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t — * | GREATEST THOROUGHBRED TRANSACTION OF RECENT YEARS Islington, Kv.. .inly I. Ike purchase by Harry Payne Whitney, proprietor of the Brookdale Stud a i Bedbank, N. .1.. of the entire crop of thorough hied yearlings at .lames u. Keenes Castleton Stud mar this city, represents an outlay of approximate!] 00,000 and is the biggest deal for young running horses that has b n consummated between one huyei and one seller in this country in the last half dozen years or more; certainly the largest since the cap pression of racing in Chicago, St. Louis and N Yon,. Mr. Whitneys purchase embraces flftj seven head -thirty lillies and twenty -seven colts. With ih. exception of one filly by George .1. stolls Naa tnrtlum, a horse that carried the colors of the late W. C. Whitney, father of the young master ol Brookdale, all are by Mr. Keenes own stallions. Willi ib. exception ol Hippodrome, which was never trained, all toe Keene stallions represented in the deal distinguished themselvea on the turf. There are seven colts and six fllUes by Voter, seven colts and five fillies bv Disguise, three colts and nine tilliea b Peter Pan, four colts and tour tilli.- bj Ben Brush, three cits and two fillies by Hippo drome, two colts and three tilliis by Delhi and one colt by Superman. Several of il.e dams are among the most famous thoroughbred matrons in America, while all are bred ill lie- purple and have either produced or are closely related to some or th greatest horses that ever raced in this country. Among the lillies by Peter Fan. tor Instance, there are half Inters to thi great Imi-i-s Sysonby, Colin and Cell; one of Ihe colts hY [lelU is out Hi the ,1.11.1 Of Sweep: , I III daughters of Hisirse is a half-slstei to Novelty; on, of the Disguise colts is a brother to Maskctte; iniong tin- daughters m Voter ate half-sisters ;• Bohemian and Ballot; one ol the Hippodromes i ont ,.i laiii Sprite, a hall sister to Peter Fan. aid Major Ha mi., i Held gays ihai be is a star ol lii first magnitude. So good a judge of tborougbbreda as John F. Madden, ihe master of Hainburg Place, who less than a fortnight ago made Mr. Keen.- an offer by table to England of 1911.sh0,000 for the Bfty-seveu, said rods] that thes yearlings are equal to any Mr. Keene ever raised and some oilier good Judges ale of the opinion that collectively they are the best crop-that has ever rone out from Castleton in any one year. When asked why he desired lo purchase these youngsters when he has uoiv at Hamburg Place over forty bead of yearlings ol bis own, Mr. Madden said: "Why, I would have resold them and made good ii.on.v. I had no idea thai there was as five a wire ill lie market as Mr. Whitney. Whatever his [dans. 1 am sure he will profit bj his purchase. With the small number of thoroughbred yearlings in the I sited states it would take little monej to Control Ihe entire Output ami there is liound lo be a demand al good prices." lasses Bowe, former trainer for Mr. Keens and at present in charge of Mr. Whltoeyi American establishment, F here to arrange for ihe shipment of the yearlings which will be made within the next two Or three days to Brookdale Farm. Mr. Howe has saddled practically eery noted horse that has come from the Castleton establishment in the past dozen years or so and he is probably more familiar with tin types than any other man In he world, wiili the possible exception of Major Dalngerfield, who has bred them, and he is satisfied that there are several stars in the collection. Dr. Bobert W. McCully. a New York veterinarian, who looked them over rrl il.iv afternoon, said thai liny were as grand a lot as he ever had sen in one collection. Mr. Bowe did mil saj what Mr. Whitney intends as He in, ure of these yesrllngs. He has now al Brookdale ■ forty head, of his own breeding, bj Broomstick ami other sires, and this purchase will give bin. approximately one bandied head. It is llkelj thai the rest of tin- combined lots after they at,- broken and tried out. will be sent abroad to carry the colors of their wealthy owner, unless rac ing is revived in New York. The complete list of the Whitney purchase is as follows: By Voter, chestnut colt Bunaing Domino. Chestnut colt Noonday, bj Domino. :i Mo- |iilo. bj Commando. Brown colt- Climax, by Domino. Bay e,,H Cap and Polls, by Domino. Bay tort— Belgravla half-sister to toy Maid, by Ibn Brush. Brown colt — Sumida, by Ihe Sailor Prince. Baj till Bosegnrland dam f Bohemian, etc, by Boulevard. Chestnut filly Court Dress, by Disguise. Chestnut Buy Cerito dam of Ballot, by Low land chief. i . tnut till.. Pop,- join, by Disguise. Chestnut filly Bnuawaj Girt, by Domino. Frown Bllj Beatarina, by Commando. By Disguise. B iv e.,11 Aniinosiiie, bj Kingston. Baj eoii Biturua brother to afsskette, by Hatn-mrg. Chestnul coll Earij and Often, by Voter. Chestnut colt Harpsichord, bj Amphion. Brown colt Contentions, by Galore. Black coll Mcggs Hill, by Ben Brush. Bay or roan colt Fealty, iv si. Erusquin. Chestnul fill] Curiosity dam of Novelty, by o|, p. eh, -tnut filly Se less, by Necromancer. ci ,- mm fillj sv Ivabelli . bj Bend Or. Baj filly— Dorset Flower, In Hawkstone. f.i | nil., !-, :,- i.,i,h a, by Kingston. By Peter Pan. Brews or black e.,ii Hidge, by Trenton. Chestnut colt Half crown, by Cyllene, ami the only daughter of Cyllene In ihe stud in America. Baj i r on wa colt i mhra, by Ben Brush. Baj rill Pasloiella idam of Coliui. bv Spring-tield. Bay nlly— Optime dam of Sysonby, bv Orme. F. .;, fillj .bssant. bj Ladas. Brown nil, Ladaslne, bj Ladas. Browu filly Royal Rose, bv Royal Hampton. Brown fill] Swlftfoot. by Si. Simon. Black filly .Maid of Frin dam of Celt, by Am phioii. Black lillv Cushat, bv Hermit. Chestnut ti" -Daaalhtg, b.v si. Leonards. By Be:i Brush. Baj ell Bngbam, bj Domino. Baj ,-oii Incarnadine, by Horoscope. Bay e, it Revelation, by Horoscope. Frown coil Sorcery, by Horoscope. Bay lillv Costume, by Domino. Bay filly— Dovecote, by Kingston. ].[ till.1 -Geisha, by Iroquois. Brown filly — Ooppetia, by Kingston. By Delhi. Chestnut colt —Dominoes, by Domino. Brown colt -Pink Domino dam of Sweep, by Domino. Brown or black filly — Home Bule. by Commando. Brown or black Idly -Lady Hinting, by Minting. Chestnut filly Rapture, by Onondaga By Hippodrome. Chestnut coll. -fairy Sprite half sister to Peter Pan I. by Voter. Chestnut colt—Lady Invercsnld, by Powliattan. Bay colt— Wltchhaxel, by Horoscope. Baj fill] Stepping Stone, by Ben Brash. Chestnul airy Handmaid, by Felloweraft. By Superman. Bay c.ii klayfair, kg Hen msah By Nasturtium. Chestnut fitly Cassandra, kg Horoscope.