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CMABIAK DATES ALLOTTED RACING SEASON CF 1912 IN DOMINION WILL OPEN AT TORONTO MAY 18. Schedule Arranged Yesterday Provides for Fall Meeting at New Track at Ottawa, Which Late King Edwards Brother Will Assist in Dedicating Toronto. Ont.. January IC— The Ottawa Jockey Club joined the Canadian circuit today, but as tho coarse of the club is not yet ready for racing only conditional dates wet.- granted, those being tin-dn.s in the fall. The Canadian Bering Association* circuit dates for 1912 were decided on today us follows: Ontario Jockey Club. Toronto. May IS to May 2.".. Montreal Jockey Club. Montreal. Juno 1 to June s Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamiltou. June 18 ts June 2o. Niagara Racing Association. Fort Erie, June 21 to July ti. Windsor Fair Grooads and Racing Association. Windsor. July 13 to July 20. Niagara taring Association, Fort Erie. July 27 lo August 3. Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamilton, August 19 is August IT. Windsor Fair Or mnds and Racing Associa, ;.;». Windsor, August 2b to September 25. Montreal Jockey Club, Montreal, September 7 is September li. Ottawa Jockey Club. Ottawa, September 21 tj September 20. Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto, September 2S tw October 5. The death of John Dyment, though he was the practical man of the I.arrie racing rstahllshmont does n t mean the withdrawal of the green an 1 orange jacket from the turf. Messrs. Simon a. id Albert Dyment mean to continue liotii the breeding and racing establishments and a firstclass m-tu will be engaged to direct thi latter. The stallions Bed Fox and Tongorder are at the head of the stud. and much is expected of the progeny of both horses F r this years racing about a dozen two year-oMs by these sires will be available. Red pos is the only sou of Flying Fox in North America. For the Kings Plate, the stable has two formidable candidates: Ilensy. by Sain — Hera, and Tropaeolium. br Nasturtium — Lady Black. Both were brought to Ontario in ntero and foaled at Barrie. They worked satisfscl iii;. last fall. Jshu Nixon, formerly with the Valley Farm Stable, will train the home-bred string of Robert Davies of Tborncllffe Farm. He has about a dozen two year olds, two Kings Platers and several others. The remaining Tborncllffe horses, about fifteen two and tlire- year ilds, are at Charleston in charge of c. T. Patterson. Ottawa. Oat., January M. — The nearly-orgaaiaed Ottawa Bering Association held a meeting last Saturday afternoon at which active oWrris were elected. Many of tie most influential citizens of the capital are interested in the jockey club and arrangements are being made for the mangursl meeting which is to be held at the new course on the A.vlinev rond the coming season. Hal I!. McGirerin was elected president and th • vice-presidents are Stewart McClenaghan, lied Car ling and Senator Beleourt. Charles Irvin is the lion orary secretary and «;. Hugheson the honorary treasurer. It was intended to elect Hon. Clifford Sifton as president, but the latter, who is Identified with the Ottawa borne show, the Ottawa Hunt lub and many oiler well-know U local organizations, declined on account of the fact that lie would not be able to devote the necessary time. The directors were appelated some time ago. A letter was read from His Royal Highness, the Duke .,f Connaught, in which the governor-general consented to the naming of the new mounds Con-naught Park. His royal highness said that it gave him great pleasure to do so and wished the new dab every success. It is the intention of the clah to elect his royal highness Honorary Patron and to invite him to open the magnificent new plant in June. The duke is a keen follower of the sport. Stewart McClenaghan, Hal McGrverin and Edward S. skead represented tin- Ottawa club at todays niei ting of the Canadian Raring Associations. Tbej asked tor dates towards Hie end of Ihe season and will be placed on the Dominion circuit, which already includes Toronto. Fori Brie, Montreal, namil ton and Windsor. Work upon Ihe new plant is already under way. and so soon a ■ the snow is off the ground 2o men will Ik- put to work on lln stands and stabb s. The dab is already incorporated.