Juarez Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1912-01-25


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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1912. Xenasaa Park. Fiftieth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter .Meeting of 100 days. 10 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, w. 11. Shelley. Starter, Man Casatdy. Racing Secretary, Edward Jasper. Racine; starts al 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 3:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, s span, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, ag of horse and Weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance. 11 Of 6 ":SI B V 3 12 Furlones- [MM8 ■ 00% • 1 113.1 Pane 09. 2-year-olds. Maidens. J. +JJ Special Weights. Net value to winner #225: Second, 0; third. 5. M4 Bones AWtPPSt % M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S ■■ NEGLIGEE w Mt : I- Keogh G C Bennett s 5 1 7-5 3-5 1-4 K66MOHN HURIE w 112 I _ Zj 2* Gross H T Batcbeler 4 5 5 2 4-5 il-s -|.vi GANNON W 109 4 1 I".:!- J Callahan.! F Newman S-5 S-5 S-5 1-2 1-5 i 6 BLUE JAY w U2 1 4 1-. e Moleswh G H Coyle « 6 6 2 1 1668 PHILOPENA w lvt 7 5 :,* 5*1 Lues Moore 20 20 20 6 3 W08 ICICLE w 109 I 7 t; i; " Taplin Mrs- it H Selby G 6 € 2 1 1060 RECKLESS LAD w 112 5 I 7 7 Bore! J P Trammtll 40 40 40 12 6 Time. 22S. 40. Track fast. Winner Ch. :. by M..11.1 Santa Dishabille i trained by il. McDaniel. Went o post at 2:17. At post 2 minutes. Start good Won easily; second and third driving. NEG- LIGEE. sftei being out footed until well down the stretch, shot to the front in the final sixteenth and won B up. is sn extra good looking filly and will do to follow. JOHN III RIK ran In closest pursuit and icade a game finish. FAT GANNON set the pace, but began to tire near the end. BLUR JAY showed sp, ,■! early, but quit. The others had no chance. Ben Iched Ids F.ells. 106_ llo.s Wolfrcss. 109. 11 1 SECOND RACK— 3-4 Mile. 80683—1:11%— 2— 1063. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. 1.1 Selling. Net value to winner 6325; second, 880; third, *25. tad Hones vwtPPSt M M % Str Pin Jockeys owners o H C P s 108S-JOHN H. SHEEHAN w S 112 2 J 2J, 4 | n l| Borel St. in Jh Lew 3 31 Si 6-5 C-5 IflSl COL. MARCHMONT w 4 lvi 1" 1 Gross J W Fuller S 8 8 3 S-5 H00:BOH LYNCH w n 5 112 s 2 Bl 5 6* 3*1 Moleswh J Randolph S-5 2 2 4-5 2-5 10B FERRON w I H 1 ■ ,-:-.:;; l .1 CailandnanW 11 Schwartz 10 15 10 4 9-5 1U9RBGARDS wn 6 112 I 9 7* 6*1 6* 5* Taplin F L Murray 6 8 8 3 3-2 Kj54«KTNG BLK ■ 1 UN 0 7 91 7- t 6 J 6lJ Hill 1. W Hicks 15 15 15 6 I p. ;si !: : SMILE wis 5 110 1 1 1 61 las 6s ".-■ Eatep Allison cV Morris 10 10 10 4 I IP 2PALNKLL GIRL W 4 197 • " 1- Vi s1 B Luxton B A Jones 10 10 S C S-5 10M FLOB ROBERTS wis 3 95 7 s ; :- 7 •. Seidell ; M Van GordenS 10 6 2* 6-5 HOOD MONTGOMERY wsa 5 US I W 10 10" 1" 1"- .1 Henry M Shields 15 If 15 6 3 UQ» JIM Me WS 4 Mi 1! II 11 11 11 Groth .1 S McBrida 20 20 20 8 4 Time, 24. 