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OLD-TIME RACING OWNER DEAD. Jacob Cochran, in his day a vell-known turfman, died recently at the Houston, Tex., infirmary. The remains were sent by his nephew, Bert Hitchcock, to St. Louis, for interment. Mr. Cochran was lioni in Savannah, 111., April 4, 1810, married early and was the father of seven children, of whom four survive. Two of his sons, George B. and Earl W., developed into good riders in their youth, though they afterward became too heavy for the fiat work. Willi a natural love for the horse, Mr. Cochran liecame a good trainer and in later years owned and raced a number of good racers, among them Jubilee, liens Pot, Swamp Fox, Joan, Montalvo, Earl Cochran, Red Pirate. Catastrophe and Fairbury. For the past couple of years Mr. Cochran had made his home in Houston with Ids nephew.