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JftBBBBBBBBBBBUMa-aisBBBBl ■IJB jybtfcyiJpjiimiMJhgjSjini BalilflsSfitffriiii stllltPftssi ■!* ! iIIbsI gfi si " JB9tj£ mBfrlmhhP Pff *** rA rmtFwlM hJUhw T3# iihi-iiy t :« , 4V* , j una f 1|H BrVrffmimi asPrlFSii . •*•— — * THE PICTURESQUE COURSE OF THE JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ + * THE JUAREZ RACE TRACK. It is doubtful if any American race course has a more picturesque setting than the Jockey Club Juarez" track, where a winter meeting of 100 days duration is now soing on. The patrons of Juarez racing this winter include many who never before visited that locality and to them the magnitude and natural beauty of the Juarez racing plant has h.en at .nee a revelation and a delight. The four at, as will be seen by reference to the accompanying cut. has onic Imposing hills tor a background. It was constructed in 1900, on an elaborate and ambitious plan and has since been improved and beautified as occasion seemed to demand. Its buildings, are of concrete and therefore of greater permanency than the edifices at most race tracks. The architecture conforms to the style in voirue in the great southwest and. altogether, it may he said thai the Juarez racing plant is both inviting and Impressive.