Fifth Race [5th Butte, Daily Racing Form, 1912-08-14

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FIFTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet loss than 34 mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 4183 1 09if G 114 SIXTEEN ch g 6 111 By Cunard Orsova D Hogranl 4247 Bulle 5 1092 slop S 109 6 6 5 4J 3 i Anderson Gemmell ChasGoetz FGHogan 4211 Unite 58101 fast 6 106 2 5 5 6 5s Gross Passenger Pajaroita Ramsy 3968 Salt Lake 31 112 fast 41 105 4 11 21 22 Gross S Lady Macy Hawley Cool 3910 Salt Lake 58100 fast 12 109 2 34 2 32J Gross Fore Pajaroita Cool Cool3S37 3S37 Salt Lake 51 f 1OG fast 185 104 5 32 21 1 Gross Deerfoot I Stafford Sir Barry 3707 Salt Lake F C 110 fast 41 106 5 22 121 3J Grosa 10 D Warfield Deerfoot C Tucker 3615 Salt Lake 5 f 107 fast 32 110 3 44 4 31 Fain Miss Sly Tremargo Mont Don 3541 Salt Lake 58 101 fast 7 109 2 3 2 321 21 Taplin Sevenfnll Gemmell Quick Trip 3354 C dAlene 58 1022 slop 5 110 2 8 9 11 112 Bezanson 12 LadyMacy YoSolo Third Chance 2881 C dAlene 51 f 108 fast 165 112 8 45 C2 71 Burgame 9 Ed G Laura Clay Lomond 2408 C dAlene 51 f 1091 slop 20 109 6 69 74 92sllmes 11 G Hartridge T Judge M Hvde 99167 C dAlene 34 1164 fast 31 109 2 65 71 671 Kirschm 11 Phllllstlna JLAlvescot LTendl 98571 C dAlene 5S 102 good 6 109 6 69S3GS 421 5J Imes 11 MSly RPCCOS Belle of Iroquola 9S3GS C dAleno 5S 101 fast 15 110 7 9 8 Kirschm 11 Par Boy JHSheehan V Von 97417 Butte F C 111 fast 10 109 4 4h 5 J Imes 9 Sevenfull BHamilton Tilghast 97397 Butte 34 114 fast 4 109 4 61 7 1 Shriner 11 Chilla Passenger Gilbert Rose 97272 Butte 34 114 fast 65 109 1 1KARY 21 34i Shriner G EHamilton TommyMcGee Zool ZoolBy KARY EMILY oh f S 102 By Nasturtium Highland Princess J A Lawrence 457 Untie F C 1113 slow S 101 2 41 40 Taplin 7 T Monk Portarlinglon L Tendi 4007 Sail Lake F C l10g fast 41 102 G G9S1 4h G5 Buxton S Seagreen Hazel C Tube Rose 9S1 Salt Lake F C l10g fast 145 106 1 32J li Taplin 7 Burn Bush Dr Neufer Odelia 3944 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 10 97 8 1 711 Carter 9 Oblivion Portarlington FLouise FLouise4s 3935 Salt Lake F C 109 fast 7 101 G GSS54 4s Anderson 11 AnMcGec Fl Fashion OrhnSiullo SS54 Salt Lake 7S 126 fast 5 101 4 4 j Forsythe 8 Arbutus Oblivion Chilla 3720 Salt Iake 1 l42g fast 5 100 4 22 Buxton 8 BUncas BeatrlceSoule Marigot 3073 Salt Lake 1 142 fast 21 95 4 il Marigotil 3 3 Forsythe 8 Gene Russell RRIver The Peer 3563 Salt Lake 5 f 1074 fast 45 107 1 421 Kirschm 7 Gold Point Orimar Lad Evelina 3510 Salt Lake F C 110 fast 4 107 1 21 Kirschm 7 FFashion Evelina DoctorNeufer 3311 C dAlene 34 1131 fast 25 105 2 4 i Kederls 8 Flor Roberts Nello Manasseh 3211 C dAlene 1 1434 fast 65 100 3 3HUGH I1 