Fourth Race [4th Butte, Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-14

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FOURTH RACE 58 Milo 3ycarolds and upward Selling S322 X IOC LITTLE JANE b m 6 109 By Canopus Princess W C Clancy 42891 lutle 5Jfl07 fast 3 111 2 2 3i 2 Corev 5 Lady Macy Nello Joe Knight 3541 Salt I olce 3t 1131 fast 7 109 4 1 I2 n Gross SBulierBall Cool Balronla SOW Salt Lake 51 f 107 fast 2 109 3 1 21 1s Corey 8 Passenger RichReed BillyMyer 3542 Salt Lake 3r4 113 fast 4 109 3 3 42 3 Corev 7 Kn Deck MHannah Orba Smile 2409 Salt Lake F C l09i fast 21 107 3 2 21 31 Corey 8 Chanticlor KDeck BGreenleaf 2227 C dAlene 5S 1004 fast 115 101 2 a I1 I2 Corey 10 Binocular S Stocking An Wells 2115 C dAlene 5S 101 fast 4 106 5 4 32 Corey 7 Gil Rose SStocklng LadyTeudI 2043 C dAlene 5S 1012 fast 32 103 2 3 22 2 ° Corey 11 Pickaninny High Street Ilex 1323 Juarez 51 f 1OC2 fast 4 108 3 31 21 Taplin 8 Fanl Hall Gelico Light Knight 1152 Juarez 34 1142 fast 3 112 11210S8 1 32 323 Moleswh 10 Ferrona Chilla Zool 10S8 Juarez 51 f 108 fast 5 108 6 Snk Sl4lMurray 12 Braxton J II Sheehan Balella 1079 Juarez 1 1414 fast 10 109 1 10 1011 Small 10 Sona Misprision Ben Uncas 1062 Juarez 1 139 fast 5 108 108PAJAROITA 1 31 57 Moleswh 8 Figent Wicket B of Fortune FortuneBy PAJAROITA ch s 7 104 By Rey del Sierras Aunt Bird H G Bedwell 4217 Untlo 51 f l09g slop 5 10 3 21 5 Selden 7 Gemmell Chas Goetz Sixteen 4211 Unite 5S 101 fast 910 109 1093lrt 3 2 21 Selden 7 Passenger IJamsy Trcmargo 3lrt Salt Lake 5S 100 fast 85 109 2 3iJ 2 1 Taplin 7 Fore Sixteen Cool 3784 Salt Lake 5S l00g fast 1110 109 3 35 25 Taplin G Fore On Parole Sidney Peters 1250 Charleston 34 1144 fast S 109 3 3i 3 Loftus 10 EHarwood Magazine EWilliam 1232 Charleston 51 f 109 fast 85 lit 3 it ID Loftus 11 Premier Emp William AlMuller 1220 Charleston 3t 115 good 135 109 3 4h 44 Loftus 8 EBryson Camel Jack Nnnnally 1128 Charleston 5S 1042 hvy S 107 1 I1 1 Loftus 9 Union Jack Sandy Hill Ynca 99816 Columbia 34 112 fast 115 107 2 32 31 Forsyth G ElizHarwood TMassie Grenida 99788 Columbia 51 f 106J fast 3 113 113S9751 3 34 341 Forehand 8 Seneca Pajaroita Rash S9751 Columbia 5i f 1OGJ fast 135 107 107SHOOTING 3 i 2nk Forsyth G Sureget E Harwood S Volatile VolatileBy SHOOTING SPRAY b c 4 107 1073li By Oddfellow Ferrol J 0 G H Keene 3li Salt Lake F C 109S fast G 114 5 41 43 Rooney S Goldflnn Nello Thistle Belle 3773 Salt Lake F O 109R fast 2 110 3 4 45 J Henry G Seth Berkeley Horns 3704 Salt Lake 51 f 1062 fast 15 112 3 3s 33 Fain 5 HoyalTea Fern L Gnarnnola 3496 Salt Lako F C 1102 fast 200 112 11299S07 1 2 28 Fain 7 Prince Ahmed Seth