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CHARLESTON TRACK OPENS RACING IS AUSPICIOUSLY INAUGURATED AT NEW SOUTH CAROLINA COURSE. Elite of City Take Part— H. G. Bedwell Almost Monopolizes the Purses — Tactical Victory for Racing Interests at Columbia. Chat lestoo, S. .. January 24. — Racing was inaugurated today at Palmetto Park ninli Ideal conditions and the narked socccaa attending ,1" be Binning augmented well for the sport locally. barlestons elite lent eclat to the occasion, members ■ f the first families of the city being prominent .11 the private boxes and the reserved aecttoa of the grandstand. They showed a gnat deal of Interest in the racing and its attendant incidents. Namerl eallj the attendance exceeded the expectations ol the management, for nearly ...iiihi persons were on baud when the baste called the haraes to the in« t in tin Initial number. The crowd would have been much larger but f.u abominable street car set1 rice. Complaints on this - ire «ere plentiful and it was the only marring feature. Continuous labor on the part of an army f workmen almost up t" i",s ttaae brought the plant lato faiii presentable shape, better than it was thought possible a week ago. There were erode snots, bat these were overlooked in taking in the general ap polataaeats and magnitode of the plant. Gem ral Manager Poos and In- aaaodates were elated over the success of the opening. Mr. Pons s;iic|. in reference to it: "We are well satisfied with conditions such as prevailed today and 1 look foe steady Improvement from now on. It has keen oat object t" establish bigh class racing here, ami it in prratifyiag to note that oat efforts have been appre elated, a evidenced by the representative and fash lenable sttendance at the track tliis after i. Whatever miner details pertaining to the track ar lacking will be put In shape before long and Pal uietto park will then compare with the tiuost coarse* in America." In tl pining race three of the si starters fell near the half mile post. Some attributed the spill to the bad s::iie of the track, but the mishap was really brought about by Hasky Lad, on which McCabe bad the mount, tripping over a stray dog which got In the horses path. Be scorn nets, on which Obert had in- mount. ii.l Settle Sue. handled by Hopkins. " onhl not moid Husky Lad and fell over him. IVs romnets sustained suotri injuries and it maj be necessary to destroy him. Obert suffered bruises ■houl tiie back and the others involved escaped Injury. .1 rkej Turner, while riding Queen Bee In the -ceon.I race, alsu rsmr to grief. His mishap was dm- to the filly stepping Into ■ soft place. Many of the starters in the different races stumbled frequently mi. I it probably will be several days before the irack U-.oinc- thoroughly solid all ever. II. G. Bedwell eat a but swath in todays racing, four of tin- parses. Including the ,500 feature, the Sumter Inaugural Handicap, arere captured by his representatives. In the feature race his horses tin lahed lii-t and second. Lochlei. of which modi was ip id ;is :i youngster, displayed a return t" the ■pood form that he possessed as a two-yi beating his stable companion, sticker, by a 1 g margin for trst money/ Rose Queen Inaugut it the Bedwell successes by lasting Just Ions enough in the opener to heal Trojr Weight. Pajaroita. in the third, showed g ■ «! form to outstay Union Jack. and Berkeley followed np Lochiels soccesa i: the handicap by spreadeagling his opposition in the Ifth race. Maniita was the only tone-priced winner of the attel: Helelle. in the closing dash, made some amend* for the disappointments occasioned by the full of In r tabb mate. Husky Lad. in the opener. Husk I. ad probably would have won but for his mi-hap. News that the racing Intereats had scored in the opening skirmish of the legists tiv. battle being wagod in Colombia over the ami betting bill was re reived with glee at the course this afternoon. Sen BtOr Carls.. n. .uitlier of the bill, failed to have his iiiiii-un advanced to a third reading by a suspension of the rules. The npper branch of the legislature showed hostility towards the move and warm OOpO sitien on the part of several senators against the plan of according tic- bill special privileges caused Senator Carlson t.. withdraw his motion. Todays teat ■■ strength In the legislature developed that the racing interests ar.- l; :: i n ! • u ground find -tan.l a Splendid chance of defeating the measure. It i-generally held t" be certain that the bill will never pass both branches of the legislature in its original i"i m. Fourteen bookmakers cut in. eleven in the big ring, one in the ring for colored patron-, and two , Seiners. Speculation was light, but when matter* . gel straightened out. it should Improve. A list of the layers follows: T. .1. Shaw. John Lewis, "Frisco" Garni r, Steve i.ll immedleu, James .la k son. "Stonev" Al ram-. Henry Haines, Charlie W.i t era, Gene Austin. Jack Horner, George Gorton, George McBoberta, and Oscar Boclunan. Ai g ih«- arrivals this morning were Frank W. Thorpe, Georgi Reardon, ;us Mailer, W. T. Ander-- ■. tieorgi Ibi; Frank Bray, John McLaughlin, William Gerdes and Tom Shaw. William Beverley came over from Snmmervlile, but did not cut in. He will probably be in line at the next drawing, a- will Sam Stephens, A. Haul and oiui ps. .1. Beyer, who ha- charge of P. s. P. Randolph* . : horsei came over from Aiken. He reports Racquet. Which broke down at Laurel, a- going soundly and I that Plate Glass and Besom have taken "ri over 1 hi pound* "t flesh since tbej left Jamestown. The Rat iolph horses will be shipped to Palmetto Park ■boot Pebruai v 5. a -..