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HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 245 p in Chicago time 145 X Runs well In mud Superior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtIIan 4555 Captain Elliott 100 101 103X700 4115 Cordie F 107101 103X095 4359 Fatty Grub M 100 102 101 GOO 4000 Brush 102102 98 G9U 4579 Mama Johnson 99105 103XGS5 4555 Insurance Man 100104 103x085 4555 Chilton King M 107 103 100 085 4579 Roseburg IV 100X085 4519 Linbrook 103 080 0804480s 4480s Schaller 100 OSO 4559 Mary Ann K M 108 101 103 075 4559 ReiHMitant M 110 102 103 G75 2733 Fairy Godmother M 103 075 075Second Second Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Fillies Mares 4315 Chryseis 101 144 3 102X725 44092 Bauorella 105 145 5 105 4522 Grania 112 143 li 103 4592 = Taboo 107 144 0 105X715 4307 Bonnie Eloise 105 148 4 107 7 10 4397 Marian Casey Casey272S 111 144 7 101X710 272S A liable 4309 Bay Cliff 3119 Annie Sellers 102 145 4 103X700 Third Race 34 Mile All Ages Handicap 4371 Worth 4590 Sprite 110 112 3 110 745 745455GS 455GS Light O M Life 100 113 3 1O1740 4408 Spohn 112 112 7 112X735 99715 Donald Macdonald 115 114 G 1100730 11007309S35G 9S35G Everett 5 112X730 112X730347Ct 347Ct Rob R 115 110 5 110X730 45501 Colonel Holloway 109 114 3 03X7550 03X7550fBeverwyck fBeverwyck Stable entry entryFourth Fourth Race 118 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling4557s 4557s SANDHILL IIS 154 4 108X725 4500 Amalfi 107 154 4 105 720 4240 Azo 107 152 G 108X715 41559 Bounder 90 152 4 100X710 100X71045CO 45CO Billy Aauderveer 4 100 710 710Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles 55yearolds Selling 45C02 Gates 107 147 105X725 4278 War Horn 104 148 112720 4350 Caliph 100 140 104XT15 2029 Ilempstead 91 147 10GX710 2159 Lady McGee 89 147 107X710 4557 Non pa rei I 95 147 110X705 3222 Con Curran M 105 150 99 700 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Maidens Special Weights 2457s Absconder 4 107X725 90G451 Judge Walser 3 107 720 2135 Slim Princess 3 105X715 4558 Yellow Eyes 102 147 3 107 715 4008 Vigorous 3 110 710 4372 Adolante 3 107 710 4001 Sam Jackson 4 107 705 4500 Accord 105 144 3 110X705 911420 Mileage 3 105 700 2774 Sickle 3 107 700 99143 Bally meua