Epsom Derby Winners in Service, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-31


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EPSOM DERBY WINNERS IN SERVICE. Looking through the correal issue of the "Calendar," I was struck by the absence from the columns dei I io "stallions for the coming season" of toe aames of two notable bourns iu the first two Derby winners owned by Lord Boeebery. Ilis lordships latest winner of the •Blue Bibbou." leero, duly appears, advertised to stand at the liiirdans Stud. Fpsr.ni. while l.ochryau and also Sell Gww figure iu the list, the former advertised to do dutj al Mentinore. ami tin- 1910 Im rboosand Guineas winner al th.- Adstock Stud. Win-low. Bucks. The names of Ladas and Sir Vislo. however, were not lo be- found. Thinking that they might have been accidentally omitted, I turned to tin- recently published "Register of Thorougbtared stallions for 1913" to ascertain if they were given in that invaluable work. Both, alas, are misaiag, ami as they are. . - tor as I am aware, —till alive, the only conclusion I could come to was that their noble owner might possibly have decided to withdraw tln-in from public service. H this idea should turn out to be correct, the already slender list of Derby winners available to breeders will be accordingly reduced to the following paiiy of nine: Sainfoin, Volodyovskl, si. Aiii.ini. Cicero, Spearmint, Orby, Minora, I.om-berg ami Snnstar. Ladas 1991 ami Sir VistO 1892 are Certainly no longer in the firsl lower of their youth, but neither has attained the rlj Id age for a stallion reached by such celebrities of the more recent past as Gakmin. Springfield, Hampton, St Simon ami ;alli-nule. The average age of ,i stallion, based on the Obit liar V IMs published in each volume of the Stud Book, falls considerably short of tie- spaa of life already bridged by i.adas and sir Vhrto who* I took out the average some years bach I think ii was bouiewherc about sixteen years, ialopin was tweiitj -seven when he died in 1SO0 Springfield, which passed to the happy hunting giouuds in the previous season, was twenty five, as was also Harnp-toa, which was within a few weeks of completing his twenty-sixth year when he was destroyed in December, is 7. St. Simon, perhaps the most inar-v lens sire of them all. was twenty seven when the end came in 1998; Galliaale had attained the still greater age of twenty-eight, dying iu January last year. Almost without exception they retained their procreatlve powers practically to the end. In view of tbeae notable exceptions one would have ln p -d that Lord Boaeberya two Derby winners. Ladas and Sir Visto. would have several more years of ac-livily at the stud lie-fore them, and I trust that this may yet be the case. Ladas. which for years held his court in the seclusion of a closely fenced-in paddock, has undoubtedly achieved the greater BOCCom as a sin-, among his ofikpring being included a lager winner in Troutbeek, a Two Thousand winner in GorgOB, a winner of I he two ten thousand |«iind races, the Bclipse ami Princess of Wales" Stakes. in Fpsoni Lad. a Royal Hunt Cup winner in Csar-das. a Crcat Metropolitan winner in Long Tom ami a number of other good wbauena such as Monteni. Oriole, Costly Lady. Aloiuena. Cunibla. Lady Help. Liao. I.avemrro. etc.. etc. Sir Visto. as it should be with a horse of the line of Matehem. was chiefly notable for siring good fillies, such as Attic Salt. Chelys and Lucinda. A number of Derby winners foaled during the last twenty years went abroad, inclusive of Gaffee More. Flying Pox, Diamond Jubilee, Aid Patrick and Rock Sand, ami of these Galtee More, Aril Patrick and Flying Fox were sent into exile without lx-ing a Horded the opportunity of a preliminary stud .-a son or two iu this country. Of those left to us Sainfoin now twenty-six years old is standing in Ireland, as are also Spearmint and Orby. which leaves St. Amant. Volodyovskl. Cicero, Minoru. i-m-berg and Sunstar the only Derby winners for public service in England, if tin- soppoaitioa 1«- correct concerning I.adas and Sir Visto. — •Vigilant." in Loudon Sportsman.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913013101/drf1913013101_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1913013101_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800