Sixth Race [6th Charleston, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-25

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SIXTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. HALDEMAN. b. c. 4 104 By McGee— Long Glenn W. Birnie. Colnibia lmTOy 1:571 hvy 6-5 96 12 13 8*k ll Schwebig S Joe Etose, D.Bnltman. II. Turner 99923 Columbia 11:50 hvy ;:-5 l"3 6 r. ill- l« Schwebig 7 Profile, ETarney, Kinmburg II. 98889 Coimbia lm70v 1:57 hvy 1 10»i 4 1 1 1 2 24 Hopkins 8 D.BuItnian, V.Powers, O.Nugget. 99640 Columbia 1 1:46J hvy 6-5 M 5 4 4 3 lh ll Skirvin G Semi quaver. Otilo. I. Bultman. 89830 Columbia ll:47|hvy 2 103 7 5 4 2 2« 2» Skirvin 7 Montagnie, V. Powers, Abrasion 89792 Columbia 1 1-8 1:528 fast 10 9S 1 l 1 1 3* Pf Skirvin S Hatteras. Nadzu, Howard Shean. 8*787 Columbia 1 1:40J fast 4 107 7 7 7 7 6°* 6«i Robertsn 9 Maff. Otilo, Irish Kid. 99745 Columbia 1 1-S 1 :54 fast 4 p3 111 1 2s 2J B Steele ~ Nalzu. WarnerGriswell. Animus. ;. 99720 Columbia 5-S 1:011 fast 8 103 5 5 4 31 3J B Steele 10 P. Davis. Horace E.. Starboard. .W,:r, Jamestown 1 1:4S| slop 8-5 Mil 12 4 4 31 3"! Byrne 6 DixieKnight, Roebuck. Iedlgree. 99638 Jamestown 11:45 hvy 8 97 11 9 9 9 9 9* Bruce 11 Helene. Brevite, HarveyF. 99590 .Tamest n lm70y 1 :44? fast 20 99 9 9 8 8 8° 8"JWingfld 9 Cu Bon. Limpet. O Em. 99422 latonia 1 1-16 1:4S| slow 22 96 7 2 1 1 2* 2* Skirvin B Mo. kler. Bam Barber, Ed Keck. 99323 Iaioma lm7oy l:5ij hvy 41-10 h 6 3 12 8 4» 6" Goose 10 Sam Barber. E.Collins. L.Paxton. 992rt8 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :5Kft hvy IS 106 2 1 2 2 21 381 lianz 7 Tav Pay. Stick Pin. Discontent. | 99154 Latonia 1 l:40jj fast 60 105 3 4 4 6 10 llJGoose 12 Cliftontaa. Camel. Stick Pin. 9KOW Ttonia 1m70y 1:481 hvy 21 108 7 4 5 4 41 411 J Deavpt 7 Startler. Moekler. Stare. DOLLY BTJLTMAN. b. m. 6 104 Bv Allowav— »t Luci* E McCloskeyl. . Charleston I 1:50 hvy 5 : :i 2 4 4 4 4- S* J Williams 6 Helene, Flarney. Maromsra. 999 ■ C Imbia lmTOy 1:57| hvy 4 1"5 5 5 3 4 4 :;-. Forsyth S Baldeinau, Joe Rose. H. Turner. 998S9 Coimbia lm70y 17 hvy M io«i l 3 3 3 l1 1 | Forsyth t; IkHdnaisn. V.Powers, O.Nugget, 1840 Columbia 1 1:46ft hvy 21 Ml 4 5 5 6 5 4 Schwebig t; Haldeman. Semi-quaver, otilo. 88192 Columbia 1 1-S 1:52 J fast 12 Ml 3 4 5 6 6* 5«**,Roberts,n S Hatteras. Nadz.i. Haldeman. 99758 Columbia 11:41 fast 8 M4 3 5 5 3 3and 6 J Williama 8 Hatteras, Michael Angela, Helene I 89714 Columbia 1 1-* 1:55| fast 4 ios 5 4 4 4 6*» S» J Williams 8 Hatteras, Nadzu, Qolconda. 