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JOCKEY CLUB S CHARLESTON POSITION. New York. January 19.— It is pointed out that an altogether erroneoas idea has prevailed among the hoi semen concerning the action taken by the stewards of the Jockey Club in warning the Charleston Pair and Baring association that its meeting will be outlawed unless the rules of the Jockey Club arc complied with. The threat to outlaw has been called an eleventh hour ruling, that afforded the owners no chance to make other arrangements. Tie-records show that the Charleston Association was 1,1 formed by letter on August 17 last that a license and dates Would have to be unfiled for to make the meeting a regular one. In August. John Marshall, as secretary of the South Carolina Jockey Club, wrote the Jockey Club that his club d sired to give a race meeting a Charleston during the winter, and they desired the good will of the Jockey Club, but would not ask tin- stewards to approve their racing dates. When this letter was taken up at a meeting of the stewards, held Wednesday. August ],. Algernon Daingei field, assistant secretary, was instructed to advise Mr. Marshall that the rubs necessitated tint they apply far the sanciiou of the stewards of the Jockey Club and tiiat if they did so their communication would receive due consideration. Tiiis letter was sent lo Mr. Marshall the following day, August IT. and from that time no application was made for the sanction or the approval ol the dates that wen- chosen by the Charleston Association. The later action of the Jockey club st w aids, taken at the annual meeting, held hist Thursday, was merely a reminder thai l he rubs had not been complied with, as pointed out in the August . ri. sp tndence over the meeting.