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SANFORD SALE SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY. Buffalo. N. Y.. July 31. The dispersal sale of the Sanford horses in training will take place at the Kcnilworlh race rack the coming Thursday morning. The following Iwcnty-live- head will be sold: Caugh Hill, b. c, 3, by Cauglmawnga Whiplash. Jack Wall, b. c, 3, by Chuctanunda -Oriska. Rockville. ch. c, 3, by Kockton Auriesville. Granite. 1. c, 3, by Rockton Adriutha. Herkimer, b. c, 4. by Chuctanunda Auriesville. Bonnie Eloise, b. f. 3, bv Clifford Euphrata. Iive Cliff, b. f, 3, by Clifford One I Ive. Swarts Hill, b. f, 3, by Chuctanunda Burnt Hills. Stelcliff. b. c, 2, by Clifford Amstel. Cooper, ch. c. 2, by Cauglinawaga Retaliation. Moss Bock. ch. c, 2. bv Rockton Roxane. Cliff Creek, ch. c, 2. by Clifford Cayudutta. Cliff Stream, br. c, 2, by Clifford Malest. Chuekhaunr, br. c. 2. by Chuctanuiida Euphrata. Bush. b. c. 2. by Chuctanunda Fondas Bush. Bunn Creek, b. g. 2, by Potomac Perth. Tahoma, b. g. 2. by Chuctanunda Garoga. Alooha. ch. f, 2. by Cauglinawaga Barharina. Bally Cliff, ch. f, 2. by Clifford Ballyroc. Bay Cliff, b. f, 2, by Clifford Mai. Elwah, ch. f. 2. by Chuctanunda White Frost. Isidora, eh. f, 2, by Isldor Auriesville. Isirose. br. f, 2. by Isidor Rock Rose. Rulh Rock. b. f. 2. by Rockton Adriutha. Cliff Top, b. f, 2, by Clifford Toplash. The sale is a sequel to the failure of the C i I tins bill, which would have permilted racing at Saratoga. The Spa has for many years been the place at which the Sanford horses are lirst seen In public.