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HILLCREST PARK FORM CHART TORONTO Ont Monday August 26 1912 Hill crest Park Sixth day Toronto Driving Clubs Summer Meeting of 7 days 12 books on AVeather cloudy first seven races wet last lastPresiding Presiding Judge Ed Cole Starter AV M Murray Racing Secretary W R Norvell 4599 First Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 2 yearolds Selling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 30Ind Ind Horse WtFiuJockey Op Cl Pi Sh ShI47 I47 Spirella 104 P FJksn 3 1 12 4089 Martha Allen 104 1 Wgton G C 2 1 4479 Casanova 99 3s Connor 7721 4532sFieId 77214532sFieId Flower 104 4 Dreyer 23112 4532 = John Harris 107 5i OKnht 1 1 12 out 3951 Gibbons 104 C1 Snuon 5 8 I 32 4532 Poukatasset 104 7 Allan r 12 15 C 3 3Time heavyAVinner Time 104 Track heavy AVinner M 11 Dudleys b f bv Cesarion Right AVild DudleyAVent trained by M II Dudley AVent to post at 244 At K st 1 minute Start H d AVon easily second and third driving 4600 Second Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3 yearohls and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl PI Sit 4481 Kyle 109 IU AVgton 5 7 2 2J 32 4511 Curious 111 21 Mondon 3 C5 35 45742LeIaloha 3545742LeIaloha 103 3 AHanr 221 25 4574 T Thompson 10S 4J AIksn 4 4 32 33 3345G7sSatin 45G7sSatin Bower 109 5 Dreyer 10 12 5 2 100 Gs Connor 5 S Grueniuger 108 CKnht 21 4 32 heavyAVinner Time I04 Track heavy AVinner AV AValkers br in 5 by Kilkcrran Big Filly trained by D Scott ScottAVent AVent to post at 305 At post 1 minute Start good AVon easily second and third driving 4601 Third Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 210 second GO third 30 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op CL PI Sh 4574 Mother 103 1S Dreyer 3 4 85 45 4529JGert Maloiicy 103 2J AVgton 2245 25 45 S3Porcupiue 105 3 AHanr 10 10 4 45 iS Heinous 103 I AVkins S 15 G 45CS Rodman 4507 Donation 109 fii CKnht r X fi5 3 4508 Ourico 98 7s Connor 12 S 3 3 32 97083 Doctor Uollis 111 S FJksn 7 10 4 2 2Time heavyWinner Time 104 5 Track heavy Winner AV II Fryes ch f 3 by Dick Welles Miss FryeAVeut Melton trained by AA II Frye AVeut to post at 329 At post 2 mlnut6s Start good AVon driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 1978 The Follies 114 4531 Laura A 109 4602 Fourth Race AlMtut 5S Mile Purse 300 3 3yearolds yearolds and upward Selling Net value to v VLlud ner 210 second 00 third 30 VL lud Horse AVtFin Jockey Op Cl PL 4571sRusticana 110 1J Wgton 44 S5 i 4570 Minnie Bright 110 2 EGrifn 4 4 2 1 4483 McAndrews 112 3 = CKnht 3 3 C5 35 4217 Igloo 103 4J Snnon 6 10 4 2 4511 Sir Mincemeat 112 5l Mondon 3 5 2 G5 45312Chess 105 Ct Connor G C 2 1 145G9 45G9 Greuesque 110 7i McDtt 15 20 8 3 4475 Donovan 112 8 Minder 5 4 S5 45 45Time heavyAVinner Time 104 Track heavy AVinner II C Airharts ch f 4 by Russell Amelia AirhartAVent Gerst trained by H C Airhart AVent to post at 5551 At post 1 minute Start good AVon driving second and third the same Scratched 4511sCousiu Peter 107 4603 Fifth Race 34 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 30Ind Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PL Sh 4533 Glipiau 109 1s Dreyer G 4 32 23 4555 Dorothy AVcbb 107 k Wgton 5 4 Sn 4 4530Noou 109 3 Mondon 2 2 32 13 45G92Rinda 1345G92Rinda 107 45 CKnht 32 1151 2 4533sArgouaut 112 f 2 AHanr 231 12 4531 Emp AVilliam 112 G FJksn 4 C 2 V Time 122 Track heavy heavyAVinner AVinner J II Moodys ch g 5 bv Olympian Gliding MoodyWent By trained by J II Moody Went to post at 415 At post 7 minutes Sturt fair drivingScratched AVon easily second and third driving Scratched 4571Con Carne 104 4190 Star AKI land 109 45G9 Mapleton 109 4574 Kaufman 109 4604 Sixth Race G 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3 yearolds Selling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 30Ind Ind Horse AVtFinJockey Op 01 Pi Sh 45332 Dipper 105 1054570Chil 1 ° FJksn 32 32 23 out 4570Chil Trance 105 2 Dreyer 32 32 12 out 45702Mad River 1O5 32 Connor 33112 45072Little Marian 105 4s AAKton S 8 3 S2 4573 Little Erne 100 fJ Snnon 4521 4534Nada Mas 100 C Halsey C S 3 32 4452 Jim O 110 P uupMdon 10 15 G 3 3Time heavyAAlnncr Time 129 Track heavy AAlnncr T Hat fields b f by Astronomer II leu OC trained by T Hatlkld HatlkldAVent AVent to ixist at 441 At post 2 minutes Start good AVon driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 15743Roland Pardee 107 45GS Strit 110 4605 Seventh Race About 58 Mile Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Selling Net value to win ¬ ner 280 second M third 40 Ind Horse VtFinJockev Op Cl PL Sh 44S4 Starboard 10ft I1 Mondon 7 15 4 2 4509 Barette 9S 2J Droyer 2 2 23 1 3 4572 Fatherola 100 3 = Connor 1 32 23 out 4451 Chilton Squaw 104 4s OKnht 3 4 32 3 452Martre 103 C Snuon 10 S 3 32 4571 = Imprudent 109 G Finley 4 4 3235 3235Time heavyAVinner Time 10314 Track heavy AVinner AV C AVcstmorelands b g 5 by GIgan tilim My Evening Star trained bv AV 7 AVest moreland morelandAVcnt AVcnt to post at 500 At post 1 minute Star good AVon driving second and third same sameScratched Scratched 4571 Inferno Queen 109 4572 Lucotta lOt 418 Song of Rocks 104 4509sAV Nr AVelles 109 4606 Eighth Race 7S Mile Purse 400 4year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 280 second SO third 40 40Ind Ind Horse WtFinJockey Op Cl PL Stl Stl4452slrish 4452slrish Kid 107 1 = AVgton S S 3 1 4373 Stick Pin 100 2 Connor 5421 54214573RadatIon 4573RadatIon 112 3U Dreyer 1521 12 out 4535 Faneuil Hall 112 4 = Mondon 2 3 1 12 4485 Chippewayan 110 5i CKnht 5 S 3 32 2771 Duncraggan 110 C11 FJksn 5 5 2 1 4572Volscl 112 7 Snnon 4 G 2i heavyAVinner Time 135 Track heavy AVinner 1 C Cambnms b g 4 by Irish Lad Census trained by D C Cambrou CambrouAVoiit AVoiit to post at 522 At post 2 minutes Start good for all but Radatiou AVon easilV secVud ami third drivingl drivinglScratched Scratched 4531Sauctim 112 4573 Scarlet Pirn pornel 115