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PROMOTING WEST VIRGINIA MEETING. Lexington. Ky.. July 1.— President Thornton Lewis of the Greenbrier Jockey Club, which was organized last spring, announces that there will a three-davs meeting at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.. July 20. 21 and 22. Several Kentucky owners are making preparationa to semi horses there. President Lewis is the genera! western freight "gem of the Chesa-peske ami Ohio Railroad and he owns the farm and track at which the meeting will be given. Ho takes a lively Interest ill the sport of lacing. Electioneer, winner of the 190C. Futurity, after three years in Im- stud at Thomas R. Gardners Timberiand Farm, is in training at the Kentucky Association track. Trainer Clarkson came from the ,. -i this week and took him up.