47 s. 1:13. Track fast. Winner Ch. z. by Rubicon Carilia trained bj T. stern.. Went to p si ■ 2:li. At post 1 lninut.. Start Uo,xi. Won driving: second SBd third the same. JOHN II. HHECHAN. Mtt.r being kept fairly close op front the start, took the had In the stretch and kept it n-obiioiv under punishment. COLONEL MARCHMONT ran a g 1 race, closed ■ bi gap In the last quarter sad made a gante finish. Koil LYNCH had to run all around the others and. finishing fast and gaining, may have been l« ;. PERRONA ran s good roe. REGARDS made up ground. PARNELL GIRL tired and anil after Betting the pace to the stretch. FLORENCE ROBERTS ran a good half and dropped to the r ir Scratched 1100Slgnor, l io: 1107 Flying Peart, lio; lost; Caasarada, .2: HIM Fails Coart, 112. Overweight Fiorenoe Roberts. •: pounds. ■ i 6 THIRD RACE 1 Mile. 94Hn i:3T*j E 122. Pnrsi tSOO. 3-year Ida and upward 1-1 JL j £ BelUns. N t ralne to winner S2Z5; sec— d, *" ": third. .*2.".. Ind Hon - AWtPPSI % M % str I in Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 IlOt O8CTJR0 w 11 4 107 . 7 si.v. ,; ;;-• p Taplin B V Wright t E 5 I 1 1113 ROBERT w3 Kit J On ihanH Tulletl 15 15 15 L nill.i I I M 7 73 -1 3k Keogh E Gaylord t-5 -5 3-6 1-3 out P .s KING WHITE WB4 115 4 8 4] ;. G .1 M Hill -lo -lo 40 12 I 1113 ERR R w :: ;■ ■ • B lien C W Gasser 20 St M 1 1 IP- LIT MARCHMONT w 5 112 • «» «» J Henry C T Ri n-nfleld : 3 I 1 1 2 MAIM.LS GREEN a 9 11 : 5 I ! 1 L-.K CAPITAL WB 5 11 . i: C •! 11 I 8 t 2 4-5 WEYMOlTH WB«1M 9 9 9 • I I I Moleswh G Neal 15 15 15 I Tine, 24. 48 i,. 1:13. 1:41. Track fast. Wis Bi - by K v 1 Santa nlta La Tolucs trained by E. F. Wrisht. Went . p. -1 at :::17. At post 2 minutes. Man k 1. Won easily: s, ,• ,n.i :iIid third dririns. ist 1 H» U.:iii slowly and i.nn. n in far back In the lasi quarter under skillful riding and, outgaming *:■►».» ROItKRT ran a capital race, showing the mosl rly all the way. but vis nun- al the end. SETBACK cloned a Rap and finished w«-!l. KING WHITE ran in forward 1 nten lion .., 1 he stretch and Hred In the I 11 : drlre. LITTLE MARCHMONT sulked all the way. NEW CAP1 1 l. gull badly after being luoiulneiii to tin- n-..|i-li. WKYMOFTII was very -ere. Q i »i 1:1:1 RACE MMfk 93*23 1 IP. 2 108. Parse 8300. 1-year-olds and upward. 11 1 jO BelUaf Not ralue to winner 8225; secoad, 880; third, 125. ted H AWtlFSt !i _• ••, Str Fin Jockeys Owaars 0 II C I" S lKOPRANK •; HOOAN 5 112 ,; • 11 !■* 1 J Lows :: :: 2 1 1101 1.1 ;n: KNIGHT a C KM I 1 I 4* 21 "■- Borel 1 Wilkin* 2 2 8-5 •■ II ROHINSON 5 100 " I Hill M 81 M M 1 2 I 1 101 ANGELlS w 7 p ■• . t .1 Henry 11 R Brandt I 1 2.". HO] FANEl IL HALL m • Poet w. ci.vm Dond I 4 -1 8-6 1-2 [•SERENADE a* S 102 S •" 7 7 8* Guy DickersonA-Sharp 80 30 "•1 10 " PIT A FAT WU I p.". I 7 7 -■■ 7 Taplin W P i I. E Fine 3 lime. 23S- 48-. 1:13. Track fast. Winner — 11. g. by Bawksw! I. We.lding Hay trailed by J. Lmvei. ■ Went to peat at :!:47. At post 1 minute. Start go..]. Won ilriving: Sfeoad and third the MM, FRANK tj, HOG AN. showing much speed, set the pact all the way and Stayed gamely in a closely on iesi,.,i finish, in which his rider struck LIGHT KNIGHT .cross the bead sereral tines ,,cai- the finish, but i ... were In close quarters ind it was probably unintentional. LIGHT KNIGHT ran 1 good race and tin-1 ind fast and resolutely. J. B. ROBINSON ran well and was under heavy restraint at the ttni-i,. a.V 1; F.LIS showed s, i,ui tired i«dlj In the Bnal furloos Scratched ih»i Ed. Keck. 105; 1004 Yo Solo, 07: ll *i Pedro, 1663. Iverweights Light Knight. 1 pound. O 1 IHtii i:a i: 34 Mile. 643633— Lii1.