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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 97794 15S 9 US OSSIAN b B 9 108 By Florist Princess Annie H Bagley 4 ISO Butte f 108 fast 95 111 32 tn Rooney Bin Stone DeJiuite Tippy 4005 Salt Lake F C 110 fast 135 10 1 1i 1s Roouey S Bert Getty Auto Girl St Joe 3971 Salt Lake 1 140 fast 20 103 1 3 1 35 C H Miller fi Arbutus The Monk Misi rision 3945 Salt Lake 1 3412 fast 16 111 4 1 1 2 = 3 i Rooney 10 FirstFashion BertGetty Wicket 3SSS Salt Lake F C 112 slow G IOC 1 9 G ni Anderson 10 McAlan Lord Clinton Visible 3717 Salt Lake 34 l13g fast 35 111 G G 5 7tllPauIey 9 JStryker SidPetcra Tilllngliast 95349 Pensacola 7S l32g good 4 116 41 Pauley G SweetOwen StDunstan Hanccxk 93293 Pensacola 5S 103 good 10 113 113AFTERMATH 2s Pauley 7 LoveWatches Beverstn Stafford StaffordBy AFTERMATH b g 8 111 By Stai Ruby Recollection Fairfield Stable 3771 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 51 103 1 4 4 31 I3 Taplin 7 Cabin Round Round A McGee 3623 SaltLake 1 116 148 fast 16 109 5 2 2 li 11 Taplli s Misprision M on rank Don Zahra T565 Salt Lake 1 l42j fast 10 ill 623 5 G l Tapliu S Cabin Zabra Ben Uncas 3372 C dAlene 1 l42i alow 20 106 7 11 11 10 710iCorey 11 The Peer Marigot Exchequer 3358 C dAlene 34 1164 slop 15 112 1 7 732S3 6 Gl Hopkins 8 Sam Barber Hawley Footloose 32S3 C dAlene 1 1414 fast 8 107 7 10 9 8 5 C Grand 11 E Stewart Icarian Exchequer 3211 C dAlene 1 143J fast 8 111 1 7 7 72SOS 41 5H Hill 8 MEuiily S Barbor M Bouquet 2SOS C dAlene 11424 fast 125 310 G 3 2 22CS9 3 35 Taplin S Dr While Chief Desmond Cabin 2CS9 CdAlene 1 116 14S4 fast 25 111 7 3 2 2250S 21 4JJ Buxton 9 Layminster Salpcarl Whldden 250S C dAlene 7S 1281 good 11 109 3 2 4 6 6 JBuxton 11 Godfather Rota Voting 2444 CdAlene 1 116 1511 mud 8 108 2 4 4 4MARIGOT 44 3ll Taplln 0 Zoroaster Robert Sam Barber BarberBy MARIGOT br m 5 106 10639S3 By Opden Mariti J Hochrein Hochrein2i 39S3 SaltLake Im70y l45g fast 135 107 G 7 G 2i 2ns Buxton S F Guard llannis Roval River 3939 Salt Lake 1 1414 fast 15 103 S 8 S S3S40 4i River4i 43J Gross S Gretehen G Arbutus Cabin 3S40 Salt l lke 1 142 fast 7 104 G G G i Cabini f ross 7 Thc Mollk stlrt Beatrice Sonle 3720 Salt Lake 1 l42i fast 40 107 S S S G 41 Cavangh S BUncas MKrally BeatrlceSoule 3623 SaltLake 1 116 1481 fast 10 107 S S S 7 6 G15 Kirschm S Aftermath Misprision Mk Don 3565 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast 13 109 1 S 8 8 S 7 J J McBrioe 8 Cabin Zahra Ben Uncas 3372 C dAlene 1 142 slow 7 10G 11 8 8 6 6S312 3 = 22 R Hoffmaull TliePeer Exchequer CharGreen S312 CdAIene 1 116 149 fast 12 106 0 6 7 