Kederls 8 SBarber MBouquet MNaomi MNaomiBy HUGH GRAY ch p 3 99 By Bowling Green Erla dOr L Gladstone Gladstonet 4142 Butte 51 f 108 fast 910 102 9 t 323 Carter TnbeRose Saltigrade Qn Ruth 4142 Butte 34 1161 slow 12 101 3 37 Carter S Tim Judge Error Susan F FeiojTaplin 4096 Butte 5S 101 mud 9 105 G eiojTaplin 8 JKnight LStalwart LCazndora 3309 C dAlene 5S 101 fast 1 103 8 1 Carter 11 G Isle B of Portland G Point 3160 C dAlene 51 f lOSjJ fast 13 94 8 75i Hill S BGnleaf LTendi GMarchniont 3037 C dAlene 58 102 slop 12 107 5 529S1 1 44 Taplin S Par Boy Passenger Tillinghast 29S1 C dAlene 34 115 mud 41 109 2 22S33 21 Taplin 5 DCourage Elsewhere WIldFern 2S33 C dAlene 5S 1012 fast 15 97 4 6 Forsythe 7 JHShen Swagerlr LyKnignt 2045 C dAleno 31 115 fast 30 103 5 10iTaplln LyKnignt10iTaplln 11 Eye White Angelus Manasseh 1604 Juarez 5i f 112 mud 15 1 5 7 7HARLEM 22 Taplin 8 Gift Narfl Royal Dolly HARLEM MAID b m 6 109 109425G By Nasturtium Adorn F M Hopper 425G Butte F C 112 slow 2 104 3 34L37 11 I1 Buxton S Oscuro Lee Harrison II McAlan 4L37 Butte F C 1111 fast 7 107 4 52 410 Gross 10 Susan P Hazel C Patriotic Patriotic5h 3941 Salt Lake 1 141 fast 10 109 2 23S93 5h 5 Cavangh 9 Oblivion Portarlington FLontse 3S93 Salt Lake F C 111 fast 10 101 G G37S7 5 21 Gross S Portarton Dcendant AMcGee 37S7 Salt Lako 1 1412 fast 25 10G G 8 8 JFord 10 GRussell ColCook Gretchen O O5h 3708 Salt Lako F C 1102 fast 8 104 5 5h 3s Gross 10 Chas Goetz BStone Mona Lisa 3618 Salt Lake 34 1134 fast 7 104 5 41 5 ° Carter G Stare Tillinghast GeneRnssell 3514 Salt Lake 7S 1272 fast 165 110 4 42 4 Fain 8 Sir Barry G Russell Ben Uncas 3280 C dAlene 1 142 fast 61 109 G G1 7 Selden 11 Fair Louise Adena Reene W 3162 C dAleno 78 127 fast 12 107 1 41 GSJ J MclntyrelO Blondy M Mnsgrive C Tucker 2939 C dAlene 34 1151 fast 32 107 4 42S05 4i 24 J Mclntyrell Critic Hawley Cuvlna 2S05 C dAlene 31 l14g fast 115 110 5 221 22i J Mclntyre 8 Media Critic Lucille Allen 2054 C dAlene 78 128 mud 30 104 1 123S5 4nt 5B1 Selden 10 Gimli Cisko Ed Keck 23S5 C dAleno 7S 1271 fast 8 105 G G 54 Cavangh 9 Loween Lotta Creed Force SALTIGRADE b g 3lfe 99 By Mazagan Bellegarde W G Jenkins 4242 Butte 55flftS fast 4 105 3 22 Kirschm HnghGray Qn Kiilh 4202 Butte 5i f 109 fast 185 105 3 25 2J Kirschm S Evelina Gerds Miss Rhoda Rhoda3i 4095 Untte 5S l02j mud S 97 7 3i 31 Carter 11 ParGIrl DrNeufer LordCIinton 97140 Salt Lake 41 f 542 fast 75 104 4 42 4 1 Buxton 7 Sanel Gomul Royal Dolly 96995 Salt Lake 41 f 54 fast 21 111 4 31 221 Coburn 12 Lawn B Hancock Great Friar 96215 Salt Lake 12 4S fast G 109 3 39G120 42 2s Cavangh 8 Mammy Free Royal Dolly 9G120 Salt Lake 31 f 412 fast 8 109 5 4 351 Cavangh 9 Elsewhere Mammy Znpolec 95734 Ogden 3 38 37 