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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Bacing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 X Huns well in mud Superior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance First Race 34 Mile All Ages Canadianfoaled Selling Track record 90972 112 8 124 Ind Horse Wt Kec AWtHan AWtHan4393s 4393s Caper Sauce US 11410 107X725 107X725309S2 309S2 Amberite 5 114 X720 4249 Olidrninoii 127115 5110X715 4355 Marcovil 107 1 14 5 90 715 4393 = Bursar 119 115 r 104X715 4393 Steam Boat 1001115 90X710 4393 Havrock 107 115 4 107X705 43552 Joe Gaiety M 102 115 J 9G705 4355 Lc dOr M 107 107110 110 J 90 J JAurora 700 Aurora Baby ch f by Armeath II Anna Daly 3 11 11Second Furlongs2voarolds Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 2voarolds Maidens Allowances Track record 84205 105 2 109 439G5 Great Britain 105 110 K 4390 Conlido 103 108 K K4392s 4392s f Gerrard 95 108 K K2241st 107X715 2241st Afterglow K 104X715 4359 Brynarv K 104 710 3502 Phew 1 1rri4 99 710 rri4 Ballyshe 107 109 K 104X705 3529 BlackEyed Susan 109 109 K 107 705 4277 Lewin 1 107X700 3SS4 Sinoko House 100109 K 107X700 4354 Kuvoco 1 02 1 OS K KCogs 102 700 Cogs b c by Caugh Caughnawaga nawaga Maiest s l fJ W Schorr entry entryThird Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 3SS3 1 3S 4 108 4327 = Mission 107 140 3 98 750 4583s Cliff Edge 100 137 1 14138s 101X745 4138s Star Charter 117 140 4 1 127740 4394 White Wool 98 139 4 1 104X7 JO 3705 Brig 95 139 3 90X735 3289 Helene 110 110141 141 4 91X730 4139 Creme de Menthe 99 140 3 3Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 90972 112 8 124 4391s SAL VOLATILE 109 113 S 90 725 3882 Bettie Sue 110 111 4 110X720 4315 Ben Loyal 105 111 r 115X715 4254 Veneta Strome 110 11 110m 4391 Malitine 101 11 300 710 4394 Helmet 103 111 115X705 4253 Chepontiic 118 141 105roO 3847 Sig Levy M 110 110 4 110 700 Fifth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Fillies Selling Track record 91537 1 00 2 108 Sprightly Miss 107100 105X725 Miecosiikec M 109101 104X72O Barbara Worth 107101 104X715 BlcckEyed Susan 1107 103 107 710 710Cittlu Cittlu B M 107102 105 705 705Irish Irish Dew M 110104 102 700 700Rehearsal Rehearsal ch f by Herinis Retained RetainedII II 105 Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3ycarolds SellingTrack 3ycarolds and upward Selling Track record 90972 112 8 124 43G02 Ivabel 99 113 4 111 725 4315s Vreeland 115 112 5 109X720 4254 Winning Widow 104 111 4 110X715 4391 SImeuu 109 113 G 110 715 43G9 Quartermaster 111 112 4 m71 4 14O Coppertown 100 112 5 1087ir 428 Pluvious 110 111 4 109X705 4315 Ella Brysoh 102 112 4 1 1a 105X700 a Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 83901 145 5 111 4331 = John Rcardou 110 140 5 51 112X725 4373 = Lad of Langden 1O3 140 8 1 14397s 105X720 4397s Limpet 109 148 4 1 102X715 3 Herbert Turner 94 147 4 1 1iS 104X715 iS = Lesli 104 149 4 1 104 710 4300 Leopold 110 11O14G41 11O14G414117s 14G 4 108X710 4117s Silicic 107 150 4 1 107X705 4373 At Once 105 148 4 1 14307s 104 705 4307s Tiirbinv 3 31 102 705 4358 Dr Ilolzbcrg 100 148 0 1 1030700 4307 Bruce Kico 0 107 700 0302 Charley Ball 5 103 700 3200s Beautiful M 105 151 3 104X700