o 5t 431 R HoffmanlO Wicket Tlie Peer My Bouquet 3253 C dAlene 1 14 210 fast 16 104 7 6 6 6 52 4 Gross 7 S Lump My Bouquet B Uncas 3106 C dAleno 1 l41i fast 15 108 7 9 9 9 9 9 R HoffmanlO Littleton B Sotile Johnstown 2657 C dAlene 1 142 mud 20 107 8 9 6 7 7 71C Grand 9 Oscuro Rota Sona 2290 CdAlene 1 116 149 fast 16 113 a 8 7 7 7AZO 7 791 C Grand 8 Force Edna Stewart The Peec AZO ch s G 108 108414G By Wadsworth Ma Angeline T H Stevens 414G Butte 1 l43g mud 50 10S G G 6 C C23C7 5 5ojMcDmvll G Col Cook Tromargo Onatnssu 23C7 CdAlene 1 1S l55i fast 20 107 5 G 7 G 7 610 Weathers 7 Montgomery Johnstown T Peer 1321 Juarez 1 1S l53g fast 4 104 4 4 4 4 4 4 = 3 J Callahan 4 Whldden Wolferton Greenbrirtti 1452 Juarez 1 1S 154 fast 1S5 103 2 5 5 5 5 512 Gross fi Whidden Dutch Rock Wolferton 1312 Juarez 1 139 fast 6 105 6 6 G G 6 6 Taplin G Mnlzie Girl Wicket Fieent 1170 Juarez 1 18 153 fast G5 104 4 4 4 4 3 3 = 5 Moleswh 4 Wolfcrton Discontent Rand RH 1112 Juarez 1 14 2061 fast 21 102 6 6 5 4 410C5 22 2b Taplin G Wolferton TheMouk StigarLnmp 10C5 Juarez 1 11G 146 fast G 103 1 5 5 5 5 5 ° Moleswh 5 Doncnstcr Crossover DtchRouk 99941 Juarez 1 1S 1532 fast 32 110 7 7 7 7 5 610 Moleswh 7 Startler Figent Dutch Rock 09780 Juarez 1 141 good 20 95 3 4 4 3 3S9674 3 22 J Callahan 4 Meadow Artisce John Louis S9674 Juarez 1 141 fast 20 107 9 9 8 5 52 33J J Henry 9 JohnLouis Crossover FlorenceA 09139 Latonia 2 332 Rood 11 102 5 6 5 4 45 4 Denny 7 S Charter Gov Gray JReardon 99157 Latonia 1 5S 2471 fast 1 111 7 7 6 2 1 11 Taplin 7 S Owen Wlug Ting OldHonostv 92049 Latoriia 1 316 l59i fast 7 105 5 5 5 5 59S5SG 5 5SJ McTagrt 5 Mockler TimBigbee StoneStreet 9S5SG Louisville 1 14 2052 fast 175 103 6 7 7 4 4SIS 21 li Moleswh 7 Mockler Startler Sigurd SIS BARBY blk s 6 111 By Sir Hampton Dti Barry W Dcnraan 4011 Salt Lake F C 109 fast 25 111 2 3 3 4 45 5 Anderson S Tim Judge Joe Knight Hawlpv 3340 Salt Lake 34 l13jj fast 20 112 4 76 762S37 r 6 J Ford 10 MMusgrave JILRced LStilt 2S37 Salt Lake 51 f 106M fast 12 109 4 5 5 t 44 Kirschm 7 Sixteen Deerfoot Den Stafford 3707 Salt Lake F C 1102 fast 15 111 3 55 7i 5i Anderson 10 DavidWarJield Deerfoot Sixteen 3514 Salt Lake 7S l27g fast 50 111 3 2 1 1 1Clf9 I3 1 = Anderson S G Russell BUncas HarlemMaid Clf9 C dAlene 5S 101 fast 60 113 2 77 772SS4 72 77 Anderson 9 EHamilton Picky TH Sheuhan 2SS4 C dAlene 51 f 1083 fast 11 109 7 32 2s In Anderson 12 Descendant Directello Ly Mine 2686 C dAlene 51 f 1094 fast 12 100 3 4 4 425CG 6 77 Gross 11 Rey el Tovar WtrudeS BBush 25CG C dAleno 5S 101 g good 40 100 2 23 Gl BBushGl g lAnderson 10 Lady Stalwart Oscuro Sainest 2440 C dAlene 5S