-.— 2 loti.i Pane 93630. 8 year osaa ami upward. 11 J. £J "i Selling. Net value to winner *22o: second, 680; il.inl. B2S. lad Hones AWtPPSI % M % Str Fir. Jockeys owners 0 H c P s 1M6*DE CB8ARION ws I ss :: M :." 6" El P* Hill W II Plaar 16 M M 4 2 1098 ILL METER an 8 112 - ■■ U I* . _". Moleswh E Russell 4 4 4 2 1 1098 KUROPATKIN s 9 112 G 4 2- 2- 2- 3 Posjl Neeser * Bishop C 8 B 3 8-2 DEFY w :: 2 11 1 7J 7"t 71 4-1 .1 CallahanJ T Robhins P M M 4 2 1098 BRAVE WITHERB w t 112 9 2 4- Ei 61 S«i Taplin P Binsham ti 8 1 ♦". 99418 TENDER HI.lmjM w I Wl 12 S 8* 8*1 8» C .1 Henry s Judse C G 1 2 . 1115 NOVGOROD aa 6 112 HI 7 »,-. :i- :•- 7"* Groth S J Kelley 15 15 16 I : 88 ELDER w 1: 7 112 ." :• 51 •■ ■■■ b- Gross J- H Adams ti « i 2| 6 S 1082 SWEDE SAM w 7 112 4 8 1! 112 10- 9- E MthewsA C Foy 40 4" 66 1". I IK I BLACK DOMINO w 7 110 7 11 M- 11 12 l" Murray I Striker 40 4o 46 15 S i JUAREZ WB 4 MO 1 12 12 16* U* U* Selden II K Bernard •• 56 ID 15 0 1092 TOM FRANKS w 0 112 S 6 3*3* 6*12 Borel A C MoCafferty C i 1 6-5 3-6 Time. 24, 47V 1:13£3- Track fast. Winner -It. f. by Cesarioii — Design trained by W. 11. Fizcn. Went to post tt 4:10. At l oM 1 minute. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same. 1 F. I l.SAKION began Slowly, but came from behind Steadily and. coming fasl through the Stretch, got up i win in the Baal stride of a game effort. ILL METER set a last pace and only succumbed right at the end. KTTROPATK1N ran 111 closest pursuit to the Stretch and finished resolutely. DEFY closed a gap and lin- 0 icd fast. BRAVE WITHERS and ELDER showed speed, but tired. TOM PRANKS unit after running wtii to the stretch. Scratched— 1040 John Heck. 07: 1 1U2 AlUa Paige. 02: 11 10 Sir Angus. 112. Overweights IM- Cesarioii. 1 | ound. 4 fjr SIXTH RACK— 1 MR*. 06J03— l_tT%— 6—122. Pane I960. 4-year-olds and upward. 1-1 _L O Selling. Net value to winner 22." : second. $." 0; third, 0. Ind Horses AWtPPStu ., % Str Pta Jockey* Owners O II C P S H12*THE MoNK wa 6 169 4 7 S» 2«* 1»1 Selden Pontius k BolandS 3 :: 1 12 1109 GELICO ws7los 7 2 21 l» I1! 2*1 Taplin L K King i«» M i » 4 I 1095 SONA WB»166 I •". 3 ". 0*5 | 3 Moleswh .1 Schreiber i 8 6 21 6-5 I096HANNIS wa 7 166 2 7 , 3 2* ::;i 4 -A .1 Henry Mrs 1. G Henry 1 1 "I 8-5 I •"• ■ PIPE VISION w 4 101 3 8 T -is 8"* S3 6 B«* Gross Wheeler I: WIlsonlE 16 12 .". 2 PM7 YANKEE pooh w .", pc, j 8 6" 6| 7 71 cj J CallahanW EC Shuts s s s :: s ." 1095*ANNE McGEE G 101 9 ■ 1| 2- 4«1 4*1 V Hill B Gay lord 4 4 1 8-6 4-5 1071 FROG wn 4 100 l :i 9 : 9 8* 61 Borel W G STanke 16 M 8 •". 3-2 P ■ "■ LENA LE3CH wr. 8 868 8 1 U 1 6* .» 8 Jahnsen .1 B • limin 6 i i -I 6-6 Time. 2425.~4815. !:*•%. 1:40. Track fast. Winner — Blk. g, by Put lie: less — Fliza Basse 11 trained by J. Poland 1. Went to post at 4:47. At post 2 saiautes. Stan Rood. Won easily: second and third driving. THR MONK was outpaced la the early running, but came fast from behind in the last half and ran past tlie leaders in the linal sixteenth. GELICO did his best, se; a las, pace and finished gamely. SONA dosed a gap and finished fast. HANNIS was son. but ran well to the stretch. ANNE McGEE snowed early speed, a . usual, but quit badly. Scratched 11HT, Zulu. 10S: 1 110 Virginia Lindscy, 103; 1683 Chantii lor. 10C.: 1004 Wicket, 10T : 1115 Prince Winter. 