89884 Columbia 1 1-8 1.57 good I 102 2 4 4 3 1 ll J Williams ." Nadzu, D.OfBridgewtr. Kiidkin M879 Columbia 1 1-M 1:53 good 6 96 6 6 3 3 2s I* Bchewbtg 6 M. Angelo. Montagnie. Profile. 99571 Marlboro 1 1-16 2:04 hvy 7-5 1«2 21 Hopkins », Kl Bait. Silicie. tirania. 6*516 Mlhoro Abrj f 1:13 hvy 4 107 5«J Bdwsrds 0 JessupBurn. LordWells, WnBelle e 994.":; Marlboro Ab7-S 1:35 6low 5 107 2h Robinson » Muff. Sandiver. Kilderkin. 99251 Mhoro AM 1-8 1:58 fast 3 106 5*1.T Hanover fi Mollie S., Klld.rkin. Ornatnosa. 89221 Marlboro 1 1-16 153 fast 4-6 106 21 Hopkins 9 MollieS.. D.ofBridgr, Kilderkin 99164 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :47l fast 15 MS • » 6 6 3 B Lunsry 9 Maromara. CTemBeachev, Shelby. 9t«Sj I»«rel 1 1-S 1:57ft hw 10 l 4 14 2 1 1« l1 Hopkins 9 Montgomery, Servicence, H.Rose 990*" T uur-1 1 1-S 1:54ft good 12 106 7 6 5 3 4" 4J fcj Bell 8 L.ofLangden. Brevite. Servieenr-e 8BM8 T-aurr.| 1n«7 rv 1:45 fast 4 106 7 6 and 2 1 l| M Bell 10 MollieS.. Montagnie. D.ofBwatl 1 BLACK BRANCH, blk. g. 6 106 Bv Aldine— Evangeline Cisneros CN. K. Beal. 9*9*1 C ;. . :.. f 1:121 hvy 11-5 111 1 111 1* Fbrother 7 Carlisle M., rsckle, TigerJlm. : •. Columl la 1 1:58 hvy 8 188 6 7 7 4 4 2» Fbrother 7 IrishKid. Semi-quaver, Horace R. 99921 Columbia C» f 1:121 hvy 6 108 1 3 3 3- 38 Fbrother BLydiaLee, BenSand. Carlisle M. Columbia 8-4 1:20 hvy 15 114 G 8 8 7 5T Fbrother 8 Highfiown, Binds, Barn Dance. 88841 Columbia 5-8 1:06 hvv 20 112 4 7 7 6 6"lFbrother 7 Wn Belle. SesSwell. SaboBlend oiumbia 51 f 1 :07i fast 8 103 s 7 7 6 6" Fbrother 8 Thrifty. Casque. Merise. I lumbia 1 1-M 1:51 fast 2 103 5 3 3 3 3* §•§ Fbrother B E. Orney, Animirs; W. Griswell 99497 Marlboro 1 1-16 2:03 hvv 21 108 331 1 Hauover 7 Ornamosa, W. Griswell, Flarney. 88X8 Marlboro F. f 1:11 slow 6 108 1* Bsten 7 Muskmelon, Smirk. Starboard. 88*96 Marlboro 1 1-16 1:5"! fast 3-2 102 4K1 Fbrther 9 D.ofBridger. Q.Street, Kilderkin 1 88B7 Marlboro 1 1-16 1:501 fast 5 18! 22 Bstap R El Oro. tirania. Limpet. 9V r?7 Iji-jre 3-1 117* hvv 20 V7 11 12 12 12 11" Edwards IS B.I.« mond. Ilainlrung. Argonant. 9RS04 Laarel 1 1-16 1:471 fast 16 106 6 3 3 4 82 B*a|R«s*iM 10 Uaff.aaadta. F.Keek. Swvlcene* NADZU. ch. g, 8 111 By Lodowio— Salt Grass Mag U. G. Bed-well 99792 Columbia ! 1 1 ■-* fit 11-5 Ms 7 6 4 3 11 9* Forehand 8 Hatteras. Hskleman, HwdShean ■ 89745 Columbia 11-8 144 fast 7-M M8 4 5 3 2 l» 14 Forehand S Haldeman, W. Griswell, Animus. Columbia 1 1-8 1:55| fast 8-6 108 6 6 S 5 31 2n Forehand 8 Hatteras. El Oro. I Columbia 11-8 1*7 good I MS 4 2 2 I 2* 21 Forehand 5 D.Bultiuan. D.ofBdgewr. Kildn I •1 I 1-4 248 gX d 8 98 9 8 7 6 5* 4i Forsvth !» Blackford, Montgomery, Bounder. 