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GOOD PROSPECTS AT COUER DALENE. Spokane. Wash., July 2S. I. L. Hildebrandt. stockholder and steward of the Couer dAlene Fair and Racing Association, has been elected to the association directorate. Constructing Superintendent W. W. I-inn reports that the track has been leveled for three-quarters of a mile and that the sand-clay conir binatioii takes water in a manner calculated to brine: joy to, the horsemen. The paddock and secretarys office is completed, while work on the grandstand is progressing at a rapid rate. Dave Henry, who is handling Barnev Schreibers string at ancouver. writes that he will bring sis horses to Spokane within two weeks and then, return to California for another contingent. Mr. Schreilier expects to interest Inland Empire horsemen In breeding farms.