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Butte Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday August 14 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the host time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished I Racing starts at 240 p m Chicago time 340 XRuns well in mud Sni crior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track record July 20 l lPA Ind nd Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 3130 AUTO RUN 105 55 112 710 710313i 710313i 313i John Hurie 100 JOG 705 4182 Green Cloth 112 r5 303 70 704244s 704244s 4244s Kittv AV 10 ° 100 700 700428T 700428T 428T Bill Finn M lOfi 55 103X605 3353 Tom G M 100 B8 100 090 090Second Second Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 1 mile mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 4183 100 0 114 3081 Clint Tucker 100 111 0 100 725 4207 Tippv 03 111 4 304X720 304X720425G 425G McAlan 101 112 3 107X715 4000 Montauk Don 100 100 7 105 710 4281 Gibson 107 112 9 100 710 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 4207 Briton 1O4 112 4 100 705 7050055S 0055S Titus II Ill 112 12 100X705 4258 Mandadero 3 00 705 4242 Albert Jones M 100 111 3 102 700 4255 Cavorter 100 112 3 07X700 4243 Dr Ncufer IOC 110 3 OJXCOO OJXCOOThird Third Race 1 Mile Mile3vearolds 3vearolds and upward Selling Track record 07704 138 0 11S 4212 = Jack Strykcr 105 141 4 111 725 4212 Gretchen G 110 141 111X720 111X72042SS 113X720424BS 42SS Cabin 100 14110 113X720 424BS Ben tineas 104 140 4 111X715 4285 Littleton 113 141 i 107X710 107X7104237s 4237s Patriotic 110 142 7 103X710 4250 Oscuro 108 140 4 105X710 4212 Fore Guard 100 141 0 110x710 4000 Wicket 107 130 5 107X705 4257 Hanimeraway Ill 1 41 0 107x705 4250 Gore 127 142 fi 108 095 4243 Lescar 4 10S0G90 10S0G90Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile Mile3vearolds 3vearolds and upward Selling Track record S3522 51 3 IOC 42802 Little Jane 104 100 0 100X725 4247 Pajaroita 103 100 7 104X720 Horse Wt Rec AWtHan SprayOxer Shooting Spray S 100 4 107X720 Oxer 113 50 5 113X715 Xhas Goctz 3 101X71 VInuir 100 102 3 8 X700 King Earl M 103 101 3 03XCOO Mr Bob M 110 101 3 103XC90 Fifth Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 4183 10 5 114 1 Sixteen IOC 110 r 111X725 Mary 111X725Mary Emily 107 110 I 102 715 1 Hugh Gray o JX715 JX715i i Harlem Maid 101 111 100710 Saltigradc 3 X710 Hazel C 01 1 10 3 U7X710 AGood Horse Wt Ree A AWtHan Good Intent 10 112 5 1 111X705 Visible OH 112 3 1 104X705 Gold Point 101 110 3 1 1The 102 705 The Fad 5 51 51Port lMi700 Port Mn none 7 71 71Sixth 100X700 Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record J7127 112 7 110 Horns 101 114 1MX725 Upright 85 112 lit 720 Guaranola 110 114 114X715 Pardner 110 119 114X715 Batwa 104 112 111X710 Lieut Sawyer 107 115 111X710 Opotchno U 110 123 Sweetdale 51 101 118 The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race The small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows tha number of lengths the horse was behind the winner weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous raqea