88669 Jameatn 1 1-8 ISU tut 9 MS 6 6 6 4 4* 3Ti Bruce 8 Beancoap, F.Dnster. L.ofLingdn i :: . • Jamesf n 1 1 8 1 ::*.$ good 3 MS 2 4 4 4 4* 3J Byrne D Agnsr, 8er lc»nce. Pair Miss. 19429 Jameatn 11-16 1:52 hvy 6 106 4 7 6 4 3h 21 Bvrne 8 St. Joseph. Edwin L.. Lord Elam. 99829 lamest n 1 14 SOU slop 3 106 2 3 3 3 4 1 4, . Bvrne R Mid lei angelo, Helene. Outlan. 89711 lameatn 1 1-8 1:561 slow 8-5 10413 5 4 2 2* 1H Byrne 5 HarveyF.. IdleMiehael. Goleunda. ANIMUS, br. g. 8 106 By Lord Esterling— Animoso CC. S. Wilson. I.ia 1 1:53 hvy 8 KM S 6 8 R 6* I .1 Cook 8 W.Grlswel R ebs II.. Flarney v •y- : ■ ■ ■ i:nbi -t 1 1 :.v bw M MS 5 7 7 7 7 • 1 rehand 7 Haldeman, Profile, Harney. 88914 C lumbia 11:48 hvy S 1M 12 1 4 4" S * McTag*rt 8 Profile. Semi -qusver, Horao Fi 88867 Columbia 11 16 1:64| slow 4 Ml 2 6 7 6 6s 4".I «*.k 8 O.Nugget, BosebnrglL. Sp.Frog. 88746 Columbia 1 I I 1:64 fast 7 Ml 2 4 5 C 43 4" Cook -r Nadzu. Haldeman. W. Oxiawen. - • ■ bin.l i.i 1 1-16 1:51 f.ust 10 in3 3 4 4 4 4J 2 | Oaok 0 E. Oranev. W. GrlSWeU, Flarney. 88126 Laurel lm70y 1 :4T,i| good 10 111 6 9 9 8 8« 8"ji: Dugaa 12 El Bart. Roebuck. The Whip. 99000 Iaurel 1 1-8 l:54j| good 12 IOS 4 5 6 6 61 0«l Obert 8 L.ofl/angden. Brevite. Servicence , 989 v4 Lhurel 1 1-16 1:471 fast 10 112 9 9 9 9 71 7«j OsldStefal 1 » L.ofLangden. E.Keck. Servicence 98840 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 20 112 3 8 8 7 C* 4:; 0 Ieak 8 Hilarious. M.W.LIttln. Babblei r 98194 Tiir.mto 1 1-16 1 :49| Blow 6 107 3 3 1 3 24 3» McOshey 8 Dr.Holsherg. T.O.Bfly, teconke. 8B46S Toronto 1 1-M 1 :47f fast 2S-M 184 3 4 3 3 21 1" MeOahsy • Lady.OHatar. BdKeck, Hatteras , HEART PANG, b. g. 5 106 Bv Orlando or J. Point— Fair Pen.t.nt N. S. Brush. 97520 Kiiig Ed 1 1:45 fast 10 111 8" C !•• ,k 8 SVardei l.. r Jim Obs 97191 King E«1 1 i:43t fast 25 KM ■• Peak 10 M.Vigllsnt, Oberoa, H.CscsddlD :i-: King Ed. 1 1:43 fatt -•• 111 V] ieak .• D*crsggan, D.BuItmaa. SV.Gwell JUS: Km ? Ed. 1 l:5li Cast 20 l 7i 4* !•• :ik 5 New Star, Sandiver. Flitu. King Ed. 1 1:43 fast 8 108 7»"C Ieak 8 Sam Bemsrd, Masonht, Donation 96044 Arlton Ab 6J f 1:J6 fast 6 118 4"! C leakft 10 R.Onvx, Merry Belle, LaB. Agnes.

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Local Identifier: drf1912012501_6_2
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