American Horsemen Return to Europe, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-25


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1 1 1 1 ■ 1 AMERICAN HORSEMEN RETURN TO EUROPE. New York. January 24. — James II. McCorinicU. trainer of BOTOO Oppcnlieims big racing cstabli-h ment in Germany, was a passenger on the steamer George Washington of the North German Lloyd Line-, which sailed yesterday. Mr. lieCotOBBCk was accompanied by Jockey 1; rge Van Benaeboten, who will do the lightweight riding for the Oppetihciin stab;.. Mr. McCorinick. who for a score or men years was a foremost owner and trainer in this country. is uie of the most successful horsemen in the Annr ican colonies now established in Croat Britain and Continental Europe. He will have tifty six horsed t.. prepare at BoppegOIteo, a suburb of Berlin whou hi returns. Of this vast collection, many were notable winners in the important fixtures decided during the past few sensniojl" X big percentage of the older division has been named for the important stakes of T.I12. and it is predicted that they will earn new laurels in the coming season. The two-year old aggregation will be represented in the. stakes for juveniles on a liberal scale, as Baron Op penlu itn is particularly interested in the running i.f two-year-old events. George Archibald, of California, and T. Bice, .f Chicago, hove been engaged to ride for the stable again this year. Archibald is Spending the winter months riding on the courses of Bombay and Cal cutta. and Rice is liding at Joarea, Mex.. which will enable them to keep to weight and be in top form when the racing season in OlIinBBJ comineu. •.•••. A. J. Joy OCT sailed today for England, where be will resume training the horses of Harry Ia.v i • Whitney. Joyner was the leading trainer 00 the American turf nverol yean ago. He developed manv stake winners for J. B. Haggin, Sydney Paget, II. F. Whitney and August Belmont, but he decided to his fortune in linland when the anti-racing laws were passed at Albany. Joyner was at om • successful on the British turf. His methods were a revelation and he received unstinted praise from 11. ■ turf critics on the ..ther side. Mr. Whitney has a larger stab!.- at N ".market than ever before and Joyners friends believe that some day be will hove the honor of saddling an F.psom Derby winner. Jockey Willie shaw has returned to this city after a Months vacation in Oklahoma, where he visit. 1 his folks. He will remain in New York until the first of March, when he will leave for Austria to resume his engagement as leading rider for Prince Hohenlohe. Shaw lias received word from Fred Darling, trainer of Prion Il.henlohes splendid aggregation Of horse-. that the collection is wintering in » desirable man-I nor. There has been no sickness in the stable, which is located at Budapest, and Hailing is greatly lin pressed with Landlnfts condition. Landloft was the crack two-year-old of the dual monarchy hist BtnOOO, and is favorite in the future betting for many of the events for this year.

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