l03i mud 4 IOC 1 34 21 24 Anderson 11 Hammeraway T Faust Bucolic 2275 C dAlene 34 l15g fast 15 106 4 22 2b Hi2lBezanson 12 ASlupskey G Gale Bellsnicket 2245 C dAlene 31 l15g fast 8 107 2 22 3 8 W Fischer 8 Sorrowful Dahlgren Sn Gold 2185 C dAlene 34 114 fast 60 115 1 G 7 7THE G2 718 W Fischer 10 TommyMcGee AdaMeade Chilla ChillaBy THE PEER ch K 6 111 111S9S3 By Batten Countess Irma J Hart S9S3 SaltLake Im70y l45g fast 25 111 5 S S 7 7 711JD Boland S ForeGuard Marigot Hannis 3945 Salt Lake 1 l41J fast 51 613iTaplin 10 FirstFasliion Bert Getty Ossian 3774 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast S GU 6 J Taplin 9 Misprision Zahra Haunis 3720 Salt Lake 1 l42g fast 20 109 3 7 6 6 7 7 Kirschm 8 Ben Uucas Mary Emily BSouk 3673 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 4 109 7 7 5 54 4J Taplin S Gene Russell RRiver MEmlly 3363 Salt Lake 1 1422 fast 41 111 4 6 7 62 541 Frasch S Cabin Zahra Ben Uncas 3372 C dAlene 1 l42g slow 2 109 1 7 6 13 I2 C Grand 11 Marigot Exchequer Char Green 3312 CdAlene 1 116 149 fast 13 110 4 7 5 53JS2 3 = 2 C Grand 10 Wicket My Bouquet Marigot 3JS2 C dAlene 1 142 fast 12 107 S 5 6 41 33J C Grand 10 BSoule Fort Johnson Johnstown 3215 C dAlene 1 113 fast 7 111 7 G 4 4S010 11 32 E McEwen 9 Reene W B Soule Wicket S010 C dAlene 1 143 good 7 107 7 9 S 6 1 3 1 O Ross 11 MMusgrave Dovalta Reene W 2942 C dAlene 1 1S l53i fast 15 110 5 4 3 6 610 C Grand S Juan Icarian Johnstown 2741 C dAlene 1 142 fast 16 115 4 7 5 51 Gci Anderson 10 Dahlgrcn Media Cabin ROUND AND ROUND b g 7 111 11139S3 By Sandringham Irish Reel E T Barnes 39S3 SaltLake Im70y l45g fast S 10 S 5 7 5 SIGross S ForeGuard Marigot Hannis 3914 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 4 111 7 9 9 9 9iGross 9 Oblivion Portarlingtou FLouise 3771 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 7 105 4 7 5 6 3 = Gross 7 Aftermath Cabin Anne McGee 3623 SaltLake 1 116 14SJ fast 135 109 4 4 4 5s 514 Anderson S Aftermath Misprision Mk Don 3362 Salt Lake 34 1131 fast 30 106 6 S 5 S133Anderson 8 No Quarter FGHogan FLouise 3211 C dAlene 1 1434 fast 20 111 4 6 8 7 7Anderson S MEmily S Barber M Bouquet 2048 C dAlene 1 1424 fast 15 105 3 4 4 7 714iC Ross 7 Sigurd Layminster H Wnlhank 1370 Juarez 1 1S 153 fast 6 108 1 1 1 4 42 Carter 4 Wolfcrtou Discontent Azo 1071 Juarez 1 1394 fast 4 107 5 5 5 31 121 Keogh G MalzIeGIrl J Walton OcQueen 1030 Juarez 1 1402 fast 710 108 5 5 5 4ll OcQueen4ll 1 Moleswh 7 C Green Roseworth Novgorod 1041 Juarez 1 14 207 fast 15 102 3 4 3 3nk Novgorod3nk 5 Selden 7 Juan Wolferton Frog 1017 Juarez 1 1392 fast 10 110 2 7 7 6 ol Selden 8 Lena Lech Miami Tim Judge