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JUAREZ HAS ITS BIGGEST TUESDAY CROWD. Injury Reduces Track Record for Seven-Eighths to 1:24-;, in Winning Feature Race. Fl Paso, lax., January Id. — Today hrnight two features "f ■pecial Interest at the Juarez coarse. lb list being that the attendance was the largest ever registered on Tuesday in the history of the track, and the second the reducing of the track record for seven furlongs lo 1:24-,. by .1. W. Pullers Injury. Tic former mark was I.J! . Th consistent Kootenay acted as pacemaker until well into the stretch, but til, d badly in the final fur-i Mg, and Injury rushed to the front. His rider was taking liim under restraint in the last titty yards and it was evident that he could have established the record materially lower. Arasee, starting for the Brst time since ins accident, finished fast, as did Jobs Louis, which Hue from far Back. Neither Sebago nor Leopold, the choices, were dangerous. both running somewhat below their recent good rat . s. The ranks of the layers were increased when lack Atkin cut in. bringing the total number of books in line to eleven. Including the field and com bination oultils.