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NOTES OF THE TURF. Mara Casstdy will servo as starter during the -winter meeting at Juarez., Frank B. Spriuger, vice-president of the British Columbia Thoroughbred Association, recently died suddenly In Paris. The present Butte meeting, it is generally con-coded, is the most successful from all standpoints In the history of Montana racing. The layers at Butte are reported heavy losers to date. W. H. Engstrom, Joe Hose and Frank Bain are all reported to be some 10,000 behind. Phil Heilly, who served as clerk of the scales at the various British Columbia meetings, was presented with a diamond scarf pin by the jockeys at Mlnoru Park on the closing day of the season In recognition of courtesies received. The directors of the British Columbia Thoroughbred Association plan to give a ,500 Derby next year and it is their intention to increase t he value year by year until the race acquires more than a local Importance. The association has offered to donate ,000 for road Improvements to the municipality in which its track Is located. It is also announced that Minoru Park will be kept open virtually the year around, regardless of racing dates, bo that it may be used for tennis tournaments, polo matches and other sports.