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DECLARATIONS FROM ENGLISH HANDICAPS. Ih, eouiln-ion- ol the official liandi.-anner- in re Bird io iln- Inuiialile assignment* of weight* In rh«- hor-e-. .-iiir:, l; .-«! in Knglauds Li;; -plili lialuli i.ips. -et-lll to have I.-. II ell, lot -i-.l h OWIIII- eoll i.-rm-il The list ,.t acceptanees and declarathaaa wu» p iihl Inked Febmarj %, ihe daciaratioaj i gratifying!] i -w. The withdrawals from the Lin cnlnshlre uiiiiih.i S mil ,,f :,|. Grand National II mil of il.l. Ki mpiou Jubilee Handicap 12 out of 53. in an. I Suburban in mil of II. Ureal Metropolitan 9 mil of :,.;. keuiptou Queen** Irizi. 8 out of .I. M.iiiliyaiiy Plate ti out of 7. Liverpool Spring Cup i on of 27. Xewhnry Spring Cup. in out of 4.". an I Cr.-ni Surrey Hanoi, ap i out ..f :;7. But a small humlier of the uuiiiy Aiueriian-hri-d Im - - engaged were withdrawn. None was taken "in o! Ihe Queens Prize. Batthyanv Mate. Lincnlu-shire Handicap. Hamilton Plate. Wei neck Plate. I.iv ,-rpiMil Spring Cii|. Ciaml Naiional sieepte, has,. Nottingham Spring Handicap or Newbury cup. ami ii i- ti "i until th, Hoveriitge Handh-ap of April is. al Derby i- reached that one cropa up. this being Mr. Whitneys Harmnnicon. Cabaret, al *4 nonnaV, ,-hsfl to represent the stable; T. Edges Pearitliver was declared from the Great Metropolitan Handicap and Mr. Whitneys Hai monieon ami Cherokee Rose from Ihe Great Surrey Handicap. Adam Bede is declared from the City and Suburban Handicap hut Sir Martin. 122 pounds, and Dalmatian. lOl. are hTl in in hehall ol Mr. Wiuan- Adam Bede i- left in the tireai Jnbilee Handicap al Im mpton Park. May 10. with the prohahililv that h ■ will there run his tirsi raee of 1013. HI* weight is IIP pound-, li i- al ., probable that Whisk make- hi- fit -r start of the ,-.-n in this rich race, for which his qnlte -ultieiem imiBi-l is ]-jti poumls.