Concessions Are Expected: Amicable Adjustment of Charleston Controversy is Looked For, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-17


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CONCESSIONS ARE EXPECTED AMICABLE ADJUSTMENT OF CHARLESTON CON- , TROVERSY IS LOOKED FOR. F. J. Pons and His Assceiates Said to Be Agseeable to Idea of Racing Under Auspices of the Jockey Club — Moderate Weather Now Prevails. Charleston, s. C January If.— While then is c in i nl regret that ■ second i o.sti oneuient of the inaugural meeting of the Charleston Fair ami Baring Asancistion was necessary, the horse sscn tahe an optimistic vi-w of the situation and opine that it will redound to tin- good of racing in general. They lake Hi. view that tin- additional week Intervening before the opening of the meeting will afford oppor-i ii ii i t in estabtiali friendly relation* with the Jockey Club. The governors of the sport at New York aii not expected to be unreasonable in regard m the concessions asked for by the local association, especially when it is lucidly set forth that tin- rigid enforcement of sunn- of the eastern roles would not serve any advantage so racing al tins particular time and only serve ii hamper the success of the meeting here. Thai the controversy between the Jockey lull and the local association will 1* smoothed over is general! regarded as certain. General Manager Tons and his associates welcome the idea of raring under the Jockey Clabs supervision and will conform to any reasonable demand of tin- eastern turf body. Should the mission of Messrs. Marshall ami Hughes to New York be unsuccessful, the original plans for the racing here will be carried out and the fall seventy live days of racing will be given. The two weeks jKistpouement. made Beces sarv by the inclement weather, will bring the cloning daie to April It, instead of April 5, as originally seliedllled. A revision of the dates fOC the slakes i- aiso made necessary. guiie a iinmhrr of racing men will g.. to Ootam-his tomorrow lo attend the hearing on the anti-lie t ting I ills before the Judiciary Committee of the lower branch of the Legislature. The opinion is - i general that no action affecting the si ort will hnV taken during the present term of the Legislature. ■wlhe BWHerate weather prevailing today enabled the Workmen to accomplish much towards the completion oi the coarse. Most of the day was derated to the repairing of defects d inclosed by the h i en t severe weather. V. P. Schtiite lost a Blly by Batts— Maydine this morning, from fever. This youngster had shown the fastest trial of any of the two-year-olds in the siahle ami was highly though of by her owner and trainer. Slums for two-year-olds that Will race here still continue to come in. Some of the lat-st are r. D. Weirs Miss Edith, ! . f. by Bowling Brook — Ser-rlBa, and Sprightly Miss. i. f. by lldnm Loch aiici : Mrs. r. Ila.keit alma. Ii. e. by Cesarloo Alma iMif.nir: V. .1. Toombs Ormonde Spice, eh. f. by Ormondale -Hit of Spice, and Ella Grane, br. f. by Plltgrane Ells Duke: Galiaher Bros. Temas-see, eh. f, hj Nasturtium— Highland Princess, and Morris Prrisdou, b. c, by Star Sheet BsteUe Vfhit-ney. Hugh Penny is still at Columbia with v. P. Austins horses, taking advantage of the good track there for training purposes. He will delay the transfer of his string here until ■ couple of days in; re the opening ai Palmetto Park and the bom under his care should cut an Important Bgure daring i he early days of the meeting. The ti. litis from the north brought numerous race ■_ rrs this sfternoon. They left before the news of the postponement v. - made public and were much disappointed when they learned thai the racing would not open until Wednesday next. Among the prominent ones were -lack Stargis, v. bo came from Baltimore: William Beverley, Charlie Qnlnn and George Keif, from New Sock, and Captain Dnhaine and Bdward Shevlln of the Plnkerton service. Jockeys Kennedy and Loftns wen- also arrivals. Kennedy, who will do the riding for .1. R. Wain wrightx stable, has been on a banting trip in Texas. Canadian advices reached here today to the effect thiii work on the Hamilton grandstand is almost completed and thai lie Ottaws track will be finished in lima for i meeting the coming season. The re modeling of tin Windsor plant Is also progressing satisfactorily, and ;!.at coarse promises to be, in •be mstter of appointments, the ranking coarse in lln 1 1.. in in ion. .. ay. May has perhaps the most pretentious establishment at Palmetto Park, and all • •! his hones in looking exceedingly well. He has some nicely iiiiied two-year-olds. Including the cbestnal son