108. erw eight s —Frog. J pounds. CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON, S. C, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24. 1912.— Palm, tto Park. First day. Charleston Fair and Pacing Association. Winter Meeting of 7." days. ]_ |„,oks on 1 Weather «fear. Presiding Judge. W. F. Sehulte. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. F. J. Pons. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. m.L W indicates whip, B spurs. P. blink-is. Fig ures in parenthesn following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age nf hem and weight carried. *lndicates apprentice allowance. an FIRST RACF.— 3-4 Mile. Pane fbvO. ::-year idds and upward. Allowances. 11 A_ m* O Net value to winner $::75: second. 5; third. 0. ted Horses AWtPPSI i /■ ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 86672R06E QUEEN w 6 106 ;. 6 5 l4 Is 1* 1 Loflua H G Badwell 3 2 9 E 8 E 7 lol -?. 99864TROY WEIGHT w 4 10H i 2 2 2 2 2 C Turner K A Tyson 1 Cj 1 7" 12 :•:••■ I in i.r w o 107 1 6 1 o I 1 Moss W Gent S 7 7 21 1 BETTIE SUE w 4 101 2 :: FelL Hopkins E W Moore 1; S 6 2 4 ". ISSSHUSKY LAD wsb 4 10S 1 1 Fell. J McCabe F H Milden 4 .", U | J 1 2 96501 DESCOMNIBTS w 6 107 3 I Fell. Obert Tennessee Stable 56 69 66 16 6 Time, 25, 50y5, 1:1823. Track heavy. Winner — Rr. m. bv Kingston— White Rose trained by II. G. Bedwell. Went o peat at 2:.-!l. At pest 3 minutes. Start gixnl for all but DONAU. Won driving: second and third the aame. ROSF QUEEN was bustled into a. long had immediately after the start and tircl In the ttretch, hut. being well ridden, just managed to last Hag enough to win. TROY WEIGHT was lucky to . . ape going down and lost considerable ground at the point of the mishap, but gained with a rush in the stretch and almost got up. DONAH was left at the post and only cantered around. HUSKY LAD was going well When be stumbled and fell and probably would hare won but for falling. Orerweighta -Rose Queen. 1 l pounds. O T SECOND RACF 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. r, yeai .Ids. Selling. 11 1 «i | Net value to winner s.ll; second. 1912.sh0: third. $:; . Ind Horses AWtPPSti Vi K Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S - 2 MAMITA wis 96 1 1 I» 1 l3 l3 Skirvin Mr- B C Nunn M M 88 1 2 •WORKING LAD wn 110 4 7 5*1 6M 3* -» Moss W G»rst I 8| Sk 3-2 7-16 D9609*TAHOMA 91 2 2 2. 21. 21. 24 Ferguson P M Walker 20 30 25 W 5 ELSIE 1IKRXDON W MO I I 61 6« 4- 1" E Martin W C Weaver 15 26 12 5 2 :..:« 1-: l L.s GRUMP ww M6 1 5 41 4 ."."• :. Butwell .1 Cr Wagnon 21 tj 2 6-5 0-5 :i:*liL.UM RAY wu M0 8 4 7 7 6 ti8 .1 WilRamaH E DeTis 68 1"" 108 40 86 - 1 » 1 !•: SHAPIRO w 6715 4 s s 7 7 Schwebig B Schrelbar B 16 If t s-5 IQUEEN BEE w 101 7 3 o1 :- FeH. C Turner E A Tyson 1 1 4 8-5 7-46 Time. 25. 52. 1:13. Track heavy. Winner -B. f, by Peep o Day — Griae] trained by W. BecdY. Went to post at :i:07. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second and third itriviulhr MAMITA took the lead at once and. running well in the going, wan kept elose to the rail for the entire race and held her opposition safe throughout. WORKING LAD dosed a gap into forward contention, but was tiring near the end and will improve. TAIIOMA ran well and would have 1 11 second in another -.ride. ELSIE HERNDON made up ground and finished well. SILAS GRUMP showed speed, but tired and w is taken out of contention oa the stretch turn. OI BEN BEE was well up whin she fell. Scratched 40706* Republican. 