•■■ Mi -. ii. of weights, similar to those of the Southern Jockey Club, ha- been adopted bj the lo iul aaaociatic i srlth the approval of Messrs. Dain gerfleid and Smith, lie- Jockej ciub does not pre v id, any -..!■■ for tie winter mouths. J. It. Campbell scted as one ot the stewards, with y tears W. P. Bun h and E. C. Smith. r ii. Snapper Garrison Introduced a nen rider this afternoon in A. Ferguson, a lad who has been In i bc employ ■ ■ August Belmont tor four years. rergn n had three i ints. on Tabonia, Maromara and l*remler. lb- finished third with two and rode a pood roc- on Premier. An effort will be mane to sai ■ Dew ineta, one of the horses that fell in the first race. Descomnets lied over I task J l-i 1 and injured a shoulder. In- Talbot ha- hopes of bringing tin- horse around. v.oks em in for two day-. .1. Oscar Holder Ik the ring manager here and i- assisted by Willi. mi Mill; Jorfcey Obert. who bad the mount on Descomnets. , escaped with a sprained back. Hi- injuries will » kee.., him out •! tie- saddle tor several days. Algernon Daiuserneld will remain lure until Sat unlay, when be will lid urn to New fork. The Jacksonville delegation that came up t wit ti -- the opening was especial I, i strong. Many of them will remain for the real of the week. After i days races a number of automobiles oir • b I tin- track several times and did effective work In showing up tie- weak -im.i- ami levellna off boom or the roogber edges. They will be similar!? employed . tomorrow and lo the end of tin week the ■gomt should be in excelieot condition. . That the peoolc of hi- ity in general are not a-fullj acquainted a- they should be with the terms of the bill introduced In the General Assembly, and commonly known as too anti-racetrack gambling Mil. and that the bill has features which would render it an instrument of possible oppression long after tin-racetrack question has been forgotten, is the opinion ol Representative Arnoldus Vander Horst. expressed in a statement made by him when loter viewed by a reporter for The Sews nod Courier. Mr. tTander l|..r-t stated that, in hi- opinion, the question of the racetrack had overshadowed the more Important imes tjon of whether or not such a bill, putting under tin-ban things which are looorrnt enough, and having, moreover, an Injunction feature which, be beUevwl. would I bjectionable to the people in this ami ail other South Carolina communities, should be oaode a law. •A-ieh from the controversy as to the race track." said Mr. Vander Horst, "l "would feel that I had dooe leas than my eliity if I failed public l to i all attention to the actual terms ..f the bill which :.a-beeii introduced for the alleged purpose of Boopreaa iii- the race- track. A- a matter of fact, the pr.e visions e,| the bill make unlaw nil any operation mi ve.lving lot. chance • ! casualty i i owj kind, ami houl the owners ol toe property responsible for anything Of the kin. I that tak.~ place 00 the premises. Alter providing the penaltj of tine or Imprisonment for the violation of any of its very drastic provhtlooa, it also provides for the enforcement by means of In junction according t" the admission of the author and without trial by jury. For example, nlmoit every dub in the city, cigar stir.-, even the 1110-t , . innocent form- of rattle, would become unlawful, ami 1 the owner of the alternatively liable. I he Ueve that the question f the race track is entirely overshadowed by the tyrannical provisions of tlii-bill. as it will put in the hands of | pie one handled and thirty mUea away tin power to enforce • •r not enforce this law according to the exigencies of politics and t I -bet their own particular i a ili-for 1 slaughter. "This community has had very bitter experience wi-ii laws of Tiii— character, and I believe that it 1 wii; be an ab-oiuie outrage on n self-respecting iniinity to indict upon it an absolutely 1111.11 foreeable law and then hold it up to ridicule because tin- law is not enforced. "I shoiibl also like to point ..lit that a similar law passed in New York did not. although veri dra-iie. have this injunction feature attached t.. it. 1 am absolutely opposed i government by Injunction a- 1 believe that every man in this oc any other Sooth Carolina . . m m 11111 1 v i-. It is absolutely opposed to every principle of riht and in opposition to tin- professions of the Democratic party, it Is bad enough when decreed bj the courts independent of statute: bat to recognise the principle ..I enforcing a law by means ..f injunction bj the General Assembly of the state is to m mind Bbso Indefensible. •■If this bill should become a law ill its present form, it would Ik- in my Judgment on.- of the moat terrible Instruments of oppression long after if. race track question has been forgotten."