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HEADING FOR KENTUCKY FALL PROGRAMS IN BLUE GRASS STATE AT ¬ TRACTIVE TO HORSEMEN Movement of StaLIcs from Canada Already in inProgress Progress Budget of Interesting Items Itemsfrom from Canadian Circuit Puffalo X Y August J5 Several stables will ltive here for Kentucky at once Most of tliem will ti to Lexington Theodore Abadie ships Hie two dorses he has Iteen racing in Canada to Churchill Downs K K Hradlcys horses will l e sent buck to Kentucky after the Windsor meeting Both liriitr 1atli and Irooklield promise to give a good account of themselves in the twoyearold events in Kentucky in the full The former has not fancied the tracks in Canada while trainer nninmon has not sent iroillicli to the barrier here or at Windsor although the son of Yaikee Gun has lieen taking regular vork vorkWoodtord Woodtord Clays noted mare Ocean Bound may not race any more this season and her owner may decide to shortly ship her liuine to Kentucky and re ihv her from the turf Her present trouble is in her feel an atllietion which has Indhered her since she was twoyearoldManager a twoyearold Manager lolin Ilaclmieister has gone back to Ken ineky Jle was greatly pleased with the I literal iiiiiiilHT of entries he received hero for the Douglas Park Jtnd Latonia stakes and the same can be said of Hairy Brievogle representing Churchill Downs both said on departing It looks us if everyone will be moving toward Kentucky tills fall fallIowell Iowell Parker have gone back west bavins hipped their string from the AVindsor track to Itnttc Mont Tlie best horses they succeeded in iidrtlng to teir stable during their Canadian cam ¬ paign are Startler and Am 1 AV Fuller has departed for Texas and will ft st his horses until Juarez racing begins Mr luller has sonic promising yearlings to take tip in Texas this fall He has a colt aiid tilly that look good as anything he has ever raised raisedT T C McDowell plans to race in Maryland the com ¬ ing faU and will ship his string from Hamilton next week to the new Havre de Grace track lie is to erve in an otlicial capacity again at the Laurel track during Octolter and that is his reason for not Bending his stable back to Kentucky It may be tluit his horses rent to Maryland will not include The Manager and that great colt will till some Kentucky engagements next month monthI I 7 Miles apprentice F Teahaun appears to lie altout the best development among the light ¬ weights in Canada this summer He is gradually inproving at tlie post is acquiring some knowledge iis to pace and can put up a fair finish His build iggewis a growth too fast to allow him to remain loiv in the lightweight class however