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CHARLESTON BOOK ISSUED PROGRAM ANNOUNCED FOR FIRST TEN DAYS . OF PALMETTO PARK MEETING. Minimum Purse Is 00 and Four Stakes Are to Be Decided in Time Covered — Details of Entries and Conditions. Charleston. S. C. January 14.— The program book for the first leu clays of tin- Charleston Fair an.l Raring A— oclations mooting at rslmcitto Park, be KlMing .1 : 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 I St. has | |-1| issued. It provides for six races each day, with sfandio :is the m in im m ti puree, in addition to four stake* iliar are carded fair decision during the period covered by the I k, there is a sprinkling of 0 i pones. The four stakes, with their conditions, raits of running and entries, an u toBuws: Argyle Hotel Handicap. Pot three-year-old* ami upward: 0 to accompany the nomination 0 additional to start. Guar .•mi. fd cash value of ,300, of which .tH to second an. I 0100 to third. Weights Wednesday, January _-. Winners after publication of weights to .any fiv -pounds extra. Six furlongs. To be run Saturday. January 23. I.. H. a. lairs Royal Tea. W. T. Andersons Ryebrow, and Noble Grand. 1.. M. Asl.os Hoffman. H. :. Bed wells Locale!, and Priam Ahmed. F. K. Browns Grove* Hughes. i . I". Buschemeyers Hawthorn. • C. 1». Chenanlts Milton It. N. B. Davis" Nash Cash, Sylvestris. and Rostur-liuin. .1. M. Qoades Flora Fina. A. Alalones Carlton ;. .1. II. McCarren8 Btbelbnrg II. F. .1. Fens- Judge Wright. Jack Kellogg. .Ta. •!; lieinnan. I "out . and Jack Parker. I . X. IMewitls T. M. Gn en. P. s. F. Randolphs Pcsom C. 1. Uavs Ann. ret. T. I. Sullivans Caugh Hill. .1. o. Talbotts Republican, and Tarts. .1 F. Wainwrighls High Star, and High Private. S». Johns Hotel Selling Stakes. For three year-olds and op ward; to srrompanj the nomination. S2.~. additional to start. Guaranteed cacti value . M1 . of which .00 to second and 0100 l.i third. The winner to bo sold by auction: 2,500 .-.alc . two pounds less for each 00 to ,300; pound for each . ! " to .ooo-. two psaudn fat each 00 to 00. starters with sellinR price to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing, and thoso so named to be liable for the starting fee. Seven furlongs. To be run Wednesday, January 20. Theo Aba. lie- Samuel R. .Mayer. 1.. II. Adairs Royal Tea and Coy. Y. . Adrians Perthshire. II. I. Bedweils Spohn. Early Light and Ben Loyal. C. Bills Moisant and Chilton King. A. It. Brosslcrs Fiel. I". F. Browns Merry Lad and Carlton Club. T. I. Browns Coupcitown. I K. Bry sons Duke Daffy. t; alleys King Box. C. D. Chenauits 1 1 lutac Mrs. A. I. Daytons Ragman. . B Davis Sylvestris and R. II. Grav. H. B. Gorins EffeadL .. Halls Billy Barnes. J. W. Hedricks Sherwood. .1. L. Hollands Hilarious. V. o. .Io| lins Ch.-rrvola. I.. If. Festers Sidoii. A. Maloncs Carlton G. F. Martines Ivabel. K. MeBri.I.s Cold Can. B IfeKeevers Springmass. K. Miaters Clem B.-achey. J. V. Pangles G won not. F. J. Pons Jack Dcnman. Jack Tarker, Jack Kellogg. Abrasion and Font. li. N. Prewitts Mack B. Ful.anks. c. D. Bays Amoret. T. Sheedvs Nonpareil and Yeiighep. .1. I . Stro.les Windburn. S. W. Street ts Cowl. T. I». Sulivans Caugh Hill. J. . Talbotts Clothes Brush. Ilenpcck, Colonel Conk and Republican. Miss E. A. Tysons 1nion Jack. V. C. W* ant s Working Bad. Robert E. Lee Handicap. For throe -year-elds and upward: 0 to accompany He- nomination, $.10 additional to start. Guaranteed .ash ralue of ,200. of which xi to second and 00 to third. Weights Wednesday, January 21. Winner* after publication of weights to carry five pounds .iira. Six furlongs. T« he run Saturday. I i Pi tin 1. 1.. II. Adair- Royal Tea. H. •■ Bedweils Prince Ahmed, and LochieL c. Bills Moisant. F. F. Brawns G rover Hughes and Volthorpe. T. J. Browns Coppertoum. C. D. Chenanlts Milton B. V B. Dan- Sylvestris. and Nash Cash. ;. F. Kustis Sbackleton. .1. I.. Hollands Hilarious. . Malnaes Gariton G .1 W Mays Peri. les. F. McBrldes Gold Cap. . .1. o.|. ||s Southern Shore. F- •• Pona Jack Barker. Jack Deninan. Judge Wright, and .la. k Kellogg. I». N. Prcuritts T M. Green. iv s. F. Randolphs P.. a a. C. D. Bays Amoret. T. Sheedys Venghee. T. l». Sullivans Caugh Hill. .1. O. Taii...tts Henpeck, Clothes Rni di, and Tarts. .1. it. Waiawrigbts High Private. c. T. Worthinsrtons Theresa GB1. Columbia Selling Stakes. For thro.-y.-ar ol, |s :nu npward; 0 to accompany the Domination. " additional to start. Guaranteed cash value . hmi. of which SUito to second and 00 to third. I he winner to he mM by an. lion: *2. "Mi I scale, l pounds less for each shim to .non-. two pounds for each 00 to M. Starters with selling price to be named through the entry bos the day be lore the race at u-lial lime of Hosing, and thane SO named to be liable lor the starting fee. One mile and an eighth. To be inn Wednesday, February .".. i.. II Adair* White WooL H. ;. Bedweils Jacqaeiina, Nadaa, James Dock i i v and Baton. C. Bill- Molsaai and Floral Day. W. Blraies Haldeaaaa. F I:. Bro«ns Carlton Club. i . C. Camb ions Irish Kid. c. I». Chenanlts Leameaee. H B. Gorins Effendi. .1. I. Hollands Hilarious and Donald Mac.lonal.l. W Jacksons Annie Sellers. W U. .loplins Ch.rrvola . E. E: hkCargas Mud IML F. J. Pons John Furlong, Pliant, Abraidou and Font. W. F. Schultes Armor. T. Sheedvs Nonpareil and Ycnghee. B. F. Watkins Blackford. The mater of the Charleston Fair and Racing Associations Ofllcers and racing nficials is made ii| as follows: John Marshall — President and Secretary. W. F. Srhulfa — Vice-President. M. M. David- Treasurer. .Steward- W. P. Biirch. C. II. Pettingill. J B. Campbell. Presiding Tudgi — W. r. Sebulte. Associate Judge— F. W. Gerhardy. Pacing Secretary and General Manager — F. J. P,.ns. Assistanl Racing Secretary 1 W. Gerhardy. clerk of the Scales Joseph M. I.eunan. Entry Clerk— J, B. Campbell. Starter James Milton. Timer W. v*. Case] . Pad. lock Judge W. W. I. Vies. Auditor P. J. I.iuetl. A.lvauee Informsthm T. •. Bolder,