fast 1 109 24 Cavangh 5 GatyPallen BHancock WB ar ar3s 95667 Ogden 1 12 501 fast 46 115 3s Reynolds 4 Sleepland Wild Bear Lnndtola Lnndtola2h 95590 Ogden 1 12 512 fast 4 103 2h E Smith 4 Zapotec Sleepland H Johnson 94468 Oakland 31 f 434 slow 10 10S 6 5 5i23PIckens 11 Sidon Rey Sanel 94394 Oakland 3 3HAZEL 38 37i hvy 20 109 1 11 li Plckeus 12 Narfl Alamitos Mono Lake HAZEL C b f 3 97 97F By Kismet Jean Green L D Fossett 4237 Uutte F C 111 J fast 45 100 G GF 22 2h Forsythe 10 Susan F Patriotic HarlemMaid 4147 Butte F C 112 mud 10 97 3 45 501 Forsythe 7 F Fashion Lescar Portarlington 4007 Salt Lake F C l10g fast 5 101 5 539G9 31 22 Forsythe S Seagreen Tube Rose Bellsnicker 39G9 Salt Lake 58 1004 fast 20 10 3 4 3 D Boland S LadyTeiidi JHSlieehan StJoe 3935 Salt Lake F C 109J fast 30 99 4 4SS3S 31 5s Carter 11 An McGee FFashion OrSmile SS3S Salt Lake 51 f lOCi fast 25 100 5 32 35 S Johnson 8 Ben Stone Descendant M Picnic 3818 Salt Lake F C 1104 fast 60 9G 5 55 53Carter 8 Passenger LoveDay Lady Tendi 3707 Salt Lake F C 1102 fast 40 96 8 10 1012E Cotton 10 D Warfield Deerfoot Sixteen 3457 OklaCity 34 1182 fast 38 102 6 Tanguaylh 1 Gentry 8 Medio Briton Eva Tanguay 3408 OklaClty 34 1242 hvy 21 103 lh Ormes 11 Balcllff Rublola Erfolg 3341 OkIaCIty 31 119 good5710 97 97GOOD 61 E Smith 9 Louise K LadyLucyBay Salnfox GOOD INTENT br g 5 111 By Chilton Contenta G A Robe than 424 Untie 55 f 1078 fast 10 10 7 7 iTaplin Great Friar Gold Point Ill f run 4181 Uutte 5J 1082 fast 12 107 2 lh Taplin 9 ClaraW Bellsnicker MasterGuy 4006 Salt Lake F C 110 fast 30 109 8 8S57 7103Forsythe S Ossian Bert Getty Auto Girl S57 Salt Lake 5S 1014 fast 10 10 5 63 S43Cavangh 10 Letitla Mona Lisa Flying dOr 3467 Salt Lake 5S 1002 fast 10 lit 6 69S971 6 G Cavangh 7 Cool Lord Clinton Mona Lisa 9S971 C dAlene 58 102 good 15 109 8 8 9IS1M Mthcws 11 MSlv RPeeos Belle of Iroqnola 5S593 Spokane 34 116 fast 4 111 2 1 23 M Mthews 8 BofFtune XfGrnwd EAdams 9S574 Spokane 5S 1012 fast 20 104 C 52 341 M Mthewsll Oxer JohnHSheehan Earlene Earlene99i 90979 Vancouver 51 f 108 fast 109 99i W Mclnrel4 Waner Bellsnicker Reene W WI2 9G573 Vancouver 5S 1041 hvy 109 I2 W Mclnre 9 LClinton LProvost Twlckhain 9C5G7 Victoria 5S 102H fast 10 113 1139G494 21 W Mclnre 9 Bellsnicker Lord Clinton Fire 9G494 Victoria 5S 1032 fast 3 109 4 J W Mclnre 8 Figent Burnell Lord Clinton ClintonGl 90444 Victoria 5S 1032 fast 3 112 112VISIBLE Gl W Mcjnro 9 Ablhii Bucolic Bnrnell VISIBLE br e 3 104 10442T7 By Prospero Conspicuous H T Batcheler 42T7 Biitlo F C 1112 slow 10 Jtl 5 Z 715 Carter 7 T Monk Portarlington L Tendi TendiI2 4230 Unite 5J f 1 OSJ fast S5 101 4 I2 ij Carter 7 Lllarrisonll MGny Tilughisi Tilughisi2i 4127 Unite 34 117 mud S 102 4 