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FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling SANDHILL b K 4 108 By RocU Sand Mount Vernon fJ Fitzsiiiiinon 4 HdeGrace 1 IS 1 rf fast G 5 IL3 2 3 iMcCal icy 1 Kovbourn Pretend Nonpareil 40 t ForUCric 1 11B iMg fast 125 118 2V l i McCnliev 5 Busy Leopold Aspirin 4005 FortErie 1 116 l46g fast 135 115 3l Aspirin3l 51 McCahey S Aspirin ColAshniendi Volthorpo 3SS3 Windsor 1 i3SJ fast 3 101 410 411 McCabey 6 Edda Helen Barbce Spellbound 3479 Fort Erie 1 11G l46g fast s 121 li I1 McCahey S Volthorpe Busy Startler 3407 Fort Erie 1 1S l52g fast 4 118 21 41 McCahey S Ozana Lord Elam Busy 3220 Latonia 1 116 1434 fast 9 107 41 4 1 McCaDey 5 TManager AExpress Milton B 2776 Latonia 1 1 39g fast 75 113 1132COO 21 21 Fain 0 BUorse Presumptu PCallawy 2COO Lsville Im70y 1424 fast 125 112 31 31 McCahey 4 FreeLance JoeMorris H Private 2411 Louisville 1 14 205g fast 2 119 11 11 McCuhcy 9 Limpet nelfine Console Console1J 2373 Lsville Im70y 143 fast 51 113 1J I1 McCahey 9 Joe Morris Ozana Ragman 2000 Pimlico ImCOy 146 good 35 115 I1 Il McCahey 0 Key Supervisor My Fellow 1 WJ Jamestown 34 117 slop 36 111 2 21 McCahey 4 Ladylrma Uandrunuiug Howlet 190S Jamestn 1 11G 1514 slow 15 10R Ink 2 = McCahey C Bard of Hope Beaucoup Sticker AMALFI ch g 4 105 By The Scribe Tarantella R T Wilson 4500 HdeGce InYTOy 14G4 fast 710 111 32 I McCahey 11 Gates Mud Sill Hedge Rose RoseS2 47J4 Hamilton 34 112 fast 25 104 S2 7s McCahey 11 KDiffer Wintergreeu Countless 4313 Hamilton 1 18 1518 good 145 107 3 I2 McCahey 3 Rolling Stone Busy 3404 FortErie ImOy 144 fast 10 106 6 6i Butwell 9 Mediator CAshmeade Blackfrd 3205 Hamilton 1 116 1454 fast 20 107 31 21 Butwell S Mediator Duval Cliff Edge 2S65 Montreal 1 1S 1554 good 30 90 51 68 Wolf 7 Froslcgs GuvFisher Picolata 2753 Montreal 1 18 1544 good 40 94 54 5lWolf 0 GFisher SCharter LOMLife 2404 Toronto Im70y l47g hvy 32 96 6 6inopkins 7 Cliff Edge Bob R Star Charter 2041 Pimlico Im40y 144 fast 41 113 32 341 Hopkins G Miss Wiggs Bounder Taboo 99375 Jamestown 1 1434 slop 6 100 4 412 McCahey 4 Capsize MWLittlen Suffragist 9S918 Pimlico 1 11G 1474 fast 4 105 lh ih McCahey 7 Cllftonian Bounder Supervisor 9S793 Pimlico 1 316 201 fast 165 100 3 3 McCahey 3 Zeus Bounder BounderBy AZO ch E 6 108 108424G By Wadsworth Ma Angeline H G Bedwell 424G Butte 1 316 203g slop 75 106 11 1s Cavangh 5 BUncas D Baker MontgomeiV 4206 Uutte 1 1422 fast 21 106 33 lzi Cavangh 7 Ossian Marigot Sir Barry 4146 Butte 1 l43j mud 50 106 10623G7 5 5ttfMcDowll C Col Cook Tremargo Onatassa 23G7 CdAIene 1 1S 1554 fast 20 107 7 610 Weathers 7 Montgomery Johnstown T Peer 1521 Juarez 4 4 J Callahan 4 AVhidden Wolferton Greenbridgo 1452 Juarez JuarezI31L 1 18 154 fast 185 103 2 5 512 Gross 5 Whldden Dutch Rock Wolferton WolfertonG I31L Juarez 1 1392 fast 6 105 G G G Taplin G Maizie Girl Wicket Fisrent 1170 Juarez 1 