Stakes. Hornets Beauty... 3 4.000 Total 0,480 Graud Total of the Meeting 80. 800