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BETTING LEGISLATION IN IDAHO. Ii i- bj 110 mean- settled that there will be no legislation affecting betting daring ihe present -.•--"ii "i Hi" Idaho Legislature, although the vsaponents of a stringent antl-hettlng law have carried theii P"int in ihe proceedings up to dale. The Senate committee "ti privileges and clectbms reported a.l rerselj upon an especiall stringent lull Inteadnccd h. Senator Fields and a; the -aim- lime submitted lor ll nsideral ion of the Senate a bill of its own. I.s- seven* in il- penalties and not as far reaching in it- scope. Senator Fields sought to have the Baa aie substitute In- bill for th,. , altteea repert, bill I0-1 hv a lie vote of 11 to 1|. The committee wa- divided on lie question of HMorporating in 11-bill a provision to permit pari iniiiuel betting, lntt anally agrcetl to snbmit iln- bin withonl that f«a tine and thi.W il into i I ie,. ,,| the whole of the Senate for amendment. A pari-mntnel amen 1 meat will he offered when ih,- bin i- taken up htr consideration. Meanwhile a bill similar in -cop,. :.» ihai of ih,- Senate eoinmitte,. ha- been introduced in lh lowet hraiuh of the 1.,xi-lalure.