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STILL AETER NIAGARA FALLS LICENSE. Toronto, Out., .inly 1. -A. It. Boyd of Philad-l phis, Pa., who is the financial backer of the piaa to establish thoroughbred racing at Niagara Falls, • Int.. was here this week in an effort to obtain a modification of the action of the Provincial Govern ii :ii bi withholding a license from the half-mile track of the Niagara Palls Driving Park Association. Mr. Boyd has gives up tie- idea of holding a meet ing on the dates originally advertised, July lo to 17. Lilt hopes to be able to obtain a license that v. ill permit racing at Ihe Niagara Falls track in August. While here, accompanied by his attorney. 11. II. Dewart, K. C, he had an interview with tin- Im vincial authorities. Afterwards he made the following statement: 1 am proposing to opiate under the charter of Niagara Fails Driving Fark Association, which .r. been operated under semi-annually for nine years. the sad I claim that the government, anlesa it reverses its decision, is doing; me an injustice and going con trary to the wishes of practically the whole of the iai tra frontier. When I first took the matter up and consented to back ti.e proposition I waa told that our charter covered everything necessary to racing in Canada. After I bad sunk ,500 in the venture I beard that it was necessary to procure a provincial license. i Immediately called up my legal adviser, W. F. Griffith of Niagara Falls, and asked ii i m i about the matter. Jfe said that while a been-.,, was not absolutely required it would be advisable to obtain it. Desiring, to comply in every amy with the laws of Canada. I lad him phone the provincial authorities aid in- was informed by those In charge of the department thai we could have the license upon payment of the ,400 fee for seven days racing. li on ibis assurance that all would be right we went ahead and I have up to date spent or Involved myself in contracts totaling almost 5, oho. Then along comes this bombshell. The gov-, riimeiil will not srive nie a license. Now. had we been told this b.v tin- provincial treasurers in the department in the tiisi place, 1 would have dropped m ,500, the initial expense, and let it go at that. We are not operating under a new charter, nor are we seeking to create mw rights, ••We have simply gone about with extensive im provem nts. Intending to race with an ap-to-date plant in every respect, in fact, this was only to be a half-mile track meeting in name and distance only, for 1 had arranged to make all purses from $: H» to 00 each, and to have an open betting rine. under the direction of lobs J. Cavaaaugh of New York. I had secured the adjacent property and Intended to extend the track to a full mile before next season. We are not over her,- looking for a legal battle with ihe government, but simply hope to show those in authority that we an- prepared to operate on the most Improved lines and that the local authorities are thoroughly in accord with our efforts to give them ,l km1 racing." Mr. Boyd Stated ilia t he lias instructed liis solicitors here to go ahead with lejral proceedings to secure the necessary authority for the opening of the track, and that a deputation of Influential Niagara frontier people, beaded by Mr. Fraser, If. I. P.. will come lure to back up the application for a license.