1S 153 fast 65 104 4 3 322 Moleswh 4 Wolferton Discontent Rand Ru 1112 Ju irez 1 11 2061 fast 21 102 6 22 2i Taplin G Wolfertou TheMonk SugarLump 1065 Juare 1 116 146 fast G 103 1 5 o Moleswh 5 Doncastcr Crossover DtchRoch 99941 Juarez 1 1S l53g fast 32 110 7 5 G10 Moleswh 7 Startler Figent Dutch Rock 7SO J 11 irez irezIj674 1 141 good LO 95 3 3 22 J Callahan 4 Meadow Arasee John Ixniis Ij674 Juarez 1 141 fast 20 107 9 52 331 J Henry 9 JohnLouis Crossover FlarcnceA 1 43 atonia atoniaWI157 2 332g good 11 102 5 45 4 Denny 7 S Charter Gov Gray JReardon WI157 Latonia 1 5S 2474 fast 1 111 7 1 11 Taplin 7 S Owen Wing Ting OldHonesty i i4 Uitonla 1 316 3 594 fast 7 105 1059vKG 5 533 McTagrt T Mockler TimBigboe StoneStreel 9vKG Louisville 1 14 2054 fast 175 103 103BOUNDER 21 1 Moleswh 7 Mockler Startler Sigurd SigurdBy BOUNDER b g 4 106 By Blues Semetic A G Blakeley 4133 Fort Erie 1 1S l57g hvy 7 95 5 4IslMiCihcy lUisy Volthorpe Font 4015 FortErie 1 116 l45g fast 20 102 42 4 = 3 J Callahan G Guy Fisher Bell Horse TMpnck 3463 Fort Erie 1 18 1512 fast 12 103 103T 7 7llJ Callahan 7 WWool L OM Life SCharter T l Hamilton 1 14 204g fast 3 110 2 33lc Turner 11 CSwauson Jquelina CHollowy 3155 Hamilton 1 116 l4Gg fast 15 103 10330GI 43 21 McTagrt 9 Altamaha Blackford Spellbound 30GI Hamilton 1 116 14SZ fast 31 110 2s 21 Schutger 10 Reybourn Lof Lgden Scrlmge 2SOO Montreal 1 1414 slow G 7 54 Lounsby 9 Blackford Altamaha Busy 2311 Pimlico lm40yA 3g fast 20 116 31 351 Ferguson 6 Col Holloway Senex My Fellow 2253 Pimlico 1 l41g good 4 106 41 5 J Schutger 7 L O M Life P Glass BTuuibo 2159 Pimlico 1 l41g fast 33BILLY 31 112 1 1 C Turner 9 Caliph MrGolightly Miss Nett NettBy BILLY VANDERVEER ch c 4 44JCO By Goldcrest Bethel T Oilman 4JCO H Ie r co ImTOy 146 fast 7 52 t Gross IV Amalfi Gates Mud Sill 4001 Fort Erie 34 113 fast 20 115 3 21 Butwell 9 Ivabel Rosseaux Sherwood SS5 Windsor 5 f 107 fast 5 110 11 I2 T Koeruer 10 Pluvious Salali Edith C 3S45 Windsor 34 113R good 41 110 44 31 T Koerner S Vencta Stroine Klma Kdith C 2S34 Windsor 34 l14g good 20 107 72 7 Lounsby S Chapiiltepoc SClitT JHIIhton 3530 Fort Erie 51 f lOCil fast 8 112 112MC2 42 4 J Maderia 11 Malitino Carrillon Bof Pleasure MC2 Fort Erie 34 1124 fast 7 112 5 514JMcCahey 12 Bettie Sue Reciprocity Anavri AnavriG 2273 Pimlico Im40y 144 fast 10 112 112L23 G GT McTagrt 7 LofLangden C Holloway Taboo L23 Pimlico ImGOy 147g slow 6 107 6 GlcJMcTagrt G My Fellow Qn Mark Supervisor 2121 Pimlico Im60y 115 fast 10 110 2s 2l McTagrt S CSwansou Taboo RMulholIand 205J Pimlico 34 115 good 6 G 5J Hopkins G Ivjbel Lady Irinii Black Chief 2042 Pimlico 34 114J fast 7 46 341 McTagrt 8 Seuex Camel Cloud 992J2 Mlloro Ab5J f 1OS1 fast 5 59 Holmes 7 Apache M OConnell M Brldo WH79 Laurel 78 1262 fast 30 106 6 G J J Mclntyre 8 Swpwny ALWLitton DDnM S Kt29 Pimlico 34 114 good 85 111 21 21 C II Shilg G Onager Sherwood Moncrelf