114: 99228 Gagnaat, 96; Aehraet. 100. Overweights — Tahonia. 1 pound: Silas Crump. :■: Jim Ray. 2 : Sadie Shapiro. 2.. fQ THIRD RACF — 5-8 Mile. Purse 0600. 3-year-fl Ids and upward. Selling. 11 JL dS O Net value to w inner $:!10: second. 1912.sh0; third. 600. Ind Horses AWtPPSt % £ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II P S 998M IA.IAROITA w 7 107 I 1 1 I1 li l2 Loftus II G Bedwell 2. ?, 2 1 1-2 ■ 9788 UNION JACK w 4 105. 7 2 2a _3 2 8»» Moss G Ham 4 41 1 S 5 7 10 1 .■ SANDY HILL WB 6 102 4 5 5l 3* V 8 J Williams1-: McCloskey 38 ■■ 50 26 N • ,, YNCA B 4 105 8 7 4* 6J 4- 4J Schwebig I . ITuh 10 15 15 « ?, .•set; McANDREWS w 0 lo7 5 6 ti* 4i 6.. 5* A Burton M Burton 15 38 25 10 5 99232 MoNT. LAIR w 7 Itf. 3 4 9 9 8 B"k Pickens Mrs N B DtTis 38 68 66 66 10 PREMIER 114 102 S 9 ~i- 7l 71 7i Ferguson Mrs T Hums lo 12 12 I 2 IH MINCEMEAT wit S 107 9 3 32 5l 5 81 C Turner .1 II COOtnhs 25 39 80 12 6 99972 BLIZ"H HAIUVOOD b 6 109 2 S S 8 9 9 Hopkins W A Ml— iy 6-6 2 S 5 7 101-3 Time. 25y5. 50%, 1:0435, Track heavy. Winner— Ch. g. by Rey del Sierras— Aunt Bird trained by II. G. RedwelH. Went to post at :,::o. At Iiost 1 minute. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. PA.TAR-dlTA ran into the bad at once and. easily holding sway throughout, drew away ill the lasi sixteenth. 1 NION JACK was speedy and ran in closest pursuit for the entire race, but tired slightly near the end. SANDY BILL closed an early gap and held on gamely. YNCA, after Baring ground n the turns, was . lining al the end. McANDREWS showed speed. ELIZABETH IIARWOOI fell out of forward contention after going a quarter. Scratched — JU204-AI Matter. m7: !!»s75 liishtown. 04; 80000 Winning Smile. 9s. Qrerweighti — Union Jack. 2i iQ FOFRTH RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. Sumter Inaugural Handicap. Value ,500. :; year ..Ids 11 JL £Xj and upward Net value to winner .1 0: second. H ; third. K . ted Horses AWtPPSt ¥. 4 % Str Fin Jo.keys Owners O H C P 8 »475*LOCHIEL w n 4 lol 1 3 1- 1* V- 1- 1" Forehand H G Bedwell t8-6 8-6 3-2 3-6 out . SS3STICKER w 5 166] 3 ■". 6* 2* -■ 2- Loftus TI G Bedwell t8-5 8-6 3-2 0-6 out BOM I l l. I.WEISS si! 4 96 1 1 •; 5 41 4 3" .1 McCabe P II Milden M 41 li «-5 out S938SXSAGER wn .". 109 ; 2 4i 2» ::- 2- 411 T K.icrtirr B Schreiber 22s 5 B 5 1 2 out 99369»FONT wb 6 9S 2 1 2?. 1 5 .". 5s Spillm.in TennesseeStable :;:s 12 12 3 1 5 85749 JACK DENMAN wu 4 63 " 8* 4 6 8 ,; skirvin Tenn sseeStable IS 12 12 8 4-5 i t Coupled in liettins: no separate place or show betting. Time. 252,. 53 5. lO1,. 1:474,. 1:55V5. Track heavy. Winner P.. g, by Hastings -Lady of the Valley trained by II. G. Bedwell. Went to p.t at 4: H. At post .", minutes, sent goad. Won easily; second the s;lme: third driviag. ; hi miff, farored by his liuht impost and suffering froni no mishaps, ran Into s long lead quickly and wan all the way onex tended. STICKER mored up with a rush after going a half mile and held the others s.if,. ■•it- second place. IDLEWEISS was timidly ridden, but wore SAGER down i:i the stretch for third place The latter stumbled repeatedly and almost fell at the half-mile ground. FONT and JACK DENMAN run if short Snatched -00440 1 Meridian, lis; B0666*BeauCOUp, 101; 00430 High Private. 122: 00ST7T0BI Mssslc, K 1 fiverweigl.ts — Sticker. M. pounds. Q/V fifth rail 3-4 Mile. Pane 6400. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1-1 X OvJ Net value to winner 10; if road 1912.sh0; third. 136 ted Hors ■ AWtPPSI U . "1 str Fin .lo.keys Owners 0 II c P s 99722 BERKELEY W 8 111 - 1 1- H 1- l! Forehand II G Bedwell 1 t t 6-6 7--M 999S OTILO wsn 6 Ul I 2 - * 2* McTagrt W C Weant 1 8 5 8-6 7 - . ■ ■■ . "■I. Pi LLLE wtlot 8 V :::.- S* .1 WIlliamsD Wailield :x 56 66 16 6 :.:n7.: i:.Ml Hi: WILLIAM WB 6 114 4 .". 4- I 4; _j C Peak T Hatfield 3 9 8 2. 1 C CORE vlHC :: 1 .". .". ; "- "■ Pickens Mrs - g Davis 26 19 m 18 8 99441 CHARLETX STRAUS a 4 165 7 4 7 7 6J ■- Bauer .1 I. Beeaoa N 66 O-i 88 M EDNA COLLINS w 1108 5 8 s I 7: ■ Spillm.in Tennessee Stable to 68 69 U 5 • •;_ RASH wa 4 107 6 7 6 6* 8 8 Loftus Gallaher Pros 2 2 1 1 2 out Time, 2445- 50•. 1:174-,. Track heavy. Winner -Ch. g, by Dieudonne Carness trained by 11. G. Bedwell. Weni to post at 4:27. At post l minute, start good. Won easily; seeoad and third driring. BERKR 1 FV ran is If the most tit and, taking a long lead, easily won all tiw way. OTILO held on gamely under hard u ging and was always In closes! punnit. LAPPELLE ran well and had no serious opposition for third place. KMPEROR WILLIAM stumbled badlj several times. BASH was badlj outpaced for the entire i...c and 1 n as it short. Scratelntl 90974*Rubia Granda, 104; 66732 Lord W. lis. 109: fWWsi Roaeburg II. . 101; pimp.: Silk. 164; :..it:,7 Naughty Lad. 114; 86057 Doctor Bodiue, 97; 96048 Lydla Lee, MO. Overweight!1 Rash. .! pounds. . — 1 ■ Q 1 six in rail 1 Mile. Para 6000. 6-year-olds aad upward. Selling. 11 JL f A n.i ralue to winner 6310; second, 600; third, 636. Ind iiois,s AWtppst i, c "-, Str Fin Jockeys owners o n c p s 99S78 HE1 BNE w 4 0! 6 1 !■• I V 2". 1« .1 McCabe F H Milden 6-5 7-5 I 1 2 out 04S FLARNEY » 7 166 2 5 5 • i 5 2i Schwebig C Reed 12 1 "■ • s-m ;p iM i;a wsn t 85 14 1 3 Perguaon .1 I McGann 3 1S-518-53-2 3-3 •-■■ Wl STERN RBLLE w 1 I ! Skirvin I. M McXTlemmy ". 8 7 6-6 3 .. , ]. A 1 FLTMAN a ■■ 68 : _ t; I l 5 .1 WlillarasE M Closkej t 5 5 s :, :: :, _« RO KCASTLE »1 • 88 Lefl at th nosl Spillman Tennens 0 8 k* Time. 27V 54. 1:21-=-,. 1:! 0. Track heavy. Winn. 1 K. f. by Hem i- Bellane trained bj F D. Weir. Went to posl at 1:56. Al post :; mil . Start goud for all bul ROCKCASTLE . n easily; second and third driving. HKLKNK .1 the earlj pace, bul was taken back on tic hackstretch and restrained to Ihe last furlong, where she was called on lid at e moved away to Win in S canter FLARNF.il CI w Hi 1 raali through the stretch and was going fastest al the end. MAROMARA showed speed, bul tired in il.- lasi fiirlon- WESTERN ltFILl. qail sfter taking the had and appearing a certain winner on tlw -ii.teh turn. DOLLY Bl LTMAM ran poorly. Overweight*--Dolly Uultmuu, 4 ixjiiud*.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912012501/drf1912012501_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1912012501_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800