Pay Streak 99S07 Juarez 51 f 1003 fast 20 106 4 41 58J H Hadtko 8 Delaney Quartermr JCablnlss 9078 Juarez 51 f lC6t good 50 104 4 4 4 II Radtke G TGrilHnlL GMdflnn LyteKnight 99751 Juarez 6S 592 fast 200 101 1019S97J G 6 51T H Radtke 7 PofLIsinore JGrilllnlL NNick 9S97J C dAlene 1 1411 good 20 10u 4 7 7 lGrosa 7 Pawhuska R Coat Dutch Rock OXER b h 5 113 By Toddington La Primera Chicago Stable 4201 Butte 5 f 1071 slow 12 112 4 5 54J Cavangh G Absurd Joe Knight Nimbus 41 Biittf r S 100 fast 10 112 6 7 fi Cavangh S Napa Nick Absurd Fern L T iSalt Lakr F C 1032 fast 4 G 541 Gross S Goldflnn Nello Thistle Bcllp 37Lt Salt iMho F C 109 fast 41 114 4 5 3 Anderson 7 Nello McddlingHaiinah Goldflnn 319 C dAlcno 31 115 fast 2 10S 7 421 2 Gross 7 GMarchmont Manassch P Boy 3101 C dAlene 1 14C2 fast 10 103 4 4303S 4J1 4 Gross G Cu Bon Juan Sir Clegcs 303S C dAlene 34 115 slop 115 111 3 32 21 C Grand 10 LPanchita TomyMcGec Chilla 2870 C dAlene 34 1152 mud 65 107 4 41 ° 421 C Grand 0 SFretful EmIdlsle LPanchita 2789 C dAlene 51 it 107 fast 60 118 6 61C03 6 GiiJC Grand 7 DDoughy Kooty PofLIsmore 1C03 Juarez 78 1302 mud 21 109 1 1s 1 Gross 4 Crossover EyeWhlte ThcHagus 1547 Juarez 31 1112 fast 2 106 5 3il 351 Gross G Delaney Royal Tea JGrllHn II 1503 Juarez 58 692 fast 3 114 5 5CHAS 52 24 Gross 8 Delaney Veno Von TominyTwijT TominyTwijTBy CHAS GOETZ br s 3 104 By Bannockburn Mildred B E J Barnes 4247 Unite 5J f 1093 slop 1S5 102 5 2s Ilogonli 2J Buxton 7 Gemmell Sixteen F G Ilogon 4201 Butte 54 f l07g fast 75 1V7 3 li 2 Anderson 7 F Fashion A Alice La Cazadora 3941 Salt Lake 5J f 1003 fast 51 105 0 03SS9 4 5 Anderson 9 Valhal Mammy Joe Knight 3SS9 Salt Lake 34 113J slow 6 103 5 33 42J S Johnson G Chanclor Passenger DWarfield 3770 Salt Lake 51 f 107 fast 10 109 2 2370S 21 2J S Johnson S Valhal Mammy Fleet Fashion 370S Salt Lake F C 1102 fast 9 100 2 1s I2 S Johnson 10 BenStone Har Maid Mona Lisa 3015 Salt Lake 51 f 107 fast 7 102 6 2i 55 S Johnson 7 Miss Sly Tremargo Sixteen 3563 Salt Lake 51 f 1074 fast 5 101 7 21 5s E Cotton 7 GoldPoint OrimarLad Evelina 3285 Latonia 34 l13g fast 6 102 6 GH 8 Estep 11 Igloo Polly D M B Eubanks 3090 Latonia 34 117 slop 135 107 3 4 421 Byrne 10 Yanker Bonanza Chartler 3013 Latonia 31 1164 hvy 25 961 5 5 571 7 Callahan 6 E Bryson Coppertown 0 Jonea 2977 Latonia 34 1132 fast 38 103 1 in 3 1 B Steele 11 Impression Detour Kate K 2GS3 Latonia 34 114 good 40 93 8 9 9 R Connor 10 R of Jeddah WLad CapBravo VIMTJR b f 3 86 By Solitaire IL The Peeress J Cuneo 4236 Butte 51 f 1OS4 fast 10 SH 2 25S 41 5s Ford 7 Visible L Harrison IL M Guv GuvG 4095 Butte 5S l02g mud 8 90 9 95rS G SaltigradeG 