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GRAVE CHARGE BY A JOCKEY. Spokane, Wash., October 2S. At a meeting held by the stewards of the Cocur dAlene Fair and Racing Association last night, Eugene Crump, a partner in the firm of Powell, Parker and Co., was indefinitely suspended. Jockey Gilbert, who rode Enfield on Wednesday, voluntarily made a statement to the effect that Crump had offered hint a sum of money to pull Enfield, so that Napa Nick would win the race, the money to be paid if Xapa Nick won. As Crump denied the accusation, he was only suspended and has a chance to clear himself, providing that he can disprove Gilberts statement. The meeting which closed today Is voted bv everv one the best and cleanest ever given in the northwest. Starter Dwyers work at the barrier has ben really wonderful and by far the best he has done in years. Enfield today won the Idaho Selling Stakes at seven furlongs witli ease from Ymlr and Florence A. Buxton took no chances but raced him hard throughout the final sixteenth.