of im Wills and Katie Havliu: a black colt, by Path erless Sister Anns; chestnut colt, by on Weils-Laetltia: chestnut colt, t Cesarion Sue em ell: black by Patberless Tlllie, and bay till;. Madeline B. by The Blector— Enameline. They sr ready. Mr. May als., lias Mrs. Wiggs. .lack Ellis, Tlllles Nightmare and Tommic Thompson. on. hundred and thirty-three owners have made nominations for the twenty stake events of the Charleston Pair and Baring Association, ranging til tin way from one entry to eighty-six. which is the lurzost nnmber made. Cateeby Woodford his thi distinction of having made the most entries, he hav lag averaged a trifle over four nominations lo each stake. Second on tin- list conn s the Tennessei Stable, which has sixty-four nominations in the twenty stakes, while third place goes to 1.. P. l1 bofer with 68. 11. G. Bedwell is close up with •"•• nominstions. I! P. Carman, who will bio. the largest stable of horses at the track, is not .is well represented in these rich events as on., would sun l-isc |.e WOOld 1". SS bis hst only totals 41 and In lias not made anj entries t the two-year-Old stakes. The Dumber of Dominations made by rack own.-r follow! Cateeby Woodford, *".: Tennessee stable. 84; I.. P. Boerboefer, •". : II. G. Bedwell. 58; R. I. Carmen, 41: J. L. Holland, 29: B. Schretber, 28; J. C. Milam. 25; J. K. Wainwright. 2:.: P. M. Walker. 23; .1. w. Burttscbril, 22: K. Davies, zl; P. s. P, Ban dolph. 21; Beverwyck Stable. 18; Samuel i J ; K 1. Wilson. IT. Gallebei Bros., 15; W. K. Nunn. 18; C. E Rogers, 15; I. II. Milden. 15: Wehei A Ward. 15; E. P. on. Iran. It: K. P. Coonej 1 T. it. Coadran, 14; ;. w. i Bissell, i:: E. G. Moyne, 13; Mr. Earle, 14: J. 8. Tyree, 13; J. W. Ilvnn. 12: II. McCsrren, 12; 97. P. Austin. 11; P. Hyams. 11; H. Burttscbell. 11; W. J. Young. 11; .1. .1. McGsnn, 11; W. P. Sehultc I": C. T. Wortti 10; N. B. Davis, 9; P. M. CivUI, 9: S. A. rington. I lop.. .ii. ••; .T. Orifiin. I: .1. W. Hedrick, :»: J. M • launs. ft; W. T. Andress, R; Geosge Ham. B; .1. P. Adams T: R. s Brush, 7: W. Gerst. 7: L. C. Nonu. 7; M. Daly, 7: M. J. ■•nran. 7: C. It. Morris, 7: .1. T. and V. C. Weaver. 7: .1. W. May. 0: A. Brown, 8; .1. Tandy Hughes, 8; T, l . Sullivan, ti: r Began, 8; 1.. Martine, . K. II. Garrison, i: .. M. Johnson, ft: J. o Keene. . T C. McDowell. «.: A. 1*. Doyle. 5; I. 1". Keith a Son. B; I". John son. 5; W. P. Burch, B: L. Johnson. 5: W I . Weaver :.: W. B. S. oit. ." : J. M. Barker. :, ; W. 1. Kvan. .". J. It. Krvsoii. 4. W. B. nisoii. 4: I . Velio. 4: ;. II. Mailman. 4: C. I . Khv. =S: ;. W. leott, 4; P. W Ashe, 4; P. II. Donnelly. 4: W. T. Anderson. 4: .1. •. Oahn. 1: M. Hlrsch, 4: W. Mir tin. 4: W. J. Coombs. 1: I N ITewitt. : . A. llnlloek. 4; ParkvalS Stable, Ii; II. IVniiy, 3: A. L. Ferguson, •!: .1. Hoehreia, 31 .T. Robertson. :.: C J. Casey. :;: W. C. Overton, ;:: R. L Martin. :;: N. K. Deal. :",: B. Lntz. .:: W. L. Maupln, 3; M. Foley. .": I . D. Weir. .;: .1. II. Morris. : W. Hurley. :;: J. W. Davis, ::: W. D. Babcock, 3; T. Abadie, .: c. A. Can Held. 2: C. Seed. 2: .1. It. Cordray, 2; 0. Hak, 2: A. B. Lowe. 2: Booemead Stable. 2: M. I.. Hatch! son. 2: J. ;. Wagnon. 2: J. J. Plannigan, 2; 0. K. Moreland, 2; W. II. Coogaon. 2: W. O. JopUa, 2: A. Vogeler, 2; Bryant A- Brown. 2: W. C. Gappa, 1: I. Qering, Sr.. 1; F. T. Miller. 1; R. W. Karrick. 1: I. Walsh. 2; Mrs. N. B. Davis. 1: D. A. Brollier. 1: D. Hammond. 1: W. .1. ff/nch, I; H. B. Davis, i: B. P. Robie. 1. .1. W. Davis has selected the name of I— r sere Man for the bay g Idlng, by Hermis — Mellon Mowbray. The two-year-olds that will race in the name of N. B. Davis A Co, are: Sash Cash. eh. c, by Nasturtium — Bcattercash. It. H. Gray, br. ■. by Nasturtium— Annul. Basturtlom, eh. e, by Nasturtium Pfcsk Base. William Lakeland has sent a maiden three-year-old from Brighton Beach to participate in the racing here. apt. P. M. Walker, a retired officer of the Inited Stiili s Army, who was forced to leave the service on account of ill health and took to racing for recreation as well as the benefits be wouid derive from participating in OUtdOOC sport, has I tine lot of ,s bete. His table numbers fourteen, and two of them. Iulka and PoCOtaUgO, arr the property of C. .1. OdsU of Savannah, Ga. There are no two-year olds in Captain Walkers string. Jockey Byrne, a promising lightweight, i under contract to Cap-lain Walker. Green B. Morris is training Robert Bruce, Prosper i.nd Jenny Geddes here. George Ham has Doaan, Banged and Working Lad ready to race.

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Local Identifier: drf1912011701_1_2
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