4ai2 2i 3 i S Johnson 7 Balronfa Lord Clintou Tippy ai2 Salt Lake 34 113 fast 41 101 5 53SSS 2ii 24 S Johnson 10 Flnnigin Glennadeane Evelina 3SSS Salt Lake F C 112 slow 185 9S S 42 3 Carter 10 McAlan LordCIinton Bert Getty 3072 Salt Lake 5S 1004 fast 30 109 G GGOLD 5J 34i McDowll 8 Valhal Absurd Finnlgln FinnlglnBy GOLD POINT b f 3 102 By Jack Point Gold Ten W Gabriel 4243 Unite 5J f 1072 fast 10 100 3 2J 2 Carter Great Friar Ulfrnn Merode 4201 Butte 5J f l07g fast 12 105 5 539SI 5 5 = 1 Buxton 7 F Fashion C Goetz Auut Alice 39SI Salt Lake 5J f 1064 fast 95 102 4 33 St Buxton S Deerfoot La Cazadora Oscuro 3721 Salt Lake F C 109 fast 40 101 1 42 5 Carter 7 Nello Meddling Hannah Oxer Oxer3s 3503 Salt Lake 51 f 1074 fast 10 99 5 3s Il Carter 7 OrimarLad Evelina Mary Emily 3309 C dAlene 58 101 fast 5 101 4 41 4 Kederis 11 HGray Grn Isle B of Portland 2806 C dAlene 51 f 108 fast 20 102 3 5h 53Kedcris 12 Fleet Fashion Moralight Error 2549 C dAlene 51 f 1084 fast 100 100 4 G 51 E Cotton 8 Efficiency Error FleetgFashlon 99165 C dAlene 51 1094 fast 20 109 11 119SS44 11 11 Imes 11 Gimli Thistle Rose Freewill Freewill3k 9SS44 C dAlene 58 103 slow 10 108 6 3k 35J Frasch 12 Glmll Mnsalo Big Ike 98459 C dAlene 5S 1022 fast 15 106 9 997S53 72 5 Cavangh 12 Droml Glmll Error 97S53 Butte 41 f 54i fast 15 109 3 9 8 1 Buxton 10 Royal Tea Sanel Lehigh 97792 Butte 58 101 fast 100 106 4 4974G3 6 6 f Kederla 9 Three Links Ymlr Mammy 974G3 Butle 4 f 542 fast 50 103 7 7THE 7 7 1 Bnxtpn 7 Evelhm Snnol Elsewhere THE FAD ch g 5 103 103S330 By Woolsthorpe Fashionable J Wilkins S330 Ok City Ab5S 105 slow GO 116 11 S Martin 7 Incision MattOConnell Boano 1025 Juarez 5S 1014 fast 6 112 2 121 I3 Buxton 7 J dArc Lady Tendi Marsand 99976 Juarez 5S 1014 fast 4 110 2 6 43J R Hoffman 4 UneleTGray AntRose BHaya 99956 Juarez 34 114 fast 20 108 4 499S97 52 7I3iR Hoffman G Outfielder Regards Zla 99S97 Juarez 5S 102 good 21 110 7 799S20 7 5 HI1I 9 Gelico JHSheehan Salvage 99S20 Juarez 58 1022 slow 6 111 1 44 4 Moleswh 9 Sainest Lawn Mapleton 99775 Juarez 34 1143 good 15 107 1 19S732 6 6lMoleswh It P Electric Cordova Carondolet 9S732 Ok City Ab 5S 582 fast 710 10S 10S9S373 341 Hufnagel 15 A Paige E Court M Fleming 9S373 Hutchn Ab 5S 1021 hvy 5 107 107PORT 2nt Hufnagel 9 Coed Dactylls B M Johnson JohnsonBy PORT MAHONE blkg 7 106 By Gibraltar Meteora W McRea 4247 Butte 5t f 1092 slop 50 109 3 3S979G 7 717Taplin 7 Gemmell Chas Goetz Sixteen S979G Oakland 34 113J fast 5 111 3 3S9720 31 433 Roberts 9 Iteda Ainpodn Buckthorn S9720 Oakland F C 110 fast 20 111 4 5 = 41 Roberts S Roy Junior Billy Myer Waner

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Local Identifier: drf1912081401_4_3
Library of Congress Record: