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P. J. DWYERS ATTITUDE UNCHANGED. N ■ fork, January lb In connection with the proposed Grand Circuit trotting meeting at Gravcs-Ilul track in August next, it bad been s;:lted thai Philip J. Dwyer, president of the Brooklyn Jock y Club and main stockholder of the property, bad agreed to allow the use of the property foe a h»r-ness meeting, but there is a strong proviso attached to it which will be bard to ovwrcome. Speak bag of ti" matter, Mr. Dwyer said: "I have been aked to allow the use of hit track for a Grand circuit trotting meeting souse time next August, sad personally have no objection to the proposition except tint while the directors liability law remains in force on the statute tM.oks of tin- state, the stockholders of tin Brooklyn Jockey lab will n d permit racing of any sort on its coarse. "If it is within the law to turn over the charter of our association to the gentlemen who are backing and will manage this trotting meeting for a period ■ •I a week or -o we shall he glad to accommodate tin in. provided the matter is fully determined by our attorneys in the mar fuiuic"