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DONAU AND HIS CURE. There is one horse at Latonia that is a marvel in a way. Donau is the horse In question and the Improvement he has shown In recent races borders on Hie marvelous, anil is a testimonial to the ability of assistant starter Harry Morrissey as a sort of "Prof. Gleason" in handling stubl orii horses. Donau sot in ihe condition where lie would not do anything. He could not be got OB the track, and if trainer Ham wiKOt ,!■ ,1 in setting him that far the stubborn Donau would not badge further. Every trick to set him iliovlmg was tried without success, and both trainer I la in and owner Gorst had about given the bane ui . Then Harry Morrissey stepped in and declared thai lie eouhl get the horse to going again and make him quite tractable at the post. Tbe matter was laid be-teie Mr. Gerst and be said, "we will give him .iust l his ebanct . If be wont behave send him to Nashville, where he can pull a beer wagon." That would have been a sad ending for a Kentucky Derby winner. Morrissey trained him in his own peculiar style — with a long rope and a long whip. Donau was soon aware what the long whip meant, and before long he would gallop behind a pony to whose saddle was fastened one end of the long rope. After a few days of this he was taken to the barrier, where he acquired more respect for the lone whip. The first time he was sent to the post he stopped half way eiitil Morrissey came along with the whip, and Donau at once galloped to I lie post. He trot away and won. last Thursday lie boat the best sprinters at the back. Morrissey thinks he is a great horse at a distance not over seven furlongs. "Donau can trim the best at seven furlongs and under." said Morris-m.v. provided be gete away from the post. Since his blinkers are mr be is almost sure to leave there. Hoi be sli"iiii] neve,- h" started in a race where aa-iffher bad actor goes to the i ost. That niisht make liiru BOW again. " -Cincinnati Kmiuirer.