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i Mccormick successes in Germany. New York, Novemlier 0. James McCormick. who has been training in Germany for Baron Oppenheim, continues to win races, and an issue of the Deutscher of Berlin devotes considerable space to his achievements, while a report tells of the winning of the Hammonia Purse, worth 5,000. as well as . the Von Walfried. worth more than 0,000. The Hammonia was won by Dolomit, a three-year-old son of Ard Patrick and Danubia, one of the best-bred colts in Germany. He was ridden by the American jockey T. Rice, who has been giving an excellent account of himself on the foreign courses. McCormick recently wrote that he will return to New York for a winters visit, as has been his custom. At the same time A. J. Joyner, who has charge of the Harry Payne Whitney string in England, will come over, and Thomas Welsh, who recently accepted a contract to handle the stable of Joseph E. Wldener in France, will also make the trip. 1