Butte Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, August 15, Daily Racing Form, 1911-08-15

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Butte Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, August 15. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. Allowances. S1012 1:0G 5105. Index Course DlstTimoTckOdds Wt St Vi. Vi StrFln Jockeys Started Order of Finish. NAD A MAS. ch. f. 2 108 By Star Shoot High Degree Hogan and Kccnc. 7470 Butte 41 f 55g fast 5 109 4 Fell. Koonuy 10 W.II.Boody. F.Fashion, A.Iaige. r732 .Salt Lake 11 f f0 fast 0-5 10S 2 2 2J 2- Buxton 12 Sanel, Valhal, Lavender Lass. J.i::i Salt Iake 41 f 57 slowl3-10 103 2 11 Ink r,h Buxton S NarD, FirstFashion. Albert Jonca :a -0203 Salt Lake 41 f 513 fast 31 103 0 4 33 3J H Kadtke 8 Horns. Free, Narii. itU2 Oakland 3-S 37 hvy 1 110 5 3nt 33J Scoville ! Ma Mie. Minstra. All Moon. 14090 Oakland 31 f 422 mud 30 107 5 4 4 4? A Thomas 5 Oakland, Millo. Ymir. f3069 Oakland 3-8 37g mud 12 110 2 2 2n G81 A Thomas G Zimri, Ma Mie, Florence S. 754 Oakland 3-8 331 fast 15 109 3 G 6" A Thomas 7 Anion. Lem Dale. King Earl. BECTRIC, b. f, 2 109 By Martinet Perdition W. B. Carson, ll Butte 41 f 51 fast 45 92 10 7 2 23 Hopkins 12 Ethels, RoyalDolly. FirstFashion m Bl Butte 41 f 543 slow 20 93 8 S S 8Hopkins S Mimorioso, Lady Rankin. Ymir. r. .0 Butte 4 f 53? fast 3 109 S Pulled up.Hopkins 10 W.II.Boody, F.Fashion, A.Paige. e. WU Butte 5-8 l:0ll fast 15 104 G C G 6 410 Hopkins 0 Mimorioso, Three Links, Dudo. 97377 Butte 41 f 54g fast 2 111 7 4 3J 45J Hopkins 10 Evelina, Auto Girl, Gomul. I 97299 Butte 4 f 54g fast 2 99 5 5 4 3l 31! Hopkins 5 This.Rose, ThreeLinks, RoyalTea "a 37C9C Salt Lake 5-S 1:001 fast 4 91 4 2 2 25 2and Hopkins 4- Sldon, Miss Tierney, Evelina. 97013 Salt Lake 41 f 542 fast 30 105 4 7 51 2 Mondon 11 B. Hancock, Nidad, Miss Tierney ;y Salt Lake 41 f 51g fast 103 G 8 6 C8 Hopkins 10 Mimorioso. Staedo. Nidad. 96807 Salt Lake 5-8 1:012 slow G 9G 4 4 3 2n 25 Hopkins 0 Flect.Fashion, RoyalDolly, Defy. FIRST FASHION, ch. g. 2 109 By First Tenor Bit of Fashion C. T. Brownfield. . 97711 Butte 4?. f 5t fast 10 100 3 3 3 4i Buxton E Ethels, Electric, Royal Dolly. 97015 Butte 41 f 50 slow 9-5 112 1 2 2 24 2 Coburn . Ostentatious, Penang, Homesick. t. 97170 Butto 41 f 55? fast 8 110 2 4 34 21 E McEwcn 10 W.II.Boody. A.Paige, M.Ticrnej ;y 97377 Butte 41 f 5tg fast 12 103 1 7 0 GJ.larker 10 Evelina, Auto Girl, Gomul. 97209 Butte 4 f 53 fast 12 100 G G 5 G 01 J Parker 7 Dromi. Mandadero. Auto Girl. 97013 Salt Lake 4 f 54? fast 30 105 8 G G 7" Parker 11 Billy Hancock, Electric, Nidad. 90S07 Salt Lake 5-8 1:012 slow 15 1 00 1 3 4 73 7,s Kirschm 0 Fleet. Fash ion. Electric. R.Dolly. 9G72S Salt Lake 41 f 542 fast 30 101 11 10 11 llJKlrsclim 11 Free. Lawn. Elsewhere. 95431 Salt Lake 41 f 57 slow 20 105 3 4 3 3s 2 Cavangh S Nnrfi. Nada Mas. Albert Jones. DUDO. b. c, 2 110 By Solitairo II. Folly F. Israel. 9709S Butte 5-S 1:013 good 15 112 1 4 4 45 3J W Fischer 7 ThreeLinks. F.Fashion, LoveDav. v. 97414 Butte 5-S 1:01 J fast 9-5 108 5 4 4 3"t 395 W Fischer 0 Mimorioso. Three Links. Electric ie 97002 Salt Lake 5-S 1:0m fast 12 107 3i W Fischer G Francine, ThistleRose, Camarada Ia 9C554 Salt Lake 45 f 542 fast 30 106 7 8 8 S 7 W Fischer 8 Francine. Thistle Ros Horus. 94419 Oakland 31 f 44 hvy 12 108 2 5 5"t 31 Kirschm 7 Presumption. Millo. Bey. 91172 Oakland 31 f 431 mudll-20 112 G 7 513 G Archibdl2 Rey. Ah Moon. Sidon. fiOtf OaKland 3J 43g slop -2Q 112 8 7 6 6" 8 Yaplr, Ma Mie, Rey. f 0 v 9 0 I 9 a 3 9 9 9 5 9 9 3 9 5 s s 2 , ; 5 j 1 . J ; j j , , ; ; 7 ; ; 1 j ! I ; , I : I . . i ! : ! i , i i . t l 1 I r 3 " :a m r. e. "a ;y . t. ;y v. ie Ia MISS TIERNEY, b. f. 2 108 By Jack Point May Bud W. Gabriel.. 9747G Butto 41 f 5Ts fast 6 103 10 7 7 4"i Cavangh 10 W.II.Boody. F.Fashion, A.PaigC. 9709"5 Salt Lake 5-S 1:00 fast 3 93 1 3 3 3s 3i Kederis t Sidon. Electric. Evelina. 97013 Salt Lake 41 548 fast 8 111 9 4 4h 4 Cavangh 11 Billy Hancock, Electric, Mdad. 96513 Salt Lake 41 f 551 fast 31 100 5 7 51 335 Cavangh 12 Royal Tea. Royal Dolly, Defy. 96320 Salt Lake 5-S l:03i hvy 5 100 0 G G G C1W Cotton 9 Free, Nartl, Ostentatious. 95224 Juarez 1-2 474 fast 5 105 3 1 11 l5t Nolan 11 Pretty Soon, Recover, B. Battle. tDIsquallfled. AUTO GIRL, b. f. 2 109 By McGcc Francisca J. M. Barnes. 97711 Butte 11 f 51 fast 10 102 1 0 Gn" 5,ulAndcrson 12 Ethels, Electric, Royal Dolly. 97424 Ilutte 41 f 542 fast S 102 Left at the post. Anderson 11 Gomul, Billy Hancock. Error. 97377 Butte 41 f 5Jg fast 9 100 0 2 25 2 Anderson 10 Evelina, Gomul, Electric. 97269 Butte 41 f 55 fast 40 10G 4 4 4 41 31 Anderson 7 Dromi, JInndadero, Ethels. 96964 Salt Lake 41 f 512 fast 100 5 10 10 9lf,JMondon 10 .Mimorioso, Staedc. Nidad. 90738 Salt Lake 41 f 54? fast 40 97 5 8 5nk 710 II Radtke 11 Free, Lawn, Elsewhere. 50320 Salt Lake 5-S l:03i hvy 20 109 5 4 5 4 9J Buxton 9 Free, Narfi, Ostentatious. 9637 Salt Lake 41 f 51g fast 12 107 s S 8 850 II Radtke 8 Elsewhere. Roy .Tea. Ostntallou3 96215 Salt Lake 1-2 48 fast 12 100 5 5 51 Gs II Radtke 8 Mammy. Saltigradc. Free. 9609G Salt Lake 5-S l:02g fast 7 106 3 Radtke 7 L.Rankin, GreatFrlar. MonoUikc. 94517 Oakland 35 432 mud 25 105 G 7k S" Radtke 10 Florence Roberts, Minstra. Idum LEHIGH, b. g, 2 108 By Islington Komurasaki W. E. riiillips. 97015 Butte 41 f 50 slow 5 112 7 3 9 7 815 W Cotton 9 Ostentatious, F.Fashion, Penang 97013 Salt Lake 41 f 542 fast 8 112 11 9 7 G5 W Cotton 11 Billy Hancock, Electric, Nidad. 96964 Salt Lake 41 54g fast 112 1 4 45 4 W Cotton 10 Mimorioso, Stnede, Nidad. CGS10 Salt Lake 1-2 4S1 fast 109 7 KG3 G"2 W Cotton S Ymir. Free, Camarada. GOLDEN SHOWER, b. f. 2 109 By Peep oDay Rain Drop Crystal Stable. 97140 Salt Lake 45 f 542fast 50 92 7 7 7 7" II Radtke 7 Sanel, Gomul. Royal Dolly. 9C933 Salt Lake 41 542 fast 100 102 9 12 12 125M Murphy VZ Lawii, Salligrade, Billy Haucoek . 90732 Salt Lake 41 f 50 fast 100 10S S 10 10 1"1R Wilson 12 Sanel, Nada Mas, Valhal. G379 Salt Lake 1-2 4S1 fast 200 100 8 8 8 8;6iMondon 8 Elsewhere, Free. Lawn. 9377S Ogden 3-8 374 fast 5 100 5:ojBuxton 5 Sleepland, G.Pallcn. B. Hancock PERCY HENDERSON, br. c. 2 108 By Cesarion Lingerie W. Fisher. 