6 J Ford 11 Par Girl Dr Neufer Saltigrade 3969 Salt Lake 5rS 1004 fast 13 104 6 G 6lolFord S LTendl JHSheehan Hazel C 3909 Salt Lake 5 8 l00g fast 10 94 G G3S3S 3s C3s G8 Ford 11 Descendant Ramsy Hawley 3S3S Salt Lake 51 f 1064 fast 3 89 G 51 6 j Ford 8 BenStone Descendant Hazel C 3309 C dAlene 5S 101 fast 2 101 7 79S251 52 7 1H111 11 HGray Grn Isle B of Portland 9S251 C dAlene 41 f 54 fast 25 103 4 31 68 Forsyth 10 Royal Tea Vnnlr Free 97913 Anaconda 58 103 good 20 105 G 5 55 M Murphy 7 Electric Evelina Goniul 97853 Butte 41 f 542 fast 20 105 7 51 431 M Murphy 10 Royal Tea Sanel Lehigh 97754 Butte 41 f 542 fast 13 102 8 4J Lehigh4J 4 1 J Callahan 8 Mammy Ethels FleetlugFashlon 97674 Butte 41 t 542 slow 12 98 1 4 ° k G4i J Callahan S Mimorioso Lady Rankln Yuilr 97589 Butte 41 t 5CJ slow 2J 107 3 Ink 2 Buxton 8 Goniul Lawn Drouil 97182 Salt Lake 12 472 fast 7 109 2 24 2 A Walsh G Nidad Mandadero Camnrada 97025 Salt Lako 41 f 542 fast 8 115 1 4 610 A Walsh 7 ThlsRose Elsewhere Mimorioso 97002 Salt Lake 5S 1012 fast 10 109 52 A Walsh 6 Franclne Thistle Rose Diulo 96551 Salt Lake 41 f 542 fast 12 109 2 41 Gl A Walsh 8 Franclne Thistle Rose Horua 95846 Loulsvllln 41 f 5GJ plop C 10S 1 2 li A Walsh 11 Day May Acguln Syrlnjta SyrlnjtaBy KING EARL b g 3 93 By Inflexible Bollona J Hochrein 4102 Unite 51 f 109 fast 7 102 4 32 C10 Gross S Evelina Saltigrado Gerds 412 Unite 5J f 1 102 slop 7 109 2 42 4 i Gross 7 Aunt Alice Mr Bob Qun Ruth 3911 Salt Lake 5i f lOCg fast 40 102 G G3S49 9 KnightC 92 ° Buxton 9 Valhal Mammy Joe Knight 3S49 Salt Lake F C111 slow 5 108 4 437S3 C G 3Gross 7 Absurd AlbertTones Aunt Alice 37S3 Salt Lake 5S 101 fast 125 103 3 in Alicein 21 Gross 9 Par Girl Master Guy Bert Jetty 96257 Latonia 41 f 542 fast 13 112 2 10 10 iJ Wilson 12 MBEubanks Cynosure Robert 96147 Louisville 41 f 552 fast 37 115 5 41 421 Rooney 12 Foxbrook Cheer Up B Airy 96101 Louisville 41 f 54J fast 6S 113 4 21 G8J J Callahan 12 Sir Blalse Judge Sale Incfter 95806 Louisville 4H C 55J hvy 20 115 11 11MR 12 12 G Garner 12 Kaiser CaseyJones MlnJlminle MR BOB blk g 3 103 By Cesarion Ondalon C Woodford 4210 Butte 5S 100 fast 40 102 7 6 S10Ford 8 Napa Nick Absurd Fern L LI2i 4123 Bntte 51 f l10g slop 10 ° 1 13S49 I2i 23 Buxton 7 Aunt Alice Qn Ruth King Earl 3S49 Salt Lake F C 111 slow 41 100 1 7 720JKirschin 7 Absurd AlbertTones Aunt Alice 3072 Salt It Lake 5S 1OOJ fast 8 110 2 2b 55J Fain S Valhal Absurd Visible 2976 Latonia 34 114 fast 290 103 7 11 ll28iCragln 11 Sir Giles MissThorpe TheoCook

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Local Identifier: drf1912081401_4_2
Library of Congress Record: