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PLYING FOX COLT AT MONTREAL MONTREALMontreal Montreal Que August 20 The famous Flying Fox will bo represented this season at Blue Bonnets by a twoyearold colt by that noted stallion out of Mademoiselle de Longchamps The colt is owned by D Raymond ami is belli trained by G R Totnp kins This is the only one of the get of this famous sire in training on this continent Malamont was brought to Montrear last year and sold to his present owner bv Capt Turner Mead He was sent along slowly in his early stages to give him every chance to deVelop His owner has thought well enough of his chances to name him in the Hochelaga Stakes for twoyearolds to IK run at Blue Bonnets this fall Through a typographical error his name was omitted from the entries in the program book Malamonts name has been sent to J J Burke the official handicapper as an eligible eligibleThe The other of the get of Flying Fox in America is Red Fox which was imported to Canada after a short racing career by the late John Dyment of Barrie and Is now standing in the slwl at the Dvments Brookdalo Farm Red Fox has been mated tliis year witli a number of the mares purchased two or three seasons ago by this stable and there are also some weanlings by him at the farm Mala ¬ mont lias shown some promising trials and is well up to racing condition