97G43 Butte 41" 5G slow 40 100 9 7 7 0 71UKederis 9 Ostentatious, F.Fashion, Ponang 975SS Butte 4f. f 50?. slow 20 102 S 9 9 S S13 Anderson . Great Friar, Royal Dolly, Ethels 9747G Butto 45 f 532 fast 100 110 7 Pulled up.J McBridc 10 W.II.Boody. F.Fashion, A.Paige; 97411 Butte S-8 1:014 fast 100 107 7 7 S 8 S J McBrlde 9 Mimorioso, Three Links, Dudo. 96114 Salt Lake 45 f 5G fast 25 112 4 6 G 7 7,s Kcderls 7 Pico, Free, Mono Lake. 96C96 Salt Lake 5-S 1:022 fast 30 109 6 Kederls 7 L.Rankin. GreatFriar. AutoGlrl. WILD FERN, br. f, 2 107 By St. Avonicus Physalis F. L. Harris. 97G9S Butte 5-S 1:01 g good 100 103 7 7 7 7 714lKirschm 7 ThreeLinks, Fleet. Fashion. Dudo 97GI5 Butte 41 f 56 slow GO 111 5 S 8 S 5" Kirschm 9 Ostentatious, F.Fashion, Penang 31370 Oakland 3-8 374 hvy 20 110 8 93 10,8U Mclntyrelil Francine, Minstra. Idum. 94232 Oakland 3-8 37g mud 20 110 9 9 9 8 J MelntyrclO Camarada. Minstra. Florence S. 94112 Oakland 3-8 37 hvy 10 110 1 43 G9i J Mclntyre 9 Ma Mie. Minstra. Nada .Mas. LADY MINT, b. f, 2 106 By Ornament Lady Hortense Crystal Stable. 97711 Butte 41 f 54 fast 100 102 9 10 10 10" J Parker 12 Ethels, Electric, Royal Dolly. 97015 Butte 45 f 56 slow 00 111 4 3 5 5"t G,4J.T Melntyre 9 Ostentatious, F.Fashion, Penang 975S8 Butto 41 f 5fig slow 30 102 3 3 7 9 917 Buxton 9 Great Friar, Royal Dolly. Ethels 96807 Salt Lake 5-S 1:012 slow 60 103 G 7 0S5 8la M Murphy 9 Flcet.Fashlon, Electric. R.Dolly. 90513 SaJt Lake 41 f 55g fast 60 1 03 1 10 12 11JM Murphy 12 RoyalTea, RoyalDolly. M.Tierncy 96320 Salt Lake 5-S 1:034 hvy 20 103 9 9 9 9 S" Cavangh 9 Free, Narfi, Ostentatious. 96203 Salt Lake 41 f S42 fast 30 109 7 G G 513JM Murphy 8 Horus. Free, Nada Mas. 9G120 Salt Lake 31 f 41g fast 15 103 8 8 9 9,s Buxton 9 Elsewhere, Mammy, Saltlgraile. 93S08 Ogden 3-8 362 fast 4 100 SlBuxton G WildBcar, Landtola, ,ChgeorAlr 95778 Ogden 3-8 374 fast 5 106 41 Bevan 0 Sleepland, G.Pallcn, B.IIancock. SECOND RACE 5-S Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. S3522 593 10G. LEE HARRISON II., ch, g, 7 109 By Ben Stromc Janet Gray J. McCranor. 9771G I.utte F-C 1:114 fast 30 105 G 7 0 3U ,2i Corey 11 Doc Allen, Sir Barry. Santhia. 97G73 Butte 3-1 l:15g slow 40 103 7 7 9 75 5 Corey- 12 G.Rnssell. Hamraway, DoeAUon 97047 Butte 51 f 1:092 slow 15 103 7 8 0S 0 Corey 10 El Perfccto. Judith Page; Denccn 97477 Butte 5-S 1:002 fast 1G 109 5 7 5l 43 Corey 11 Kootcnay. Santhia. Letitla. 97448 Butte 3-4 1:11 fast 50 1 00 3 3 5 01 GtsjBailey 11 M.Randolph, Voting, Florence A. FLYING, ch. s, 4 109 By Altamax Palomacita G. Cooney. 97650 Butte 3-1 l:15g good 10 103 3 2 2 2l 4J Corey 12 An. Nelson, Hawley, Glcnnadeane 97563 Butto 7-S l:29g slow 100 104 10 10 10 9 9 712 lines 12 Florence A., Cisko, Patriotic. 97HS Butte 3-4 1:14 fast 30 107 9 8 0 S 713 A Nelson 11 M.Randolph, Voting. Florence A. 97393 Butte 51 f 1:0S2 fast 18-5 109 5 G 4 BJ 5J A Nelson 11 Menden, Reuben, Wahanan. 973 IS Butte 3-4I:14g fast SO 109 7 7 8 8 7J5A Nelson 10 Chilla, Green Isle, Dor. Ledgett 9179S Anaconda 5-S 1:024 fast 8 109 43 Lindhorst 8 Bitter Sir, Coascr, Now Capital. SIGNOR, b. h. 5 112 By Scmpronius Lilith W. H. Dupce. 97101 Vancouver 3-1 1:15 fast 110 22 Carter 10 Bellcoflroipiois. Bloudy. Dargiu. 9035G Vancouver 55 f 1:0S2 fast 103 3J Carter 9 Frieze, Third Chance. Juan. 90G24 Vancouver 1-2 4S4 fast 121 0i Carter 10 ShtCut, M.Canomn, Ed.AiIams. 91443 Oakland F C 1:122 hvy CO 91 12 12 10 95 9i Kederis 12 Pluvious. RalghP.D.. L.Ddonne 94175 Oakland 51 f 1:09 mud 00 100 S 9 9 9 8 Kederis 9 RaleighP.D.. L.Ddonne. T.Belle S0923 S. Anita 1 1:404 fast 13 110 2 3 3 3 G 7al J Howard 11 Altenbcrg. Yan.Tourist. Gdltail. S0725 S. Anita 65 f 1:20 slow 100 100 G 8 0S5 6 Arthur 9 Inclement. Frch Cook. Sandpiper KOOTENAY, ch. g, 3 102 By Ben Strome My Beauty Hogan and Keono. 97734 Butto 55 f l:0Si fast 7 105 4 3 4 01 795 Rooney 10 M. Hvde, Sil. Stocking. Tillhast. 97646 Butte F C 1:118 slow 3 103 2 1 1 1- 2 Rooney S Abound, Pickaninny, WiltrudeS. 97477 Butte 5-S 1:002 fast 4-5 102 3 1 11 lt J Mclntyrell Santhia. Lctitia, lA!eIIarrisonII. 9737S Butte F C l:10g fast 60 99 G 1 2 51 113 Groth 11 Abound. Jim Mulvehill. Par.Boy MIDSUMMER, br. f , 3 100 By Kenilworth Cora Goetz Chanticler Stable. 97330 Butte 5-8 1:02 fast 25 100 4 1 1 l1 2J Kederis 8 Cap.Millcr, P.Oiscau, Wabaiian. 95S8S Salt Lako 5-S 592 fast 9S 2 1 1 31 52e5Sehlen 7 LadyMacy. Par.Boy, .T.Mulvehill 96775 Salt Lake F G 1:11 fast 10 10S 2 11 G ll- W Fischer 11 Ed G., Galene Gale, Jim Ale. 9630S Salt Lake 5-S 1:03 hvy 45 106 5 5 G 7 7" W Fischer 7 Parlor Boy, Morada, Venetian. PETITE OISEAU, ch. f. 3 100 By Ravelston Aunt Bird Crystal Stable. 97330 Butto 5-S 1:02 fast 4 103 2 2 2 2s 31 Buxton 8 C.Miller, Midsummer. Wahanan. 9C061 Salt Lako 55 1:0S2 fast 4 107 4i Buxton , VcnoVon. Dolena. LucilleManley 93740 Ogden 1-2 50g fast 3 102 23 Buxton 5 AbigailK., J.W.Fuller, B.Gnlcaf 95676 Ogden 5-S 1:01 fast 6 101 3i Buxton G Hovlc. Valencia. East End. 93601 Ogden 3-1 l:17g fast 4 102 518 BuxUm 5 Lady.ircNally, Burn.Busn, Kogo. 95192 Juarez 3-4 1:132 fast 8 103 3 2 1 43 710lMoleswh 10 Romplc, Shot. Summertime. 95111 Juarez 65 f l:0Sg slow 5 91 4 3 3 41 415 Nolan 7 WarJig, SamBarber. MlkeMolelt 93007 Juarez 5-S 1:001 fast" 8 110 4 2 2 2l 11 Kennedy 8 Canapa, Pleasant, noopa. 94S92 Juarez 6-8 592 fast G 110 4 3 3 32 414Taplin 9 Rompic, Shot, Strange dOr.- 91773 Juarez 51 1 1 :074 good 15 102 2 1 2 31 fllMoIcswh 11 Double F., Oblivion, Shot. 94724 Juarez 5-S 1:03 good 5 103 G 2 2 51 781 Nolan 10 Jim Mc, Becchmont, Emma L. 91029 Juarez 3-4 1:24 hvy 4 93 5 7 7 8 95 Nolan 9 Balella, Soon, Juarez. ROBERT MITCHELL, blk. g, 9 109 By Kismet Carrie Dare W. A. Akers. 97673 Butte 3-4 1:15? slow 15 110 3 11 31 7lUoynolds 12 G.Russell. Hamraway. DocAUen 97500 Butte F C 1:124 slow 50 109 2 1 1 l3 2n Moudou 8 Acolln, NcwCapital. Barnsdalc. 97477 Butto 5-S 1:002 fast 13 103 4 3 i1 5 Rosen 11 Kootenay. Santhia. Lctifia. 97412 Butte 3-4 1:142 fast 30 121 8 5 4 5"" GiilBorel 11 R.elTovar, Hamaway, OswnldB. 97S91 Butte 51 1:08 fast 20 103 5 3 2 43 7" J Lewis 9 B.Mayham, OswaldB., Roy.Stone 37302 Butto 5-8 1:014 fast 50 112 4 4 4 4 361 J Lewis G GIL Rose, BUI Mayiiam. Rusk. REUBEN, b. g, 8 109 By Lavcno Sister Mary J. J. Troxler. 97097 Butte 3-1 1:10?. good 30 113 1 3 3 9 10t4JW.irren 10 Bcllsnicker, O.Miller. L. Manley 97G3G Butte 3-1 1:15R good 15 109 10 8 7 7nk 9and MonOon 12 An.Nelson, Hawlev. Glennndeane 97593 Butte F C 1:124 slow 50 107 4 10 10 10 10 Mondon 10 F.G.IIogan. Snnglator. Pasngc; 97393 Butte 51 1:0S2 fast 20 109 1 2 2 21 2s Mondon 11 Menden, Wahanan, Parfon. 97302 Butte 5-S 1:01 i fast 50 112 3 5 G G G2 Mondon G Gil.Rose. B.Mayham, R.Mitchell. 91740 Anaconda 3-4 1:154 fast 12 111 9 Coburn 9 Gclico. Bonfils, New Capital. 91707 Anaconda 5-S 1:034 good 40 111 913 Fogarty 9 B. Mayham. Sir Barry. Kinfolks. BIG ELDORADO, br. -g. 4 109 By Kenilworth Boss Girl Montana Stable, 97535 Butto 1 1:40 mud 40 107 3 S 9 9 9 S18 Anderson F.Guard, AnneRevore. M.Naomi. 97128 Butte 1 1:41 fast GO 112 11 S 7 7 9 953 D Bolaud 11 D.Lcdgctt, C.Rothschild. S.Saui. 97393 Butte 55 1:0S2 fast 10 111 S 8 8 8 95lCoburn 11 .Menden, Reuben, Wahanan. 91851 Anaconda 5-S l:03g hvy 50 103 3105Corey 7 Zick Abrams. Sainest. Sainfox. 91751 Anaconda 51 f 1:0SJ fast 30 97 711 Parker 8 Sir Barry. Herives. Mossback. PLACIDE. ch. f, 4 107 By Ben Strome Epidemic J. F. Mooro. 97710 Butte F C 1:114 fast 40 100 10 5 10 10 10i.Mondon 11 D.Allen. L.IIarrisonl I.. SirBarrv 97017 Butte 55 f 1:092 slow 5 107 0 3 3 5l 103 Mondon 10 EI Perfccto. Judith Page. Dcnecn 97477 Butte 5-S 1:002 fast 15 10S 8 4 9 9JMondon 11 Kootenay, Santhia. Lctitia. 97429 Butte F C 1 :10g fast 100 107 7 4 9 9 10lMondon 11 Fancy, B.Grcenlear, Swagerlator 97298 Butte 5-S 1:02 fast 8-5 HO 5 3 4 2"t 3 Rooney 7 Geneva. El Perfecto. Royal Stone 90777 Salt Lake 51 f 1:074 fast 00 103 10 9 9 95 933 II Radtke 10 E.IIamilton. Swaglator. Sainest 90514 Salt Lake F C 1:101 fast 25 107 5 4 8 9 S3H Radtke 0 I.Wintcr. NewC.tpIt.il. Barnsdale SANTHIA, br. m. 6 107 By Santcllo Morccdita Peck and Duster. 97710 Butte F C 1:1U fast 10 101 9 10 9 5 41 A Nelson 11 D.Allen. L.IIarrisonI I.. SirBarry 97G73 Butte 3-1 1:153 slow 35 10S S 3 3 45 G J Lewis 12 G.Russell, Ilamrawav, DocAIIen 97608 Butte F C 1:118 good 20 110 11 10 9 S 7" J Lewis I t Gilbert Rose, Crex, Fore, 97477 Butto 5-8 1:002 fast 8 110 9 G 35 2k J Lewis 11 Kootenay, Lctitia. L.IIarrlsonlf. 97417 Butte F C 1:11 fast 100 110 8 7 7 8 7s J Lewis 9 Scvenfull, E.IIamilton. Tilghast 91520 Butto Gi f 1 :20g fast 10 107 77i Lindhorst 1 1 J. oLaiitern. Swede Sam. Cabin. 912SI Butte 61 l:21g fast ii 107 2l Pago 10 OuickTrip. Mike.Iordan. Soua. ANGELUS MAID, ch. f, 3 100 By Rey el Santa Anita La Maroma. First start. THIRD RACE 1 Milo and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Soiling. August 17, 1901 1:-12. 5 111. WHITE WOOL, ch. c. 3 102 By Woolsthorpe Madine W. F. Cisco. 9767G Butte 1 1:41 slow 5 90 3 3 4 3 4" 43J J Callahan 5 Endymionll.. Spohn, Meadow. 37534 Butto 1 l:42g mud 7 90 5 5 5 5 5 35 J Callahan 5 Arasee. Spohn. Fern L. 97440 Butto lm70y 1:43 ..fast 30 90 G 3 4 7 7 G15 J Callahan 7 Endvmion II.. Fern L., Meadow. 97115 Butte 51 f l:06g fast 60 9S 5 4 4 5 5l5C Ross 5 .Madman, TernsTrick. Pawhuska 97137 Latonia 1 1:40 fast 8 97 G24 4 3i2A Burton 0 LalKild, County Tax, MaryDavis. 97055 Latonia 3-4 1:131 good IS 105 9 9 9 7 7105Taplln Sivannanoa, A.Express. CtyTax. 96541 Latonia 1 1-16 1:514 slop 51 99 4 5 3 3 31 331 A Thomas G B.NcwsIL, Leamcnce, Carlton G. 9S420 Latonia 1 1:38? fast 8 961 5 5 5 5 5 51 E Martin 5 PrlnceGal. n.Burke. Wintgreeri. 96203 Latonia 1 1-2 2:30g fast 12 117 3 3 3 5 43 412 McCahey 8 Gov.Gray, StarCharter. Jless.Boy and60S5 Louisville 1 1:394 fast 18 98 1 3 4 2 2 21 McCahey S Prince Gal, Ozana, Wintergrecn. 96037 Lsville lm20y 1:412 fast H 95 4 4 7 6 41 3 C Ross 8 Kormak, Angelus, Bourbon Beau BLACK MATE, ch. g, 7 102 By First Mate Later J. Hochrein. 97730 Butto lm70y 1:43 fast 3 90 2 1 1 1 25 31 J Callahan :t Endymion II.. Meadow. 97654 Butto 1 1:414 good 10-5 101 5 4 4 2 21 2 J Callahan G Fern L.. Belle Clem. Zoroaster. 97611 Butte lm70y 1:454 good 51 93 3 1 1 1 ll 2n J Callahan 5 Endymionll., Arasee, Ed.Graney 97479 Butte lm20y l:42g fast 45 10S 2 4 2 2 3 3 J Callahan 5 Sticker, Coppcrtown, Sake. 97401 Butte 1 1:391 fast 7 9S 4 4 4 4 4 4" J Callahan 4 Arasee, Fern L.. Spohn. 97316 Butte lm70y 1:45 fast 13 100 5 2 2 3 35 43 J Callahan 5 Spohn. Arasee. Meadow. 96801 Hawthne 1 1-S 1:544 fast 2 111 31 J Callahan 4 John Louis, Ruisseau. Lesh. 90707 Ilwthne 1 1-16 1:474 fast 3-5 106 431 J Callahan -1 H.innis, Tony W.. Romplc 90463 Latonia 1 1:39? fast 9 10S 5 5 5 5 41 4 J Glass 0 E.Bryson. BellHorsc. F.Johnson. 95946 Lsville 1 1-16 l:45g fast 11 104 5 4 4 5 5 5" T Rice fl B.Beau. Star.Night. neathbroom 95S1S Lsville lm20y 1:432 slop 9 100 0 5 5 3 3 33 G Garner G Fash.Plate, V.Strome. CarltonG. 93026 Pimlico ImOOy 1:442 fast 11-5 107 9 8 7 G 41! 3i G Garner 9 Belfast. FrankPurcell. TlteMonk. 95585 Pimlico 1 l:39g fast 4 109 7 8 8 7 4s A2l G Garner 8 Busy. Col.Ashmeade. Live Wire. 93203 Juarez 7-S 1:252 fast 10 98 5 5 5 5 5 H G Garner 6 Seth. Mockler. Flying Wolf. FERN L., b. m. 6 102 By Dewey or Otis Kings Lady A. J. Jackson. 97737 Butte 1 1:412 fast 1 100 6 2 1 2 41 G"iKcdcris 7 Rov Junior, Acumen. Banorella. 97634 Butte 1 1:414 good 2 99 3 1 1 1 15 1 Kederis 0 Black Mate. B. Clem. Zoroaster, 97534 Butte 1 1:421 mud 31 93 4 1 1 3 3 4i Kederis n Arasee, Spohn. White Wool, 97446 Butte lm70y 1:43 fast 7 92 2 1 1 1 l3 21 Kederis 7 Endvmion II. Vleadow Arasee 97401 Butte 1 1:392 fast 41 03 3 1 1 1 1J 25 Kederis 4 Arasee, Spohn. Black Mate. 973SO Butte 3-4 l:12g fast 4 103 2 2 3 2"t 235 Kederis 4 Madman. P.Stre.4, Dr.Dgiierty 97345 Butte 55 f 1:08 fast 9-5 98 1 1 2 23 2h Kederis 7 Metrooolitan, Ularwood. lh -i" X S JaS,1 f JK 1 3 4 4k cQra 0 SOr.OCon1. T.TrickJ Metpolitan Ia I as7 1 ?4J Kederis 5 Metpolitan. R.Reed. An.Interest S6S11 Salt 7 Lake 51 f l:0Gi fast lOu , 1 0 2 0 2 11 1 Kederis 6 My.OConl, N.Nick, L.DIcudnc. BELLE CLEM, ch. f, 4 103 By Contestor Hide and Seek H. G. Bcdwell. 97651 Butte 1 1:414 good 9 101 1 2 2 3 35 33", C Ross G Fern L., Black Alate, Zoroaster. 97;.91 Butte 7-S 1:288 slow 2-5 10S 3 5 3 4 4 4ilWarren 5 Berkeley, Big Stick, Imoud. 90550 Latonia lm70y 1:43 fast 17-10 1005 5 3 3 3 35 41 Ganz 7 Samaria, Sinfraii, Camel, 90529 Latonia lm20y 1:42 fast 9-5 9S S S S 3 11 42 Loftus 8 Shapdale, Pirate Diana, Sinfran. ZOROASTER, b. g. 4 110 By Mazagan Mirabcllo F. Rinehart. 97C31 Butte 1 1:414 good 12 lor, 0 0 5 4 4 4 Buxton G Fern L.. BlackMate. BelleClem. 97426 Butte 1 1-4 2:07jj fast 1 107 4 3 2 1 l3 11 Buxton 5 Marigot, Elgin. Round and Uound. 3.300 Butte 1 1-8 1:542 fast 8-5 107 2 3 3 2 1 1 Buxton G Marigot. RndandRound, Stonemau 97016 Salt Lake 1 1-S 1:564 fast 3 107 1 4 3 3 2 1 Buxton 9 Elgin. Kogo. Cabin. 97003 SaltLako lm70y 1:454 fast 1G 101 l Buxton 7 The Monk. Marburg, Cisko. 96SS9 Salt Lake 1 1-S 1:55E fast 107 3 2 1 1 P 2" Buxton 8 Ergin, Marigot. Round and Round 901S0 Salt Lake 7-8 1:2S fast 13-5 109 1 3 3 3 3nk 3 A Walsh S O.Dcsmoud. M.Randolph. Hiacko 9G3SI Salt Lake 1 1-S 1:561 fast 10 107 4 3 3 3 35 2 Buxton S R.andRound. Molesev, Kalserhotr. 96241 Salt Lake .11:42 fast 51 107 5 G 4 3 3 4J Buxton 8 Fred Mnlholland, Cabin. Fereno. 96110 Salt Lake 1 1:422 fast S 107 1 3 3 1 l1 V Buxton 7 R.andRound. D.Weber, Kaiserhoff. P6072 Salt like 1 1:432 fast 10 110 1 Coburn 5 K.oflvanhoe, Cabin, Cap.Biirnett 96056 Salt Lake 3-4 1:152 good 25 111 5 Buxton 10 Blacksheep. M.TTyde. Hid. Hand 93776 Ogden 7-8 l:30g fast 4 111 445 Rooney 0 Dor.Ann, TltusIL, L. Elizabeth, 95736 Ogden 5- 1:04 fast ; Itoouey 5 Necklet, Bst End, QefiVT, JUDGE aUINN, ch. g, 4 102 By Ravelston Lady Wadsworth W. B. Carson. 07735 Butte 1? C 1:101 fast 20 10S 7 S S S 7 Hopkins 8 Lomond. BigStick, Eliz.Harwood. U7C54 Butte 1 1:41ft Rood 6 M3 2 3 3 5 5 P Hopkins 0 Kern L., MackMntc. RclIeClcm. 9739-3 Butto 1 l:39ii last 6 110 4 3 3 2 3" 43h Hopkins 7 Sticker, EndymionlL. Ed.Grancy 97333 Butto 1 l:40g fast S-5 110 a 1 1 2 21 3J Hufnagel 0 Acumen, EndymionlL. E.Grancy U702S Salt Lake 1 1:408 fast 6 10S 1 3 3 2 21 2J A "Walsh -1 Spolin, Shooting Spray. Rue. 0C77S Salt Lake 1 l:41g fast S-5 107 3 ,2 1 1 lk l2 Scldcn 4 ThcMonk, D.Stafford, M.Mgravo 96477 Salt Lake 1 1:41 fast S-6 107 3 2 2 2 2l 2 Selden 5 Donnls Stafford, Itno, The Monk 9C358 SaltLake lm20y 1:45 fast 2-5 107 3 1 1 1 Is 1J A Walsh 9 Cabin. Miss Officious, Hoyle. 90219 Salt Lake 3-4 1:13? fast 21 107 4 1 1 Is! li A Walsh 9 Twi.Queen, Heknows, Sir Barry. 90127 Latonla 3-4 l:Ul fast 5 105 1 G 5 Gh 7 Scovllle 14 Sigo, Barrel, Chief Hayes. SS175 Oakland 1 1-1C 1:492 slop 11-20 112 4 3 4 5 4J 3J A Walsh Turret, Old Mexico. Balronla. Sand128 Oakland lm70y l:40i livy 7-0 99 4 4 D 4 41 U Tapllu 8 Raleigh, Keep Moving, OnaUssa FRAKK G. HOG AN, b. e. 4 105 By Hawkswick Wedding Day W. E. Suggs. 97735 Butte F O 1:104 fast 20 108 2 K 5 A- 4 Anderson K Lomond. ItigStlck. Eliz.llarwood. 970S0 Butte 3-4 l:lfi slow 21-5 110 1 11 l li E McEwen 7 T.Queeu, E.IIamton, N.Quarter 97593 Butto P G l:lLi slow 13-5 113 1 11 l 1SJ E McEwen 10 Swagerlator. Passenger, Deneen. 974SI Butte P C 1:11 slop 10 109 3 G 4 G 7,SJE McEwen 11! lianorella, E.Hamiitou, lil.Rose 97417 Butte P C 1:11 fast 1C 10! 3 4 C G A Anderson 9 Sevenfull, K.Hamilton. Tilghast S71S5 Salt Lake P C 1:10 fast 2 113 2 1 2 2i 4si Anderson 7 Hid. Hand, NewCapltal, Heknows 970G2 Salt Lake 7-8 1:202 fast 10 109 C G 7 4 5 CJAnderson 7 Genimell, Workbox. Muff. SG774 Salt Lake P C l:10i fast 4 119 1 12 l5i li Anderson 0 Darelngton, Dell. Annie Wells. CAPEWELL, ch. g. 5 101 By Offden Tactful M. Foster. 172GG Vancouvr 1 1-S l:51g fast 114 21 E McEWan S Juan, Barney Oldfield, Matador. 97259 Vancouver 7-S l:27g fast 111 7S2 Lycurgus 8 Krieze, Iliillistina, NettleTraver. U7000 Vancouver 1 1:40 fast 105 CSJ Keogh 30 .T.Hendson, Dargin, B.ofKortune 90982 Vancvr 1 1-1C l:4Sg fast 11C 1 Keogii 7 Myl5ouuet, R.Hurst, Milit.Mun 90927 Vancouver 5-S 1:01J fast 11C 4 Lycurgus 9 Maizie Girl. Sir Kretful. VelmaC. 9G07S Vancouver 3-4 1:14 fast 111 G4 Keogh C, Blondy. J. Henderson, TonyKaust 9GG10 Vancouver 1 l:41g fast ill 2h Brady 7 NettleTraver. Tripping, BellClilt 9C498 Victoria lmlOOy lMSg fast 4-5 113 1 Lycurgus 7 Dene. Bell Cliff. Sir Wesley. 9C44S Victoria 1 l:44g fast 4-5 111 2 Lycurgus 7 Iliillistina, Charles Green. Dene. MILT JONES, b. g, 3 90 By Deutschland Bonnie Lissak J. McCranor. 97700 Butte 54 f 1:07 good 100 91 4 5 5 G 5 Bailey r, Enfield. Doc.Douglierty. Berkeley 97591 Butte 7-8 l:28g slow 40 102 G 4 G G G 5iBailey .r Berkeley, Big Stick, Lomond. 97427 Butte 3-4 1:12 fast 200 97 5 G G G G" Bailey 7 P.Ahmcd, Iawhuska, My.OConl 97332 Butte PC 1:10 fast 30 105 1 4 G G 5i Bailey 5 Enfield, Lochlel, Jack oLantern. 91S01 Anaconda Gi f 1:0SR fast 30 S7 75 -E Callahan 7 JimBapey, UeanMan, DelOruzador S1749 Anaconda Gi f l:07jj fast C 99 48i Parker 4 EdmdAdams. St.Heller, .LBaeoy FOURTH RACE 5-8 Mile. All Ages. Allowances. 83T.22 .r!i 3 100. TERNS TRICK, b. g. 4 114 By Peter McCuo Tern Powell and Parker. 97415 Butte GVfl:0Cgfast 9-5 110 3 2 2 2S 25i Buxton fi Madman, Pawhnska, Copportown 97098 Salt Lake Gl l:fijj last G 109 :t 11 li 24 Buxton G My.OConl, KernL., Met poll tan. SG9C0 Salt Iake 51 f l:U5j fast 113 2 2 2 21 45t 1 Boland 0 Iawhuska, My.OConl, Uliteasy. 90117 Salt Lake 5 f l:05g fast 1 110 1 11 l2i 1J Kirschm 4 Marchmonet, Arasce, Coprtown. SC073 Salt Lake 5-S 59J fast 1 10S Is Kirschm 5 Metropolitan, Arasee, Madman. 95045 Juarez Glfl:05ifast 4 110 4 1 1 34 34 Nolan 4 Fol.Levy, NapaNick, P.ofLmore 94S94 Juarez G-8 59 fast 8-6 115 1 11 1" 34 G Garner G F.Square, B.Boyer, P.ofLIsmore. i 91780 Juarez G-S G9g good 8-5 110 2 11 li l" McCulgh 7 N.Nick. Fou.Square, P.ofTinore 94750 Juarez G-8 69 fast 2 103 2 1 1 1 l8 G Garner 5 Uncle Ben. Al Muller. Dr. Smoot PAY STREAK, br. g. 3 107 By Kenilworth Mitten Chanticler Stable. 973S0 Butte 3-4 l:12g fast 13-10 101 3 S 2 3:i 3 Anderson 4 Madman, KernL., Dr.Dougherty. 97143 Salt Lake F C 1:09 fast 21 101 2 3 3 l"t 11 Kederis 4 Goldfinn, Lochlel, Montauk Don. 50408 Salt Lake G-S G9 fast GO 10S 1 COG CHW Fischer C F.Mullens. Pawhuska, Sh.Spray. 94520 Oakland 7-5.1:31 mud 12 9S 1 4 4 C G C153A Thomas 8 Raleigh P. D., Arasee. Ayame. 94445 Oakland F C 1:123 hvy 9 103 4 3 9 10 10s Taplin 12 Pluvious, ItalghP.D., L.Ddonne 94373 Oakland 3-4 l:17g hvy 31 104 8 8 G G1 41 J Glass 8 L.DIeudonne, B.Junlor. P. Mohr 94218 Oakland 1 1:45 mud 31 113 1 5 6 3 41 41 G Garner 8 Starry Night, Ayame, Doncaster 9101,7 Oakland P C 1:11 slop 8-5 110 3 3 3 31 2Ji Taplin 4 StarryNJgut, JimBasey. Maxdice 93971 Oakland 3-4 1:15 mud 8-G 97 2 2 3 31 11 G Garner 4 ThlstleBelle. P.Mohr. R. Junior PAJAROITA, ch. g, G 104 By Rey del Siorras Aunt Bird H. G. Bedwell. 49074 Aqueduct 5-S st 1:03 hvy 17-10 111 G 4 3 3 33 J Taplin r Ben Loyal. Dnllcare, Carroll. Mte3 Aqueduct 3-1 1:14 fast 31 112 4 2 2 2 2 Taplin 8 Prince Gal, Itialto. .Madman. BIT OF FORTUNE, b. g. 4 104 By Altamax Bit of Fashion E. F. Wright. 97289 Vancouver 1 l:41g fast 113 1 Keogh 5 Uosevale, S.Delivery, Johnstown 97258 Vancouver 3-4 1:134 fast 110 35 Keogh DaddyGip. AdaMeado. Tli.Belle. 97073 Vancouver 3-4 1:154 livy lin 2t Keogii ! Salali. J. Henderson, Tony Kaust. 970CC Vancouver 1 1:40 fast 97 3i Carter 10 Judgellenderson. Dargin, Netting 9C954 Vancouver G-S 1:01R fast 97 4. Carter 7 Beda. Dargin. Cheers. 9CC9C Vancouver 3-4 l:13g fast 107 CJ Carter 7 Ada Meade, Cleopat, ThistleBelle 9CR32 Vancouver G-8 1:012 fast 110 2t Carter i Back Bay, Third Chance. Krieze. 1O540 Oakland 01 f 1:19M fast 20 105 3 8 8 9 9"1W Taylor 30 NoQuarter, Ossabar. Phil Molir. 834T.U Oakland 3-4 1:124 fast 20 107 5 8 8 8 S" W Taylor 9 This.Belle, Raleigh. Mich.Angelo UNCLE JIMMIE GRAY, br. h, 5 107 By Bonnie Joe Mary Hills B. Wall. 97400 Butte 5-S G9g fast 30 114 2 1 1 21 48 llulnagel 9 Workbox, Salali, Iady Macy. 90922 Okla.City 3-4 1:16 fast 2 118 31 llnfnagel 7 Iukeramus, Fundamental, Zool. 904SC O.City Alm70y G2g fast 3-5 127 11 Hufnagel S Sam P.. Fore, Alice Belle. 9C2C Ok.City Ab G-S G9g fast 3 119 1 Hufnagel 12 Dr. Mack, Zool. Bonnie Hays. 95997 Louisville G-S G9s fast 10G 11G G 5 G G1 G" Loftus 9 Countless, J.GrifiinlL, ElfinBeau. 95S20 Louisville Gi f l:07g fast 8 114 8 9 9 9 9" McTagrt 10 FlyingFootsteps. Sureget. WarJig 952CC Jacksvlllo G4 f l:0Cg fast 10 109 4 2 1 ll 21 Loftus 9 G.M. Miller. B.Grande. Florlmel. IRISH GENTLEMAN, b. c. 3 100 By McGee The Lady J. Hochrein. 9CS05 Hawthorne 3-4 1:134 fast 3-2 110 :! J Callahan 9 Braxton, Tom- W., Startler. 9C1CS Hawthorne 5 f 1:074 fast 1 10S 43 J Callahani:! Roberta. Sona. Startler. 96551 Plmlico 3-i 1:134 fast 8 100 2 1 1 l5 1 G Garner 34 Footlights. Castania, Edith C. 90184 Sheepshead G-S 1:02 slop GO 315 G" A Lang 7 R.theAVorld. Aldrlan. Lit.KaJah. LITTLE ELVA, ch. f, 4 ,102 By Cocagne Alice Rix E. Ryan. 9?40G Ogden 5-S l:0Cg slow 2 104 41 Rosen 5 Alivia. Volliome. Salomy Jane. 92355 Ogden 5-S 1:054 mud 30 101 3" Rosen i Warfare, ElfinKing, R.Shumway FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. f7Sn5 1:39 1 11". DELENA, b. f. 3 90 By Martinet Estraza W. B. Carson. 97C1R Butte 3-4 1:154 good 15 105 4 0 2 2 2 Hopkins 9 David Warlleld. Waner. Biskra. 97C13 Butte 2-4 1:15 good 15 95 3 1 1 I2. 1- Hopkins 11 N. Capital, ParlorBoy, llamaway 97531 Butte 3-4 1:102 mud G 95 G 2 2 3s! 38J Hopkins 8 Binocular, Patriotic. El Perfecto 97404 Butte P C 1:102 fast S 93 C C G C Glu Hopkins 7 Venetian. J.Mulvehill. ParlorBoy. 97333 Butte ll:40gfast 25 84 G Pulled up. Hopkins 0 Acumen. EndymionlL, J.Qulnn. 97141 Salt Lake 1 1:124 fast C 94 G 2 2 2 21 Gl Hopkins 7 Ocean Shore, Ben Uncas. Acolln 97020 Salt Lake 3-4 1:131 fast 9 94 3 7 G 31 3s Hopkins 8 Heretic. Adcna, Royal Stone. 9C902 SaltLake lm20y 1:424 fast SS G G G G G. Cl Hopkins 7 Marburg. Mar. Randolph, Iliacko 9C8U Salt Lake 1 l:43g slow 21 SS G 2 2 2 2l 21 Hopkins C Galene Gale, Zahra, Titlls. 9C742 SaltLake lm70y 1:404 fast 21 SS 7 7 G 4 3s 4i Hopkins 8 F.Mulbolnd, Marlgot, Aftermath SC43C SaltLake lm20y 1:404 slow G 90 3 1 1 1 Is 1 Hopkins 10 Hamaway, L.Manley, Greenlslo. TRISTE, ch. g, 3 94 By Borgia St. Kristine C. Wright. 97701 Butte 1 1:42? good 10 92 7 1 1 1 2" 31 Carter 10 Pedro, Dave Weber, Jeanotte M. 97055 Butte lm70y l:47g good G 95 4 3 3 3 32 32 Hopkins 32 Fereno, Heine, Miss Naomi. 57590 Butte 1 1:431 slow 2 92 S G 4 3 3s 310 Carter 9 Heretic, Pedro, Dave Weber. 97407 Butte 1 1:424 fast 40 93 7 4 3 2 2"t 41 Carter 8 M.Musgrave, Beat.Sonle. Marbg 57425 Butte 3-4 1:148 fast 1C 102 8 G 5 G Gcl Carter 9 Crcx, Frank Ferris, Zool. 97378 Butte P C l:10j! fast G 9S 1 5 8 8 7lCarler 31 Abound, Jim Mulvebill. Par.Boy 97239 Vancouver 7-8 1:27 fast 10G 45 Keogh 0 Eddie Graney, Dargin, Blondy. 97119 Vancouver 11:45 hvy 302 48 Carter fi J.IIenderson, Colinet. Rob.Uurst. 97072 Vancouver 3-4 1:1C2 hvy 304 ll Carter 7 II . Satchel, Toe Dancer, Rusmax 970CS Vancouver 1 1:414 fast 95 4:1 Carter 11 Firm Foot, Frieze, Footloose. FERENO. ch. f. 4 105 Bv Nasturtium Grace J. 3. T. Strite. 97715 Butte 1 l:42g fast 8 105 7 G G G 7 51 Cavangh S Ocean Shore. Venetian. Zahra. 97055 Butte lm70v l:47g good 9 107 Gil 1 1J li Cavangh 12 Heine. Triste, Miss Naomi. 97535 Butte 1 1:40 mud C 10C 7 4 4 G 5s G11 Cavangh 9 F.Guard. AuneReverc. M.Naomi. 9741G Butte lm20y 1:43 fast 25 107 G 3 2 3 2"t 33 Cavangh S Force, Stoneman, Fore Guard. 97141 Salt Lake 1 1:424 fast 20 105 4 G 7 G Ca 4s Cavangh 7 Ocean Shore, Ben Uncas, Acolln 9C999 Salt Lake 1 l:42g fast 4 107 7 3 1 1 4J G83 Cavangh 7 Titlls, Edna Stewart, Kogo. 1K5S91 Salt Lake 7-S l:27g fast 305 G 4 2 2 4 3s Cavangh 0 P.eatriceSoule, JndlthPage. Kogo 90742 SaltLake lm70y 1:404 fast G 305 G 3 4 C Gl G53 Cavangh 8 F.Mulbolnd, Marlgot. Aftermath 90479 SaltLake lmCOy 1:44 fast 12 107 G 1 1 1 2- 3 3 Cavangh 7 DaveWeber, Zahra, Dorothy Ann 904U5 Salt Lake F O 1:092 fast 15 3 07 3 7 G G GlHCavangh 8 Gemmell, D.AVarfleld. Descendnt 50241 Siilt like 1 1:42 fast 4 1 05 4 3 G G G1 3ei Cavangh 8 KredMulliOlIaud, Cabin. Zoroaster DAVE WEBER, ch. g. 7 109 By All Green Apolline A. Berry. 5i701 Butte 1 1:423 good 12 109 2 7 5 3 3 23 Anderson 10 Pedro. Triste. Joanette M. 97590 Butte 1 1:434 slow 10 109 f. 7 G 4 4 410JSbriner 9 Heretic. Pedro. Triste. 974X0 Butte 11:432 fast GO 109 8 7 8 G r 35 Shriner 9 R.andRound, Zahra, Montauk Don 9739C Butte lm70y 1:4G2 fast 0 113 3 4 4 3 21 31 Shriner 30 Zahra. Fore Guard, L. McNally Si727l Butte lm70y 1:452 fast 10 309 2 G G G G 5U Anderson 7 F.Miilhold. Elgin, L.Marcbniont 909CG SaltLake lm20y l:43g fast 110 G G G G d- GJ Coburn 7 Cabin. DorothyAnn. JackStryker. 9CSS9 Salt Iike 1 1-8 l:G5g fast 109 7 4 5 4 G G,uiAnderson S Elgin, Zoroaster. Marlgot. 9G735 Salt Lake 1 1-S l:55g fast C 311 G 4 4 2 2i 21 Anderson 7 R.andRound, E.T.Fryer. StarActor 9G479 SaltLake lm20y 1:44 fast 9 113 4 2 4 4 3s In Anderson 7 Zahra. Fereno, Dorothy Ann. 90299 SaltLake lm20y 1:47? mud 8 11G G G G G G GIS Anderson ! Molesey. Tavora, Capt. Burnett. 5C2IS SaltLake lm20y 1:434 fast 12 1 09 4 4 4 4 4J 4ll Anderson 8 Sake. Cabin. Gene Russell. ELGIN, br. g. 5 109 By Pirate of Penzance Bolle of Elgin J. Tigue. 57055 Butte lm70y l:47g good 11-5 111 9 G G 5 Gl G J Mclntyrel2 Kereno, Heine. Triste. 974SO Butte 1 1:42;? fast S 113 G S 7 7 G G3i J Melutyre 9 R.andRound, Zahra. Dave Weber. .97420 Butte 1 1-4 2:07g fast G 105 3 2 3 4 4 3 J Mclntyre 5 Zoroaster, Marigot, It. and Hound. 57379 Butte 1 1-8 1:544 fast 21 309 3 3 2 2 3s 2i Buxton r. Marigot, R.andRound. L.Marchmt 57271 Butle lmiOy l:45g fast G 109 G 4 3 4 41 2s Buxton 7 F.Miilhold, L.Marchmt, G.Gale. 57142 Salt Lake 1 1-1 2:07H fast 3-2 111 2 1 2 2 321 3S1 D Boland 7 Whidden, .Marigot, Kogo. 9701G Salt Lake 1 1-8 1:5C4 fast C 111 3 2 2 2 31 2s I Boland 9 Zoroaster, Kogo, Cabin. 57005 SaltLake lm70y 1:454 fast 20 100 Gs Cavangh 7 Zoroaster, The Monk, Marburg. 90889 Salt Lake 1 1-S 1:55s fast 110 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 Boland 8 Zoroaster, Marigot, R. and Round. 5C7S0 SaltLake lm20y 1:434 fast 4 HI U 3 2 Ink i Coburn 11 Aftermath, Unmmeraway, G.Isle SC35S SaltLake lm20y 1:45 fast 15 311 5 7 7 G G5 G1 Kederis 9 JudgeQuinn, Cabin. MlssOtllcIous 9C2C7 SaltLake lm20y 1:43 fast G 113 8 G G G 3 35 Kederis 8 Sticker, Necklet, Star Actor. 90214 Salt Lake 3-4 1:14R fast 20 109 S 8 8 7 GJ Kederis 8 Kuropntkln, QnlckTrip. Par.Boy. 5C125 Salt 1-aka 3-4 1:144 fast 15 111 7 9 9 7 7lu3Kcderis 1 Burn.Busli, QnlckTrip, BusyMan. MARGARET RANDOLPH, b. m. 6 107 By Longstreet Metrical H. G. Bedwell. 97059 Butte 3-4 1 : 154 good 10 117 3 2 8 8 9t6lE McEwen ! David Warfield. Delena. Waner. !7C50 Butte 3-4 1:154 slow 35 100 7 GOG 71 C Boss 7 F.G.IIogan, T.Queen. E.IIamton JI75C4 Butte 7-S 1:29 slow 9 10S 7 2 1 2 2 7"i Warren S Muff. Force. Ocean Shore. 9744S Butte 3-4 1:14 fast 21 107 1 11 l5 1 J Callahan 11 Voting. Florence A.. Irrigator. 97412 Butte 3 1:144 fast 12 119 G G 4 4- 53 Warren 10 Waner, Biskra. Venetian. . 97335 Butte 7-8 1:28 fast 0 307 S 8 G G 6 7lHufnagel 9 Prince. Winter. Pedro. Ban Ann. 97145 Salt Lake 7-S 1:27? fast 4 30G 2 3 3 4 G1 S Buxton S Sorrowful. Binocular, Green Isle. 570CI Salt Lake 1 1:414 fast 21 30G 1 1 1 1 l1 21 A Walsh 5 Endymion II.. Tiffis. Cabin. 9C997 Salt Lake 11:42 fast 13-5 112 111 1 1! H A Walsh C Gal.Gale, Dor. Ann. Fore Guard. S0902 SaltLake lm20y 1:424 fast 305 2 1 1 1 in 21 Selden 7 Marburg, Hiacko. Zahra. 90S44 Salt Lake 7-8 1:28 fast 112 2 1 1 1 13 2i Selden 9 Hammeraway, Critic. Sinn Felnn HAMMER AW AY, b. g, 8 109 By Hamburg Clementina Crispen and Singleton. 57715 Bitte ll:42gf.ast 10 100 4 2 2 2 k i Mondon S Ocean Shore. Venetian. Zahra. 97073 Butte 3-1 1 :15H slow S 109 4 9 7 G2 23 Mondon 12 G. Russell, Doc Allen. Voting. 57013 Butte 3-4 1:15 good G 10! G G 5 4- 44 Mondon 11 Dclena. New Capital. Parlor Boy 97532 Butte 3-4 l:lCg mud 30 109 9 8 7 7 G5 Mondon 9 Novgorod, WlltnideS., N.CapItal 97412 Butte 3-4 l:14g fast 11-5 121 4 4 G 3nk Mondon 31 R.elTovar. OswaldB., Con.Costa 97335 Butte 7-S 1:2S fast 12 109 S G 8 8 7 45 Mondou 9 Prince Winter, Pedro. Ban Ann. 970O2 Salt Lake 7-8 l:20g fast CO 307 2 4 4 7 7 7,IiMondon 7 Gemmell. Workbox. Muff. 5CS44 Salt Lake 7-S 1:2S fast 100 G 3 3 2 2s 11 Mondon 9 M.Itandolph, Critic, Sinn Felnn. 90780 SaltLake lm20y 1:434 fast 20 111 S 5 4 3 3k 33 Rosen 31 Elgin. Aftermath, Green Isle. 90420 SaltLake lm20y 1:404 slow C 113 2 4 3 3 3;1 28 Mondon 10 Delena. LucilleManley, Greenlsle LITTLETON, b. g. 5 106 By Lodowic Minnie A. T. Johns. 97714 Butte 1 1-4 2:0S4 fast 100 99 5 ,1 1 1 I" r.cj t, k,SS LukeCates. F.Guard. R.andRound. 97055 Butte lm70y 1:472 good CO 107 2 7 7 7 S 7 C Ross 32 Fereno. Heine. Triste. 575G5 Butte 7-S 1:292 slow 100 301 31 31 11 11 11 H51 Anderson 32 Florence A.. Cisko. Patriotic. 97335 Butte 7-S 1:28 fast CO 109 5 4 4 4 4k GS Shriner 9 Prince Winter, Pedro. Ban Ann. 90C3G Salt Lake 1 1:422 fast 10 90 G Buxton S DaveWeber. Ch.Desmond. Alniena 5O503 Salt Lake 3-4 1:142 fast 25 57 G Buxton 31 L.McDowell. Sixteen, Bellllower. AFTERMATH, b. g. 7 106 By Star Ruby Recollection Fairfield Stable. 9772S Butte 11:11 fast 40 nil 9 10 9 10 9 9-JAnder.son 11 Miami, Marburg. Florence A. 90997 Salt Lake 1 1:42 fast 1S-5 114 4 5 G G G G I Boland i M.Itandolph, Gal.Gale, Dor. Ann 9C903 SaltLake lm20y 1:44? fast 107 1 G 4 4 4k 3 A Walsh 9 ForeGuard. Jud.Page, Green Isle 9G7S0 SaltLake Im20y 1:434 fast 2 114 7 S G 4 45 2- Cavangh 11 Elgin. Hammeraway. Green Isle 50742 SaltLake lm70y 1:404 fast 10 112 2 4 3 3 21 31 Coburn S F.Mulholland. Marigot. Delena. 90435 Sal tLake lm20y 3:452 slow 4 110 4 8 8 7 7 7" Kederis 8 SinnKeinn. JndlthPage. Pedro. 5C!11 SaltLake lm20y 1:48 hvy 21-5 114 3 4 3 4 Sb 4:J Borel G Klllletta. Cabin, Kaiserhoff. 90124 SaltLake lm70y 1:474 fast 2 111 2 7 4 3 3111 Kederis 10 Edwin T. Fryer, Necklet. Cabin. 5G0CG Salt Lake 3-4 1:152 fast 4 113 2 Borel C Greenlsle. R.Stone. Tillinghast. !W57 Salt Iake 3-4 1:152 good 25 112 7I0JBorel 8 Galene Gale. Darelngton. Pedro. 50738 Ogden 3-4 1:174 fast 4 111 4" Borel 4 Kuropatkin, G.Russell. Doc Allen HEINE, b. g. 8 106 By Sandringham Lady Godiva B. Wall. 9773S Butte 11:41 fast 10 111 1 4 3 G 4nw 4i Warren 11 .Miami, Marburg. Klorence A. 97C55 Butto lm70y 1:472 good S 107 3 2 2 2 2 24 Hufnagel 12 Feieno, Triste. Miss Naomi. 97505 Butte 7-S 1:292 slow 20 101 G 5 G G GJ Cl Hufnagel 12 Florence A.. Cisko, Patriotic. 97403 Butto CI f 1:192 fast 25 104 G 4 G C GlHufnagel 8 Balella. Marburg, Heknows. 97217 Butte 3-4 1:15 fast 10 111 4 7 7 G P$ Hufnagel 7 Banorella. BenStronie. Binocular 90S23 Ok.City AbCJ f 1:212 fast G 108 45j Hufnagel 7 F.Pearl. .LB-Uobson, D.Mgomy 9G720 Ok.City lm70y 1:404 fast C-5 105 1 Hufnagel 10 LukeCates. Weymth. KalrKagot. 50503 Ok.City lm70y 1:47 fast 10 111 2nt Huiuugel 8 HearfsRelief, Harllng.Sandplper 9o362 Ok. City Ab 7-8 1:231 Blow 3-2 111 21 Hufnagel 10 Hearts Relief. Engraver, Preen. MISS NAOMI, ch. m, 5 104 By Dcering Clever G. Cooney. 67738 Butte 1 1:41 fast 12 103 8 7 7 G 5"fc 512 A Nelson 11 Miami, Marburg. Florence A. 97C55 Butte lmTOy l:47g good 51 105 7 9 10 fi 4nt 41 A Nelson 12 Fereno, Heine. Triste. 97535 Butte 1 IMG mud 10 107 S 7 7 fi 4l 31 Imes 9 F.Guard, An.Rcverc, ContraCosta 9742S Butte 1 1:41 fast 4 100 2 5 5 5 5s 5lItooncy 11 D.Lcdgett, C.nothsehlld, S".Sam. 97390 Butte lm70y 1:40? fast 3S-5 111 5 7 7 7 fi 59 A Nelson 10 Zahra, Korc Guard, DaveWeber. 9720S Butte 3-4 1:14 fast 30 109 6 0 G 5ll 5 A Nelson 7 Marie Hyde. Sainost, Marburg. 9152G Butte 1 1:432 fast 21 305 650 Fogarty 9 YngBclle. Con.Bell, J.J.Rogers 91469 Butte 3m70y 1:444 fast 3 99 4s Selden 8 EndymionlL, Rosevalo. TugBoat. MASS A, ch. g, 9 106 By Masetto Satisfaction J. F. Clifford. 97C55 Butte lmOy 1:473 good 30 107 G 4 5 8 l" 81 Gross Kereno, Heine. Triste. H 57428 Butte 1 1:41 fast 20 112 10 G G G G"t 7,s J Melntyrnll D.Ledgett, C.Hothschild. S.SatW 57144 Salt Lake 1 1:402 fast 31 111 G 5 4 4 31 38 Coburn 0 Korce, Dor.Ledgett, CRotbscblio 9C739 SaltLake lm70y 1:402 fast 20 111 2 3 7 8 8 8" Anderson y Irrigator, BenUncas, M. Ottlcions 90479 SaltLake lm20y 1:44 fast 15 113 2 7 5 5 7 C71 Men try 7 Dave Weber. Zahra, Kereno. 90323 Salt Lake 7-S 1:314 hvy 3 ill 9 8 5 G C Ci Mentry 30 Lady McNally, Tippy. Busy Man. 90300 Salt Lake 1 1:402 mud 11-5 112 G 3 3 2 2 11 Mentry 8 Jud.Page, Necklet. K.oflvanboe. 9C1C2 Salt Lake 1 1:42 fast G 114 2 1 2 2 2i 2 Mentry 7 K.andKound. G. Russell, J.Page. 5C118 Salt Lake 1 1:434 fast 5 111 1 3 4 3 31 2 Selden 7 Titlls, Judith Page. Court Lady. 9COC8 Salt Lake 1 1:45 fast 3 112 31 Selden 5 D.Weber. ConrtLady, Busy Man 94573 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:54 hvy 9 114 4 5 3 3 2k in Selden 11 Abella, Mora Riley. Hal. 94521 Oakland lm70y 1:532 mud 7 107 4 7 0 2 21 21 Selden 11 Pete, Flora Riley. Bucolic. SIXTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 91500 lioytiluy.j ROSAMO. b. h. 5 112 By Altamax Rosewar W. C. Clancy. 97609 Butte 3-4 1:144 goodl3-10 112 S 3 1 1 l5 Coburn S Heknows, D. Warlleld. Mont.Don. 974S1 Butto F C 1:11 slop G 112 8 7 7 9 G" Corey 32 Banorella, E.IIamilton. Gil.Roso 97343 Butte P C l:llg fast 4 312 4 3 3 23 21 Mentry 11 Sevenfull, J.H.Sheehau, G. Ship 97097 Salt Lake F C 1:104 fast 1 122 4 3 3 31 33 D Boland O Pasnger. E.Hamilton, Fk Ferris 90734 Salt Lake F C 1:10 fast 2 115 5 5 4 4 53 Klrsehm 7 Mar.Ilyde, An. Wells, Hid. Hand 9C47G Salt Lake Gl f 1:07? fast 3 114 4 12 l1! ll Kirschm 8 Ben Stone. Salnest, Swagerlator. 9C1C0 Salt Lake CI f 1:07 fast 10 110 G . G G 5 G" Kirschm 8 SilvcrStocklng. Sainest, Valencia andC067 Salt Lake 2-4 1:14 fast 20 114 418 Kirschm 4 Sterlin, Marchmonet, Novgorod. 94000 Oakland 3-4 1:15J hvy 2 115 4 4 4 4" G5IlKirschm 30 SouthernGold, Ilex. Jessup Burn 93854 Oakland 3-4 1:15 slop 21 110 2 3 2 2 ll Kirschm 10 Prudent. GraceG.. J. Henderson. ELMETA HAMILTON, ch. t. 4 102 By John Bright The Crisis W. B. Carson. 97702 Butto F C 1:112 good G 102 7 3 2 3nt Hopkins 7 Gil. Rose. An. Interest. D.Stafford 97000 Butto 3-4 1:154 slow 8 101 5 5 4 41 33 Hopkins 7 F.G.IIogan, T.Queen, NoQuarter 975G1 Butto F C 1:104 slow G 102 G 5 5 G 4 Hopkins 7 B.Myer. R. el Tovar, NoQuarter 97481 Butto P C 1:11 slop 8 102 2 2 2 in 21 Hopkins 12 Banorella. Gilbert Rose, Adena. 97417 Butte P C 1:11 fast 31 102 G C 4 3 21 Hopkins 9 Sevenfull. Tilghast, F.G.IIogan. 97343 Butte P G 1:11? fast 31 107 Fell. Hopkins 31 Sevenfull. Rosamo. J.H.Sheehan. 97272 Butte 3-4 1:14 fast 21 102 2 2 2 1 11 Hopkins 0 Tommy McGee, Sixteen. Zool. 97097 Salt Lake F C 1:104 fast 2 112 1 2 2 21 21 Hopkins Passenger, Rosamo. FranUFerrla 97015 Salt Lake F C 1:092 fast 13-5100 2 2 2 23 21 Mondon 5 Hid.Hand, BenStone, L.Elizabeth 97O0G Salt Lake 3-4 1:13 fast 7 102 2" Hopkins 8 No Quarter. Goldfinn. Hiacko. 9C95S Salt Lake P C 1:10 fast 107 5 4 4 3s 3J Hopkins G Maxing, Ban Ann, Abo Slupskey FORE, ch. m, 5 107 By Cesarion In Front Irwin Bros.. 97713 Butte F C 1:104 fast 5 103 5 3 2 2 3i C II Miller 7 J.H.Sheehan, L.Lecli.F.Rnhstalr 97608 Butte P C 1:112 good 20 107 1 1 1 11 3J C II Millerll Gilbert Rose, Crex, Tillinghast. 97501 Butte F C 1:104 slow 12 107 2 1 1 2t 7Jo 11 Miller 7 B.Myer, R. el Tovar. NoQuarter 9747S Butte 5-8 1:01 fast 4-5 107 3 2 2 2 3S C H Miller 10 OswaldB., WiltrudeS., GoodShlp 97400 Butte 5-8 592 fast 30 103 3 2 5 G 71S1C II Miller 9 Workbox, Salali, Lady Macy. 96561 Ok.City Ah G-S 1:001 fast 1-2 104 4 C H MillerlO Regards, Flor .Myers, Beversteln 9C48G O.City Am70y 522 fast 21 319 3 E Smith 8 UncleJ.Gray, SamF., Alice Belle 96155 Salt Lake 5-8 592 fast 9 109 1 2 2 23 3 Cavangh 9 E.IIarwood, Execnte.M.Musgrave 91741 Denver G-8 1:002 fast 3 11U 21 Manders G Fundamental, B.Eaton. D.Allen 91072 Denver 5-S 1:00 fast 3-2 109 ll Manders 4 B.Thomns. Gemmell. Her.Doyla MAXING, ch. g, 3 102 By Maxnic Duckling H. G. Bedwell. 97731 Butte 51 f 1:0SJ fast 7 102 10 10 10 10 10" Kederis 10 M. Hyde, Sil. Stocking, Tillhast. 97058 Salt Lake 5-S 1:002 fast 4 103 4 2 1 l1 2 Anderson 9 Sainest, Binocular, Swagerlator. 9GS9G Salt Lake P C 1:104 fast 21 109 3 1 1 lb 3i A Walsh G Aliound, Crex. Parlor Boy. 9C9D2 Salt Lake P C 1:092 fast 105 4 3 3 4 G Parker 7 Muff. Sevenfull, Hidden Hand. 9095S Salt Lake F C 1:10 fast 100 1 11 11 131 Selden i BanAnn, E.IIamilton, A.Slupskey 90770 Salt Lake Gl f 1:073 fast C 109 4 1 1 1J li Kirschm 8 JiinMulvekill, Angellx. Venetian 90432 Salt Lake 51 f 1 :104 slow 13-5 111 3 1 4 C ClCavangh 9 Tippy, Cisko. Definite. 96298 Salt Lake 51 f 1:10 mud 41 100 2 G 2 31 3" Kirschm 7 Dareington. Passenger, J.Stryker 9621G Salt Lake 5 f 1:08 fast D 309 1 2 4 3 2 Kirschm 10 Ban Ann, Abigail K., Dell. 5G152 Salt Lake P C 1:102 fast 11-10 105 1 1 1 1 1J Kirschm 9 RoyalStone, Ronton, Capt. Miller 5G115 Salt Lake P C 1:11 fast 21 107 2 2 1 Ink 2 Kirschm 9 AbigallK., Lu.Manley, SinnKeinn 9C070 Salt Lake 51 f 1:072 fast 3-2 105 2 Kirschm 7 Sorrowful, An. Wells, A.Slupskey tDisqualllled for foul and placed third. WANER, blk. g, 5 103 By Watercress Scarlet Rose J. W. Long. 97C99 Butte 3-4 1:154 good 41 119 8 3 1 lt ?,n Frasch 9 David Warfield. Delena, Biskra. 97C08 Butte P C 1:112 good G 114 0 2 G G S13lKrasch 11 Gilbert Rose, Crex, Fore. 97530 Butte P C 1:132 mud 4 124 3 C 5 41 47J Frasch 8 Pickaninny, Roberta, MarioHyde 97113 Butte 3-4 1:144 fast 3C-5 121 3 111 ll Frasch 10 Biskra, Venetian, Cheers 97300 Vancouver 3-4 1:134 fast 112 G E McKwen 7 Dargin, Belle or Iroquois, Frieze 97351 Vancouver 3-4 1:134 fast 111 4s Gilbert 1 Blondy, Beda, Dargin. 97204 Vancouver 3-4 1:132 fast 100 GJ Frasch 0 Dargin, Blondy, B. of Iroquois. 97257 Vancouver 51 f 1:072 fast 112 Is Frasch 7 Ravaria. Cleopat, Native Son. 97242 Vancouver 5-S 1:002 fast 104 33 E McEwan G Beda. Arlonette, Back Bay. GRAKS-.RCY, br. g. 4 109 Bv Resolute II. Long Lost W. E. Cotton. .97348 Butte 3-4 1:142 fast 15 111 Left at the post. W Cotton 10 Chilla. Green Isle. Dor. Ledgett. 97181 Salt Lake 3-4 1:142 fast 2 3 09 1 3 1 1 3JfA Walsh G AnneRevere, Grenbridge. Angellx 97057 Salt Lake P C 1:104 fast C 107 Left at the post. W Fischer 12 MlssSIy, Greenbridgo. Ind. Girl. 57014 Salt Lake P C 1:103 fast 20 100 7 10 9 9 Gs A Walsh 11 Passenger, Acolin. Boggs. 57000 Salt Lake 3-1 1:134 fast 25 109 4 3 3 5k 51 W Cotton 8 Tom. McGee, GlIbertRose, Adena 90908 Salt Lake 51 t l:07g fast 104 5 5 5 51 51 E Cotton S Barusdale, Angelix, Genova. 90770 Salt Lake 3-4 1:132 fast 31 99 4 7 8 St 910 K Cotton 11 Binocular, Eleetrowan. Heknows. 90733 Salt Lake F C 1:094 fast 15 112 G G G C 51 W Cotton 7 Dareington, Acolin, Heknows. SG110 Salt Lake 5-S 1:002 fast GO 10G 8 7 7 7" 7-E Cotton 10 E.IIarwood, Dell, Annie Wells. 9C1S9 Salt Lake F C 1:11 fast 25 104 8 8 8 9 9 E Cotton 10 BenStone, DocAlIen. Aunt Polly. 95150 Juarez 1 1:42J fast 8 56 4 4 4 G G G2 E Cotton G BadNews. AlmaBoy, M.Caitkness 950S0 Juarez 3-1 1:13 fast 35 30S 3 G 7 G G W Cotton 8 D.Mgomery. G.Ixnilse. Roberta. 95033 Juarez 3-4 1:122 fast 15 100 5 7 G G 78 E Cotton 7 Hid. Hand. Roberta. F.Stafford. tDisqualified for foul. GENOVA. b. f, 4 107 By Golden Maxim Affluonco J. F. Moore. 9729S Butte 5-S 1:02 fast 11-5 111 1 12 31 In Mondon 7 El Perfecto, Placide, RoyalStone 97057 Salt Lake F G 1:104 fast 9 105 G 5 G 74 761 Mondon 12 MissSly, Greenbridge, Ind. Giiv. 9C9CS, Salt Iike Gl f 1 :072 fast 107 4 3 4 4 2 Mondon S Barnsdale, Angelix. Ladv Box. Jfl 90777 Salt Lake Gl f 1:074 fast 30 107 G G G G G4 Mondon 10 E.Hamilton, Swaglalor," Sainest? 9G743 Salt Lake P C 1:094 fast 12 10S G G 9 10 10 Mondon 30 Sorrowful. GIl.Rose. E.Hamilton 9G47C Salt Lake 51 f l:07g fast 10 107 G 5 5 7 78i Mondou 8 Rosamo. Ben Stone. Sainest. 90301 Salt Lake 01 f 1:094 mud G 109 2 G 3 42 .! Bevun 9 Annie Wells. Cisko, Sinn Keinn. 9573G Ogden 5-8 1:04 fast 2 107 4 J Parker G Zoronster, Necklet. East End. 95071 Ogden G-S 1:012 fast 4 109 41 J Parker Blacksheep, Hal, Roval Stone. 95560 Ogden 5-8 1:044 good 31 110 31 J Parker 7 ZIckAbrams, Beauniont.EastEnd 94123 Oakland P C 1:14 hvy 30 104 4 3 3 4i 9Hickens 12 EmniaG.. BillyMyer. F.G.IIogan. GALENE GALE, br. f. 4 107 By Solitaire IX Hertha W. M. Cain. 975C5 Butte 7-S 1:292 slow G 102 4 1 2 4 5 43 Rosen 32 Klorence A., Cisko, Palriolic. 97271 Butte 3m70y 1:452 fast 10 103 1 1 1 2 3 47 Rosen 7 F.Miilhold. Elgin. L.Marcbmont 97097 Salt Lake F C 1:104 fast 10 112 G G 5 5 5SJ Rosea G Passenger. E.Haniilton, Rosamo. 97017 Salt Lake 1 1:412 fast 9 103 1 1 1 1 ." Gsi Rosen G Jack Siryker, Crex. Jeanette M. 9C997 Salt Lake 1 1:42 fast 10 1 05 5 2 2 2 21 23 Rosen G M.Randolpb, Dor.Ann.KoreGuartl 96S11 Salt Lake 1 1:43?. slow 15 105 4 1 1 1 1 11 Selden G Delena, Zahra. Tillis. 50775 Salt Iike P C 1:11 fast 10 112 G 5 4 2u 2 Rosen 11 Ed G.. Jim Me., New Capital. ADENA, br. m, 6 107 By Sidney Lucas Balance II. W. Durkor. 97652 Butte 3-4 1:142 good 9-5 107 1 3 5 5 5 Buxton S N.Capital. WiltrudeS.. JeanteM 674S1 Butte PC 1:11 slop 25 107 11 10 1 0 7k 4 Buxton 32 lianorella, E.IIamilton. GIl.Rose 97444 Butte P G 1:102 fast 18-5 107 5 3 4 31 In Buxton 7 NewCapital. Barnsdale. B.Stone. 97398 Butte F C 1:102 fast 9-5 109 5 3 3 3s 33 Warren S SusanF., J.Mulvehill, JndlthPage 97099 Saltlxke lm20y 1:424 fast 5 109 1 9 8 9 S 10 A Walsh 10 C. Rothschild. Gleudeane. Acolln. 97030 Salt Iike .3-4 1:132 fast 17-10 100 S 8 7 4k 21 Cavangh 8 Heretic. Delena. Roval Stone. 97000 Salt Lake 3-4 1:131 fast 15 109 G G G G 23 W Fischer 9 Tom.McGee. Gil. Rose, Passenger 90890 Salt Lake 7-S 1:274 fast 107 2 2 4 G G9 5 W Fischer 7 F.Mulholland. Pedro. Torbelliuo. 9C80S Salt I.ake P C 1:114 slow 4-5 30G 8 G 4 414 W Fischer 8 Bellllower, RoyalStone, A.Polly. 9C743 Salt Lake P G 1:094 fast 15 109 10 10 1 0 9 S1W Fischer 30 Sorrowful. Gil.Rose. E.Hamilton 9CJS0 Salt Iike 7-S 1:28 fast 12 109 8 8 8 S 8 S Kirschm 8 C.Desmond, M.Rdolph, Zoroaster IDA D., b. m, 6 107 By His Highness Carrie C, J. Cuneo. 97399 Butte P C 1:102 fast 10 107 7 7 7 7 7MParkcr S Lena Lech, Fancy. Wiltrude S. 1015 Arlton Ab Gi.f 1:251 fast 10 117 5lsjMentry 5 Lucille R.. Premier. Films. 95933 Arlington Ch f 1:201 fast 12 117 5 J Dennison fi W.I.Hinch, ParlorBov. Loy.Matd 55SS4 Arlington 41 f 50 fast 545 309 3IrtEstep 5 Smirk. Loyal Maid. Itaeiuette. 95001 Plmlico 3-4 1:-154 good 7 98 9 9 9 9 9t04Eslep 9 Servicence. L.ofLaugden. Cloud. 95208 .Tacksville 3-4 1:12 fast 8 103 10 G lit 9 9"lLoftus 31 Abrasion, Parkview. Svlvestris. 55234 Jacks ville 51 f 1:082 fast 12 105 11 12 9 7 51 Connolly 13 Daufield. Eve White. Useelt. 55155 Jacksville 3-1 1:152 hvy 12 105 G 11 10 10 S94 Dunn 12 XL Hyde, it.Onvx, M.AntonvIl. 9492C Jacksvlllo 3-4 1:132 fast 10-5 107 3 7 10 10t 10 Hopkins 12 Manbeimer, Syfvestrls.LadySybll BISKRA, br. m. 6 107 By Hermence Africa J. Stowe. 97099 Butte 3-4 1:151 good 25 117 1 7 5 Tfl lsi Denny 9 David Warfield, Delena, Waner. 97592 Butto F C l:lig slow 12 113 G G G G G" E McEwen 7 J.ILShcelinn. JimMc, Lena Lech 97413 Butte 3-4 1:144 fast 8 119 9 3 3 21 2U Denny 30 Waner, Venetian, Cheers. 97207 Butte 3-4 1:15 fast 13-5 109 1 3 3 21 1! Denny 7 L.McNallv. ForeGuard, Irrigator 9C924 Ok.City lm70y 1:474 fast 7 114 5"lLomlcr 9 Pipe Vision, Engraver. Crv Babv 9GS25 Ok.City Al 5-S 1:00 fast 10 117 1 Louder 7 G.Louise, EvaTauguav. Valencia. 9C091 Ok.City AbG! f 1 :222 f ast 13-5 119 31 Small 12 Dayleep. G.Shaud. Mdowgreen. 5CCC0 Ok.City AbG! f 1:224 fast 8 309 5U3 V Jackson 9 Pops. Gladys Louise. Hancock. ABE SLUPSKEY, b. g. 3 102 By Golden Badge Rubescent Ferguson and Murphy. 97099 Butte 3-4 1:154 good 1G 112 G S 9 9 S Gross 9 David Warfield. Delena. Waner. 97425 Butte 3-4 1:142 fast 2 112 3 2 4 5 41 Gross 9 Crex. Frank Ferris. Zool. 97095 Salt Lake P C 1:114 fast 3 111 2 11 1 11 Buxton 7 Blacksheep, N.CapItal, A. Revere 57001 Salt Lake F C 1:104 fast 40 101 G Buxton 10 Darelngton, Doc Alien. BenStone 9095S Salt Lake P C 1:10 fast 100 2 2 3 4s 4J Buxton 0 Maxing. Ban Ann. E. Hamilton. 90774 Salt Lake P C 1:104 fast 13 110 5 5 G G G3 Rosen G F. G. Hogan. Dareington. Dell. 90323 Salt Lake 51 f 1:094 hvy 8 99 2 4 5 3 in Rosen G Ben Stone, Dell. Veno Von. 90159 Salt Lake 51 f 1:074 fast 32 102 2 4 3 ll 1" Rosen 11 Allalr. Osaudeue, Amargosa. 90070 Salt Lake G! f 1:072 fast 41 100 4 Selden 7 Sorrowful, Maxing. Annie Wells. 9C0CG Salt Lake 3-1 1:152 fast 15 101 CJ Sulden G Greenlsle. Aftermath. Itoy.Stoua 94572 Oakland 1 1-1G 1 :52g hvy 30 90 10 10 10 10 10 9!B .Martin 10 Miami. Eddie Graney. Marburg. 94518 Oakland Gi 1:2G mud 12 100 1 2 1 2 43 Selden 10 Inclement, Qual.Street, T.Qneeu 94372 Oakland F C 1:154 hvy 10 100 1 1 2 21 31 E Martin 8 Twickkam. Doncaster. RedKlaw

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1911081501/drf1911081501_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1911081501_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800